12: Children's Day

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(Excuse the Squidward meme. I didn't know what to put up there.)

The next few days went by really quickly. A few performances and practices later and Felix was beginning to imitate their moves in a toddler-type way.

It had been a little over two weeks since Felix had graced their doorstep with his presence, and they were loving every moment.

Today was a special day however. It was Children's day. This meant that the older members would take their "kids" out for the entire day.

Since the boys' schedule was clear until the late afternoon, Chan and Minho decided to take this Children's Day to the record books.

"Alright everyone, do me a quick favor and SHUT IT!", yelled Minho.

The whole room got quiet.

"Thank you...Minho."

Minho smiled as if nothing happened.

"Alright. Today is kids day. So Minho and I are going to take the babies out for the day."

Jeongin excitedly jumped up from the couch, "Can we get ice cream?!"

"Whatever you guys want Innie. And if we have time, we can even go to the toy store for Felix!"

Seungmin and Jeongin basically raced to the door. Chan picked up Felix and met them.

Jeongin turned around and saw Hyunjin looking at him with a pout. He walked back to the couch and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving with the others.

"Eww.", said Jisung.

"Wait until I tell them about you and C-"

Jisung placed a hand over his mouth.

"Don't you dare."


The first stop was a street market not far from their house.

Jeongin was looking at fruits and Seungmin was looking at novelty statues an elderly lady had.

Minho found himself invested in a series of cat-based bags.

Chan and Felix on the other hand, found the good stuff.

"Excuse me ma'am, how much is this?"

"Plain chicken is $5 for a bag. Chicken with sauce is $7 for a bag.", the lady replied.

"Hmm, sauce or no sauce baby?"

"Sauce! I wan sauce!"

"Okay. One regular sauce chicken please."

The lady prepared the bag. Felix couldn't help but reach out and grab the bag of chicken when the lady was done.

Chan walked back to the others.

Minho came up to him holding two bags with embroidered cats on the front.

"This one looks like Soongi. And this one looks like Dori. They didn't have one that looked like Doongi. I was sad."

Chan laughed and met the maknaes at a booth selling smoothies.

Jeongin was heavily invested in a banana smoothie and Seungmin offered to share his strawberry smoothie with Felix.

The baby happily accepted, switching from being carried by Chan to Seungmin.

When they got back to the car, they decided to head to the mall and spend the rest of the day there.

As soon as they got into the mall, the maknaes ran off. Seungmin handing Felix to Jeongin as he ran to a store selling hats.

Chan and Minho watched them scrambling.

"Hey Chan hyung, I know we haven't really discussed this, but, how do you think Felix ended up at our house?"

"What do you mean?"

"There were at least 50 something houses in between us and that park. How did he end up on out doorstep."

"I've thought about that too. Maybe it's fate. Something brought him to us. I mean, you see how much the aura around the house has picked up since he arrived."

"That is true. We have been less but yet more stressed."

"Exactly. Less stress about work because we have someone to take all our minds off of it. But more stressed because of a new responsibility."

The two walked into a clothing shop together.

"To be honest Minho, I love this. The feeling of being a parent. But...I'm also scared."


"When you care for someone, you want to give them your attention. I'm afraid that when I get into a relationship, I'll have less time for Felix."

Minho sighed as he looked at a shirt.

"Think about it this way. You really care for this baby. If the person you date makes you feel like you can't care for him, they're not the right one."

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