14: A Problem Arises

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After the late night at the studio, the boys were tired, yet, they had another full day ahead of them.

Felix was with Changbin today, who was exclusively spending time in the recording studio with Chan.

"Binnie! Binnie! Binnie!"

"Yes my little sunshine?"

"I wan write too!"

He handed the boy a piece of paper and let him sit on the floor and write.

He then moved his chair next to Chan, who was sighing loudly at the computer.

"What's up with you?"

"You know, I was thinking about something."


"How do you feel about Felix joining the company?"

"Excuse me? And I mean that as respectfully as possible, maybe."

Chan closed the computer window and turned his seat to face the younger.

"Think about this. Felix is one of us now, even if he is three. If he's a part of the company, we won't have to worry about him being put with a stranger when we go someplace he can't go. He'll be here, at JYP."

Changbin looked at the boy who was contemplating how to put together his drawing on the floor.

"Maybe we can talk to JYP about this. I have an hour break. I can go there and ask him."

"Thank you man. I'm sure he'll say yes. He hates to be mean to kids."

"Are we talking about the same JYP who eliminated Minho during trainee days and caused him to almost not be in our group?"

"Ok so I lied. Just trying to build confidence."


Changbin, with Felix in a makeshift carseat in the back, we're arriving at the JYP headquarters.

He got the boy out of the carseat and asked the driver to wait, because they shouldn't be long.

They took the elevator up to the floor of JYP's office.

Upon exiting the elevator, they were met with a face they had never seen before.

"Oh, hello. You're Changbin right?"

The boy smiled, hands together nervously.

"Yes, I am. Are you a trainee?"


The boy looked around the hall.

"Hey, umm, can you give this letter to Seungmin? He'll know who it's from."

Changbin took the letter and looked at it quizzically as the boy left down the elevator.

They walked into JYP's office and heard his song "Still Alive" playing from a speaker.

"Oh! Changbin, and little Felix. What a nice surprise. I was looking for an SKZ member to pop up."

"You were looking for us?"


JYP got up and grabbed a file from the cabinet behind him.

"It's about Felix."

"That's actually why I'm here sir."

"I know. There is a problem we need to fix. Or rather, you need to fix."

"What is it?"

"Felix is a child, a very young child. A soon to be school aged child. So what is going to happen when you go on tour? Huh? Where will Felix come home to while you all are away?"

"I came here to ask you about that. Chan and I felt that Felix could join the company-"



"No. This boy landed on Stray Kids' doorstep. Not mine. He will not be my responsibility."

Changbin was taken aback by the stern statement.

"So what will we do sir? Where will he go? No one else will have time."

"Which brings my next proposal. As I see it, you have two options. Either Felix goes to an orphanage where someone can properly take care of him, or one of you assumes legal guardianship so Felix can travel with the group."

Legal guardianship? Changbin never thought about that. He looked at Felix, who was quite unsure about what was going on, and he was tugging on Changbin's shirt.

The two left the office a few minutes later. As they were heading downstairs, Changbin thought to himself,

"What if one of us did adopt him?"

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