5: Who Are You?

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The next morning was beginning to seem like a disaster.

When Chan woke up to angry yelling and an empty room, he immediately went downstairs to see the commotion.

"It's your fault! You should have kept an eye on them!"

"How is it my fault?! You were up late last night, you had to have seen them!"

Jisung and Changbin were invested in an argument in which Jisung was being blamed for not watching the door since Hyunjin, Jeongin, and the baby seem to have disappeared in the night.

"What is going on here?", asked Chan.

Changbin turned to him.

"We woke up this morning and the door was wide open. I went to all the doors and opened them to make sure everyone was here. But when I opened the door to your bedroom, I saw Hyunjin and Felix were not there. Then I saw Jeongin's door was open, and he was gone too."

The room went silent for a few seconds. It wasn't until Seungmin came running downstairs at full speed that the silence broke.

"Guys! I got a message from Jeongin!"

Everyone gathered around Seungmin's phone to see the message.

Message from BabyInnie:

Hey, can you meet me at the park down the street from that bakery Minho always goes to? 2:17 a.m.

Hurry please! I can't find them! 3:29 a.m.

They all ran to the cars as fast as they could. This message came in approximately six hours ago, no telling where they could be now.


Hyunjin had no idea what the next step was. Felix had led him all the way to the center of this park, near a fountain.

He was woken up at almost 1 a.m. by crying sounds. Felix was extremely upset for some reason.

He told Hyunjin he wanted to see his mommy. So he basically demanded that Hyunjin take him to the park where his parents had left him.

Hyunjin couldn't stand to see Felix so upset, so he went. He texted Jeongin to let him know where they were, just in case anyone was up and asked.

But a few hours ago, the whole situation went south.

"Felix, who is that guy?"

Little Felix was clinging onto Hyunjin's leg as a man passed by them while they were hiding behind a tree.

"Dada's friend..."

This man spotted Felix at the park and started walking towards them, causing Felix to run and Hyunjin to chase him.

They ended up getting lost in the tree filled area of the park. Hyunjin tried to text Jeongin about their location but after a few messages, his phone died.

As soon as the man was out of earshot, Felix and Hyunjin ran.

The man heard distant crunching behind him and turned around to see the boys running. He took off after them.

They ran as fast as possible, Hyunjin carrying Felix. The man was slowly catching up to them.

Hyunjin tripped on a large stick, causing him to drop Felix. He looked up and told Felix to keep running as he saw the man getting closer.

Before Hyunjin could get up fully, the man grabbed his arm.

"You, what were you doing with him?"

"Please sir...I brought him to the park because he wanted to come here."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Hwang Hyunjin sir...I'm part of a group called Stray Kids and we are taking care of Felix."

The man looked Hyunjin in the eyes, anger prevalent on his face.

"You took my chances kid. I was supposed get him."

"Please sir...don't hurt me..."


As Jeongin sat on the fountain, desperate for even a sign of Hyunjin and Felix, he heard a scream echo from the other side of the trees.

It sent a chill down his spine. And even worse...it sounded familiar.

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