20: All In The Family (End)

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(Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story! I love and appreciate all of you. Enjoy this final chapter and have an amazing day!)

Chan's POV

I woke up early. Like, super early. The anxiety that accompanied the following day was so much that I couldn't sleep.

Today I was going to officially become a father, and with my boyfriend at that.

I went downstairs to see Jisung at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"You couldn't sleep either?"

"Nope.", Jisung replied as he took a sip.

"The appointment isn't for another few hours. How about I make us some breakfast huh?"

"That'd be nice."

I went to the stove and started to assemble our breakfast. I took out a pan and a bowl. I began to mix the ingredients for pancakes.

When I put the first one in the pan, I took out another pan for bacon.

I felt Jisung watching me and I turned around to wink at him, he shyly turned around.

About 20 minutes went by before I was done cooking. I made some eggs as well and placed our plates on the table.

I sat next to Jisung and began to eat. He kept looking at me as he was eating, and twirling his fork around in his mouth.

"Am I allowed to ask why you're staring at me?"

"I can't stare? You're so cute it's hard not to."

"You have been super flirty recently."

"Of course. I was holding back my flirty energy with Changbin as to not make you too jealous. So now I take it out on you."

I smiled as we continued to eat.

Pretty soon we finished our breakfast. About and hour and a half had passed, so we decided to go get dressed before waking up Felix.

After I got dressed, I quietly snuck into my room so I wouldn't wake Hyunjin, and picked up Felix.

"Good morning, sunshine."

He opened his beautiful brown eyes and gave me a tiny laugh as I placed him on the ground.

I grabbed one of his outfits and we left the room.


Jisung's POV

I was still getting ready even after I heard Chan and Felix in the hall.

I had to make sure I looked good to impress the people at the signing.

As I exited the bathroom, I was met with a sleepy Minho, who smiled at me.

"Good morning Jisung."

"Morning hyung. You look tired."

"I am still. But I got up to hand you this."

I looked down to see a stuffed animal in his hands.

"I got it from Jeongin a while back. It's his lucky stuffie. I think you need it more than me right now."

"Thank you."

I watched him sleepily walk back to his room and close the door.

I went downstairs to make Felix's breakfast. Soon I was joined by Chan and Felix, who was wearing a little romper.

I sat next to him and fed Felix. I noticed Chan taking pictures casually as I did so.

After Felix ate, we got in the car.

It took less than 20 minutes for us to arrive at the City Hall, where our appointment was.


Omniscient POV

The three walked inside of City Hall and waited for their named to be called for the appointment.

Jisung was tapping his leg on the ground as he held hands with Chan. Felix was sitting in between them as he had his little hands on theirs.

Pretty soon their names were called.

"Han Jisung and Christopher Bang?"

The group stood up and went into the office behind the lady.

They sat in two chairs in front of her desk, Felix on Chan's lap.

"Good morning you three. Let's get straight to it. Mr. Han and Mr. Bang, you are requesting adoption for Lee Yongbok who you call Felix?"

"Yes ma'am.", they responded.

"Okay then. Our agent evaluated you both previously and has deemed you fit to parent. The adoption process takes quite a while, but once you sign these papers, you can call yourselves dads!"

They smiled as Jisung grabbed Chan's hand.

The woman took out some papers and placed them in front of the boys.

"Just sign both of your names on these pages, have Felix put his fingerprint and yourselves."

They did as she asked and signed the papers.

They let out a sigh of relief as they handed them back and sat up in the chairs.

"Congratulations Mr. Han and Mr. Bang, you are now the legally official parents of Lee Yongbok!"

Jisung and Chan cheered as they hugged Felix closely, as they hugged their baby, closely.

They didn't hesitate to give each other a kiss either, earning a shocked gasp from the woman at the desk, who blushed.

Soon after, they told the members how it went, and went on their way back home.

They smiled the whole way there. They even shed a few tears in excitement.

Chan looked to Jisung and took it all in. This was his family, this was his dream. His boyfriend, and their baby.

(Thank you so much everyone for reading! I hope enjoyed this story and stay tuned for more!

We're almost to 200 reads, and I believe this is my fastest story to reach this point.

See you guys in the next one! Love ya, and have a good day!

~Alex, author.)

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