3: Backyard Fun

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Everyone was trying to figure out how they would even handle having a little kid around the house.

While the older members were calling people and asking for advice, Jeongin decided to have fun in the backyard.

"Okay Felix, what games do you like to play?"

"I like splash!"

"Like splashing in puddles?"


"Me too! Let's make some puddles!"

Jeongin took Felix to where the water hose was and they unraveled it. They were both unaware that Seungmin had came out of the backdoor and was watching them from the porch.

Jeongin asked Felix to hold the hose while he turned it on. The hole that Bangchan had dug the previous day to plant flowers (that he forgot to buy), was beginning to be filled with water.

"It heavy!", said Felix, as he struggled to hold the hose.

"Let me hold it. You start mixing the dirt and making the mud puddle!"

For the next ten minutes, Seungmin watched as Felix and Jeongin created a giant mud puddle big enough for six three-year-olds.

"Splash! Splash! 'ere Jeongie!"

Jeongin jumped in the puddle as well, splashing both of them with mud.

Seungmin opened the door to the house and proceeded to call Minho outside, who was currently on the phone with Momo from Twice, asking her if she knew anything about children.

"Oh what are they doing...", he said as Felix rolled around in the mud, getting all dirty.

He was smiling though, as he saw little Felix was very comfortable around Jeongin.
Seungmin decided to stop spectating and actually join in. He ran to the puddle and hopped in, tackling Jeongin in the process.


Inside the house, Chan was in a discussion with Changbin about the best move with little Felix.

"Think about this Chan, do we have time to take care of a little kid? We have a lot of  responsibilities, and a whole toddler would add a lot more."

"I know, but I can't just send him to foster care, how would that look to him?"

"We need to take the proper consideration for this. I know you always wanted a kid..."

Chan looks up at him with a note of sadness in his eyes.

"But be honest with yourself. Do you, as our leader, believe that we can take care of a child?"

Chan turned to see out of the back door. He saw the smiles on the faces of Felix, Jeongin, and Seungmin. How they seemed so happy out there together. He saw Minho watching them like a concerned mother while taking photos.

He turned back to Changbin.

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Then that's that. I'll talk to the manager, I'm sure he won't mind."

When Changbin walked away, Chan excitedly ran outside, dragging Hyunjin and Jisung behind him, who were listening to the conversation.

"Everyone listen up!"

All the members faced Chan, including little Felix, who had a face full of mud.

"We need to go shopping."

"Why?", asked Felix, as he wiped mud on his overalls.

"Because...*smiles* we have a new baby in the family."

"You're pregnant?", asked Jeongin.

"No...I'm talking about Felix. We're keeping him."

Everyone cheered and hugged as they were happy to have some good news.

Little Felix ran up to Chan and wrapped his arms around him. He looked up at him, his eyes shining bright against the sun of the afternoon sky.

"Thank you.", he whispered to him in English.

"You're welcome little one."

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