6: Split Up

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"Should we split up?", was the first thing Chan asked when they arrived at the park.

Jeongin had ran up to the front of the park after little Felix came out of the woods running. He carried him back to the entrance hoping someone was there to help them.

The boys were all scared, but even more so when Jeongin had told them Hyunjin didn't come out of the woods with Felix.

"Why the heck was he here at 2 in the morning anyways?!", yelled Minho.

"He said Felix woke up crying and wouldn't stop unless Hyunjin took him to the park.", Jeongin began to explain, "So he brought him. I'm sure it was just supposed to be for a little while, but then something happened."

The whole time, Changbin was looking at Felix, who had tears coming down his face. Apparently Seungmin had noticed this too, because he spoke next.

"Felix...where is Jinnie?"

Little Felix looked up at him, and quietly solved though his words, "Woods...bad man."

The boys decided they should probably call the police, just in case there was real trouble. But before anyone could get their phone out, Minho ran off towards the woods.

"Where are you going?!", yelled Chan.

"You think we have time to wait for the police? I'm not leaving him out there!"

Minho continued to run off.

"Well you're not going alone!", Chan yelled after him.

He too ran off towards the woods.

The rest stood there, unsure of why to do.

Jeongin was still holding a very upset toddler.
Jisung was on the phone with the police giving them their location.
Seungmin was looking concerned towards the woods.
And Changbin was debating whether or not to chase after the two as well.

Fifteen minutes had passed before the police arrived. Jisung and Changbin spoke to them and informed them of the situation, while the rest led a team of officers towards the way of the woods.


Chan's POV

You know, I love nature and all, but this is pure crap. The trees were so high above the ground, which was littered with giant branches, and thick bushes.

Minho didn't seem to mind, as he trudged through the fallen leaves with ease.

We had been walking in the area where Jeongin said Felix came from for a while now, and nothing.

That was until Minho motioned for me to come forward and stand next to him behind a tree.

"Look Chan hyung, there's a man over there."

Sure enough, just about 30ft away from us was a man walking towards the other side of the trees. We could see that he was dragging something behind him.

"Move your face Minho, I can't see."


I stepped around the tree and quietly moved in closer, that's when I saw it.


Minho was crouched down next to me and let out a gasped before covering his mouth.
We looked at each other in shock.

"What do we do hyung? I can't fight but I can swing a few times and hope for the best."

I looked down at my phone to see a message from Jeongin telling me the police were there and they were on the way.

I turned to Minho.

"You go meet them. I got this guy."

"Are you serious? I can't let you do this alone hyung!"

"I said go. I can't risk getting anyone else hurt."

Minho reluctantly got up and stepped away.

Chan stood and stepped out into the pathway.

"Hey you!"

The man turned around.

"Who the hell are you?"

"That's none of your concern. Now put my friend down, or else we're gonna have an altercation of our own."

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