18: The Parents

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(Hello! This is probably one of the last chapters. There will most likely be two more after this. Thank you for reading!)

The next morning, the boys woke up to Chan pacing around in the living room.

"What's wrong Channie?", asked Jisung.

"We're talking to Felix's parents today. What if they don't agree? What if they try to take him back?"

"It will be okay. I'm sure they will listen to us."

Chan and Jisung sat down next to Felix to eat breakfast as the rest of the members fixed their food.

After an hour, everyone had gathered in the living room. Seungmin was messaging someone on his phone, which Minho noticed because he was snooping.

He decided not to intervene and sat next to him as Chan set up the phone.

"Are you guys ready?"

They all nodded. This was the moment of truth, the moment they would find out if Chan and Jisung were going to officially be dads.

Chan typed the numbers in on the phone and they waited as it rang.

A few seconds went by before the phone was picked up, and a woman's voice responded.


Chan nervously spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Christopher. I just wanted to let you know that myself and my group have Felix with us."


The woman sounded sad. Felix was on Jisung's lap, and sat up when he heard his mom's voice.


"Hi sweetie. Momma is so sorry for what happened. I never wished for any harm to be brought to you. It was my mistake to trust your father."

"It okay mommy. My new friends saved me! And Jinnie stopped the bad man. He so cool!"

Hyunjin smiled at Felix's words.

"Ms. Lee, if I could ask-", started Chan.


"Felix has made our lives so much better than they already were. His presence brightens up our days and makes us feel whole. He has also given me the opportunity to feel like a father."

"I see...I think I know where this is going."

"We would like to ask for yours and your husband's permission to release the custody you have of Felix, so that my boyfriend and I can adopt him and he could always be one of us."

The phone went silent for a few seconds, making everyone nervous.

"Felix sweetie."

"Yes mommy?"

"Are you happy?"

"Yes! I love them!"

They all smiled.

"Well then that's all I need to hear. I will talk to your father and get him to sign off on it. Thank you boys for taking care of Felix, and promise me you will never let our little boy go like I did."

"Thank you so much Ms.Lee, we will always love and care for Felix."

The phone call ended and there was a moment of silence.

Jisung suddenly jumped up.


The room erupted in applause and congratulations. Felix hugged all of the members, his new family.

Jisung snuck a kiss to Chan, earning uniform "Oooo" sounds from the others.

Chan and Jisung held Felix in between them as Minho took a photo to post to the groups Instagram.

They were all so happy. Excitement ran through the dorms all day.

The Parents and The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now