15: Who's The One?

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Changbin came home and gathered everyone in the living room to tell them what happened.

They all listened as he explained that JYP had given him an ultimatum.

"So...one of us has to adopt him...or he has to go?", asked Jeongin.

"That's basically what he said."

Felix hugged Chan tightly from the couch.

Jisung spoke up next.

"Well we can't let him go. We're way too attached to him and he's too attached to us. The poor kid has already been abandoned once. We cannot let him go again."

Everyone looked around the room in silence. Felix looked up at Jeongin with sad eyes, making the older sigh.

"Well if we don't want him to leave, one of us has to adopt him. But that means one thing."

They all looked at him.

"Felix wasn't given up for custody. So if we want to adopt him-"

Seungmin continued, "We have to get permission from his parents..."

"How do we find his parents?", asked Minho.

Chan stood up, "You guys are gonna hate this. But there is one person we know who knows Felix's parents."

Hyunjin gulped slightly, knowing exactly who Chan was talking about.

"Hyunjin, you can stay here if you want while we go talk to him."

"No. If this is about Felix I want to be there for every moment."

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow we will go to the prison to speak with that man. Hopefully we can tell us something."

The boys all got up and left to go back on their schedules. Chan took Felix with him to the studio along with Jisung.

Seungmin stayed behind for a quick conversation with Changbin.

"Hey...umm, the guy who gave you this note. What did he look like?"

"Well he was skinny, tall, he had black hair, beautiful eyes, and he was wearing a cute hoodie with a dolphin on it."

Seungmin looked down at the note, reading over it once more.

"Is everything okay Seungmin?"

"That guy...I knew him in school. We're the same age."

"Oh cool! Old friends meet again huh?"

He playfully tapped Seungmin on the shoulder. But the younger didn't smile, he looked upset.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No. It's just...we were friends. Until that day. But that's for another time. I'm gonna head to the store before going back to the studio."

Seungmin hurriedly left the house, putting the letter in his pocket.

Changbin shrugged it off and went to meet the other two members of 3racha at the recording studio.


Felix was invested in the videos of chickens Changbin was showing him on his phone.

Chan was writing down lyrics, going over them in his head to make sure they worked.

When Jisung suddenly let out a loud gasp, they all turned to him.

"You okay there?", asked Chan.

"I just thought of something."

"What is it?"

"So, if we get permission from Felix's parents...one of us has to sign adoption papers right?"

"Yes.", the others agreed.

"So...which one of us will that be? We all love Felix."

Chan and Changbin turned to each other.

"I have an idea.", said Chan.

The other two looked at him.

"We need a couple. Now I know single adoption exists, but...wouldn't it be fun to have two legal guardians of Felix?"

They both agreed.

"But what couple will that be?", asked Changbin, "Hyunjin and Jeongin, with all due respect, can barely supervise themselves."

Chan smiled to himself, "I know someone."

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