2: We're Keeping Him

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Seungmin was at a loss for words.

There was currently a three-year-old boy on the couch with a backpack, holding a rabbit stuffie who he keeps calling "tomato", and who handed him a letter that says his parent had to leave him.

Just wait until the others found out.

"Hey puppy, I found Hyunjin's d-...who is that?", asked Minho as he came down the steps.

"According to this letter, his name is Felix. He's three, and his parent had to give him up for some reason."

Minho looked at the letter.

"Oh poor kid..."

Jeongin heard conversation and decided to slide down the stairs rails and see what was happening.

"Aww, who's the baby? He's adorable!"

He sat next to Felix, who looked at him with bright eyes.

"I'm Jeongin, the puppy faced one is Seungmin. And the perpetually confused looking one is Minho."

Minho scoffed at Jeongin's description of him.

"Hewo, I Felix."

Jeongin cooed at the small boys cuteness.

"Oh can we keep him hyungs? Pleeèeeeeeeeèeease?"

"We need to talk with the whole group and discuss this situation first. Let's wait until the dumpling crew get back."


Jisung was prepared to face Changbin's wrath when he saw the dent in his car door.

I mean, when you accidentally sideswipe a street cart, there will be consequences.

When the trio arrived home, Hyunjin walked into the house first, pork dumpling in hand.

"Hello everyone. We have returned. *looks down* Why is there a child."

Minho waited for everyone to come in before having them all sit down so he and Seungmin could explain.

"You see guys, I was down here, minding my business, when all of a sudden I hear a knock. I was scared out of my mind."

"Stop exaggerating Seungmin."

"Okay, so I was watching Rick and Morty when this little guy knocked on the door. He looked up at me like a lost kitten and gave me this letter."

He raised the letter in the air before passing it to Minho.

"It basically says his parents had to leave him. I guess the poor kid wandered all the way to us."

Chan couldn't help but smile at the boy, he was making his stuffed rabbit dance about on the floor while smiling.

"I believe we should take some time to think about this," Changbin suggested, "let's keep him with us until we decide what is best."

As soon as he finished his sentence, little Felix came up to him.


"Pretty?", said Changbin, confused.

"You...pretty. Like mama."

Changbin smiled at the boy, "I love this kid."

Jisung and Hyunjin passed the dumplings around the room as everyone got to know a little more about the boy.

"So," asked Hyunjin, "where are  you from kid? Your Korean speaking accent is different."

Felix opened his backpack and pulled out an old airline ticket.

Chan took a look at it before smiling.

"I can't believe it..."

Everyone looked at Chan.

He stood up and yelled out in English, "ANOTHER AUSSIE IN THE HOUSEEEEEEE!"

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