17: The Prison (pt.2)

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(This will probably be a long chapter as well. So grab your cheese cubes and strap in.)

They were sitting in the waiting room for about five minutes now. Felix was telling Jisung about the spider he saw yesterday, and the others were nervously staring in the direction the man was coming from.

The man they now knew was Hwang Hyun-Woo.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence Hyunjin, I mean, there are like a  few million people with my last name all over the world."

"I know that Minho hyung but I know that name. I can swear I've heard it before."

As if on cue, Hyunwoo himself walked through the door, security behind him.

"You guys wanted to talk to me?"

Chan spoke first.

"Yes. We know you wanted Felix and tried to get him from his parents. Which means you know them."

"Yes. I do."

Minho spoke next.

"We need to contact them. My friends want to adopt Felix, and they can't because he wasn't surrendered."

"And why should I help you?"

"Because you're sitting in a prison cell, possibly facing a very long sentence and have nothing nothing better to do?"

"Good point. But still, I don't owe any of you any information.",

Hyunjin stood up, bringing everyone's attention to him.

"You. I know who you are."

"You do?"

"Hwang Hyun-Woo, I've been racking my brain for the past fifteen minutes trying to figure out how I knew your name...but now I realize."

The man looked at Hyunjin, eyebrow raised.

"You're the reason the bullying accusations started. You bullied me in school. You accused me of 'stealing your last name' to make myself popular. But when I became part of SKZ, you got jealous. It is you."

Hyunwoo smiled.

"You're exactly the same Hyunjin. That's why I didn't hesitate to do what I did to you."

"How do you know Felix's family Hyunwoo? You're my age, what are you doing with them?"

Hyunwoo stood up.

"Ask the Lee Family. I'll give you their information and the guards will hand it to you."

He looked at Hyunjin.

"I feel bad for you. You're still trying to be better than me. You never will be."

"That's where you're wrong. I always was."


The guards met the boys at the entrance and handed them an envelope.

Jeongin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, who was still angry. They now knew why the man acted that way towards them.

Felix ran up to Hyunjin.

"Jinnie, huggies?"

Hyunjin picked him up and hugged him close as they got to the car. He sat in between Felix and Jeongin this time, moving himself from the car with Seungmin, Changbin, and Minho.

The drive home was filled with conversation in both cars. They were talking about Hyunwoo and his relation to Hyunjin. But mostly how they now had to call Felix's parents.

"I mean, I can use my adorable face on a video call and ask them? Right?", wondered Jeongin.

Hyunjin agreed, "They'll definietely fall for it."

"100% no.", said Jisung.

Chan was excited. They were one step closer to a completed family.

Jisung noticed his smile and poked him on the cheek.

"Someone's happy."

"Of course! I confessed to my crush and he said yes, and we got the info that could possibly lead to me legally being a father. Today is a good day."

In the backseat, Hyunjin was taking selfies with baby Felix.

"You look adorable baby!"

"Tank you!"

Jeongin smiled, and Hyunjin took a selfie with him too, posting it to the groups Instagram.


When they got home, the group headed for their schedules.

Jisung went with everyone to the practice studio, leaving Chan alone in the recording studio. He insisted he would join them later.

Felix was with Chan. He was watching as he wrote down words in his notepad, taking every few seconds to recite them outlook.

"Channie, what you doing?"

"Writing lyrics baby. And by the way, if everything goes well, I don't want you to feel like you have to call me dad."

"Papa Channie!"

Chan smiled and picked up the boy off of the floor.

"You have made every day so much easier you know?"


"Because, you're sweet, adorable, and you make me happy."

"Like Sungie?"

"Yeah...," Chan laughed, "like Sungie."

A few hours passed before Chan joined the others in the studio, Felix sitting in his designated chair in the corner.

He was happy. He found a family that actually cared for him.

And he loved all seven of them.

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