9: Pool Party!

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(Stream MANIAC, Lonely St., Venom, and Freeze MV's for good health. Now back to the story.)

Hyunjin had just come home the previous night and everyone got their first night of worry-free sleep in a while.

The morning started off simple.

Seungmin work up to Jisung jumping on him and telling him that Chan and Minho made breakfast.

The two went downstairs to see the entire group at the kitchen table, waiting for them.

"Morning!", yelled Felix.

Seungmin and Jisung hugged the boy and replied good morning to him. They sat down as the group began to eat breakfast, with Changbin and Chan taking turns feeding Felix pancakes.

"So...", Minho started, gaining everyone's attention, "I thought we could have some fun and take our minds off of the events of recent days. Now 3racha told me they needed to head to the studio later this afternoon and the rest of us are practicing tonight. So I figured we could do something to relax before we go."

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he would suggest.

"How does a pool party sound?"

The room erupted with agreement as everyone thought of the idea of having a pool party. Little Felix excitedly clapped his hands, mirroring Chan.

After breakfast, Changbin went outside to make sure the pool was clean from Felix and Jeongin's puddle making a few days ago.

Meanwhile, Chan was coaching the other members on the rules of children at the pool.

"Rule #1, do not take your eyes off of Felix. Look at that cute face, make sure it does not leave your sight."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Rule #2, just because he is small, does not mean you can throw him in the water like a beach ball. I'm looking at you Jisung."

"It was one time and Jeongin didn't even care."

"Rule #3, we need a lifeguard."

They looked at one another for a second before Seungmin raised his hand.

"Yes puppy?"

"Why do we need lifeguards if we can all swim?"

"Do you remember that time we left Hyunjin and Minho unattended in the pool in the backyard and we came outside to see Hyunjin trying to drown him?"

"Oh...yeah we need a lifeguard."

Jisung raised his hand.

"I'm the best choice. I'm like a baby squirrel gliding across the water."

Felix ran over to him and poked him on the cheek.


Jisung laughed and started to tickle the younger, earning excited giggles.

After a few minutes, Changbin called them outside to get the party started.

Seungmin and Minho were first in, practically pushing each other into the water.

Changbin was chilling on the steps, watching and Hyunjin tried to piggyback ride Chan.

"You're heavy!"

"I'm not heavy, you're just weak!"

Chan purposely went backwards and dunked the boy into the water.

Jisung was standing behind Changbin, watching as Jeongin helped little Felix around the pool.

"Do you know how to swim cutie?"

"Yea! I expert."

"Oh really, then show me your moves."

Jeongin let go of the boy and watched him effortlessly paddle around him in a circle.

"Good job baby."

Jeongin turned around and was about to tell everyone how good of a swimmer Felix is, when he saw Hyunjin coming up from the water.


They locked eyes for a few seconds.

Little Felix was climbing on Jeongin's shoulder and whispered to him, "He like you."

Jeongin broke eye contact with Hyunjin and looked up at Felix, "I know."

Felix swam over to Changbin at the steps, who was happy to see his baby having fun.

This have Hyunjin room to move his way over to Jeongin.

"Hey there. You're really good with the kid."

"Yeah...", Jeongin said nervously.

"You're cute when you're nervous, then again you're always cute."

Jeongin couldn't help but blush.

On the steps, Felix was sitting in between Jisung and Changbin.

"Jinnie and Innie like e-each other."

Changbin and Jisung shared a mischievous smile, they now had a plan to execute.

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