10: Baby Matchmaker

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The plan was simple.

Changbin and Jisung would use Felix as a way to get Hyunjin and Jeongin together.

But they needed help.

"You want me to do...what exactly?"

Felix climbed on the sofa next to Chan, who was being roped into this situation.

"Pretend to have a conversation with Felix about Jeongin. Maybe say he asked for help with something. But do it while Hyunjin is in the room.", Changbin explained.

"That way, if the plan goes right, we have the first intergroup couple in JYP! And they're fruits.", Jisung continued.

"You're a fruit too. My little pound cake."

Chan pretended not to hear the flirting and replied, "Ok ok. I got it. Felix, are you ready?"

The little boy hopped up and down on the couch excitedly, letting the three men know he was ready.


"Channie, can I help Innie?"

"With what?"

The two began a casual conversation as Hyunjin came down the steps from an afternoon nap.

"Dance! Innie says he going to dance. I wan help."

"Oh but baby, you're too little to help Innie dance."

Felix put on a fake sad face, earning a side glance from Hyunjin.

"What's this about Jeongin needing help with a dance?", the boy wearing a grey hoodie replied.

Chan winked at Felix slightly before turning to Hyunjin.

"I guess Innie said something about going to practice before we joined him later. But I have to go to the studio...and Felix is too little-"

"I can help him! I mean...if he really needs help."

Chan tried to hide his smile.

"He's already there. Can you take Felix too. Maybe he can watch and grow up to be an amazing dancer."

Hyunjin picked up the happy little sunshine and waved goodbye to Chan before taking the walk to the studio.

The newly built studio was just a block behind their home. It wasn't long before the two arrived, causing a startled Jeongin to trip mid dance.

Hyunjin put Felix down and ran to the boy.

"Jeongin, are you okay? Did I scare you?"

The maknae looked up, smiling.

"Just a little. The sudden noise made me trip."

Hyunjin helped him up as Felix climbed into a chair in the corner.

"Which one are you practicing? I'm here to help!"

"Well, I was doing Maniac."

"Oh okay. I need to practice that too."

Jeongin went to restart the song, taking a moment to wave at Felix, who was kicking his feet off the chair.

The two started the choreography and Felix watched in amazement as they moved in sync.

Maybe he could do that one day.

"Good job Hyunnie and Innie! You super dancers!"

The two smiled at each other. Jeongin slightly blushing at the way Hyunjin looked at him.

After one more round of practicing the chores from the new album, the door opened again, and Seungmin came in.

"Hey guys! I finished recording. Came to practice too. Hi Felix."

"Hewwo Minnie! Hyunnie and Innie are dancers. They like each other.", the little one whispered.

Seungmin couldn't help but laugh at how cute Felix was before joining the two dancing.

It wasn't long before the rest of the boys joined in, Felix watching silently from a chair. He took note of everytime his Innie hyung shyly looked away from his Hyunnie hyung.

(Thank you to all my readers! We reached over 100 reads! You guys are amazing and I'm glad you like what you are reading. Feel free to request stories if you wish.)

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