8: Fluff n Stuff

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"Felix, what are you doing?"

"I teach Jinnie colors!"

The members had all decided to stay with Hyunjin, mostly because when the idea of going home was brought up, Felix adamantly denied wanting to.

"Dis flower is red. Here!"

The turned the page of the magazine he found in the waiting room to a picture of flowers and showed Hyunjin.

"And what color is this one baby?", Hyunjin smiled.

He had just woken up from a long sleep and was greeted with everyone in his room. He pretended he didn't see the occasional glances he got from Jeongin.

Chan moved over to him, "Are you okay? How's your head?"

"Still hurts a little.", Hyunjin said as he sat up even more, "But my little teacher here is making me forget all about it."

They laughed together as Felix continued to go through as many colors as he knew with Hyunjin.

Changbin pulled Seungmin aside while everyone was distracted by Felix's pre-k class on color.

"Hey, I need you to do something."

"What is it?", Seungmin questioned.

"So Chan and I set ourselves as Felix primary caregivers. My idea is so have a day where we split up in groups of two, except for the last group, which be three people with the baby."

"Like, splitting up care of Felix?"

"Yeah. And I need your help with my first plan of the day. Even though we've only had Felix for a day, he is already ridiculously attached to Hyunjin. He is not going to like it when we say Hyunjin needs to rest after this and they can't play."

Seungmin nodded in agreement, "I can distract him with my puppy face."

Changbin tried to stop himself from yelling the word cute out loud, because Seungmin is absolutely adorable.

The two went back into the room and saw Jisung upside down on the couch, having a conversation with Minho.

"So I proposed that we put trackers in his shoes."

"Jisung we are not putting trackers on anyone."

"It's a good idea. You all are just lame."

The boys sat down and Seungmin went up to Felix. It was beginning to be afternoon and from what he knew, all babies needed naps. So he decided to use that as his plan.

"Hi baby Felix."


"Is our baby tired? You have been up a loooong time."

"I no tired!"

Seungmin could see right through him, he knew the baby was tired, since they were and they had only been up for a few hours.

"Well how about this, if you take a nap for Minnie, when you wake up you can play with all the things we got you at home for as long as you want."

Felix pouted, not wanting to leave Hyunjin's lap, but the idea of having unlimited and uninterrupted playtime later was too good.

"Okay Minnie."

Seungmin picked him up, earning a silent clap for his negotiation skills from Chan.

He sat down on the couch next to the still upside down Jisung, and Minho.

"Now would you like a naptime story or a song?"

"Minnie sing!"

They all murmured in agreement at the idea of a little song from Seungmin. It would being up all their moods.

Seungmin held the boy close to him and began to sing.

After the song was over, the boy was fast asleep. They knew he had been tired.

Minho grabbed the boy and laid on the couch with him, making Jisung finally have to get up.

Seungmin moved to sit next to the others.

"That was beautiful Seungmin.", said Hyunjin, yawning himself.

"Thanks. I have been practicing my English, and I sometimes sing that lullaby to Jeongin when he can't sleep."

Hyunjin looked at Jeongin and smiled, jealous he gets to hear Seungmin's beautiful lullaby every time.

What he didn't expect was for Jeongin to meet his eyes, and a silent agreement was made between them.

They would have to have a talk when they got home.

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