13: Late Studio Nights

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Two days after children's day and life was getting hectic.

Their schedule was in full force and they barely spent any time at home.

Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, and Minho were in the practice studio, while 3racha and Felix were in the recording studio.

"It's getting late, should we take Felix to bed?"

Chan shook his head at Jisung's question.

"Let him sleep on that little couch. We'll be quiet enough."

Jisung put the sleeping boy on the couch and sat back with the two.

Changbin flipped through his notebook.

"What is with them wanting us to start another comeback so fast? Oddinary was less than a month ago."

"No idea.", Jisung sighed.

"You guys have any concept ideas?"

As they began discussing, they didn't hear the commotion on the other side of the door.

In the practice studio, Seungmin tripped over Minho's legs during a part.

"Sorry hyung.", Seungmin said, shyly.

"Oh come on guys! We've been here for hours! How many more mistakes can you make?"

They all looked at Minho with shock. He was already frustrated, but he never yelled at them like that.

They continued to practice.

Before they knew it. It was pushing 2 a.m., and Seungmin was the only one left in the practice studio.

The others had went home, and 3racha were still in the studio.

He kept thinking about what Minho said. He couldn't keep making mistakes.

He restarted the song for what felt like the 200th time.


In the recording studio, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung heard loud music restarting.

"Is someone still there?"

Chan looked towards the door.

"Sounds like it. You two can go home. Make sure they actually put Felix in bed and he's not on the kitchen counter or something."

Jisung and Changbin waved goodbye to Chan before leaving out of the door opposite to the one leading to the practice room.

Chan kept searching on the computer for concept pitch ideas and thinking and writing down his own.

When he once again heard their song restart, he stood up and went to the door.

When he opened it, he saw Seungmin moving beautifully to the lyrics. He couldn't help but stare at the younger, watching as he stopped mid-dance.

"Hey Minnie."

Seungmin stopped and looked at Chan.

"Am I too loud? I'm sorry. I just need to get this choreography right."

"You were perfect."

"I am far from perfect, with all due respect."

Chan saw a familiar look in his eyes, something he saw in himself before.

"Come here Seungmin."

Seungmin carefully walked to Chan, scared that he would get yelled at again.

Instead, he was greeted with a hug.

"If you insist on staying here. Come into the studio with me. You've been practicing for way too long."

The younger smiled, and held Chan's hand as he led them to the studio.

Chan's phone buzzed with a message from Jisung. It was a photo of Felix, fast asleep on Hyunjin's legs, with Hyunjin across the couch.

"Is this better than the kitchen counter?", read the message after.

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