11: Double Chan Class

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The next week went by incredibly quick. Before the boys knew it, Felix had been with them for a week and a half.

Performances weren't as big of an issue as they thought. Felix would just sit back stage with their security guard and watch them perform.

Today was a day off.

Chan and Changbin, having labeled themselves as the primary caregivers, decided to spend the day teaching Felix some valuable lessons.

"How old is he again?", asked Changbin.

"The letter said three."

"Okay. So he should be at the schooling age. Maybe we can teach him some stuff here and there and put him in school next year."

Chan thought of the idea of school clothes shopping with the members.

"Sounds good."

The two boys went upstairs to get Felix, who was being taught how to play video games by the maknae line.

They took him to Chan and Hyunjin's shared room, where Hyunjin was putting a watch on and fixing his hair.

"Someone looks good.", said Chan.

"I always look good. But thank you."

Chan sat down and took a notebook from his dresser. Changbin walked to the mirror and stood next to Hyunjin.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yeah. Jeongin and I are going on our first date."

Everyone in the room gasped.

"I know. I was shocked too when he said yes. *looks at watch* Alright, gotta pry him from his video games. See you guys later!"

He walked out of the door, leaving the three alone.

Chan was asking Felix some questions about what he knows.

"So you are fluent in Korean right?"

"Mmhmm, Momma taught me. But, she say I still need learn."

Changbin sat next to them.

"We can help you learn more, and also help you with English, since I'm an expert."

Chan sideyed Changbin.


"Anyways, first thing we want to go over is writing. We want you to know a little before we decide to place you in school next year."

Felix nodded, his lips poking out in confusion as he looked at what Chan was writing on the notepad.


The lesson went on for about an hour. Felix knew some stuff related to writing, and would excitedly clap when either of his hyungs congratulated him on reading a hangul symbol.

Chan thought he got the hang of parenting really easy. At least, so far he did.

That night, 3racha went on vlive to do a stream, and officially introduced Felix to stays after the events the week prior.

"Hewwo stays! I Felix!"

They saw hearts in the chat and little cute messages saying Felix was adorable.

Chan saw a message that read, "Chan finally became the dad he always wanted to be."

He smiled at the boy pressing the heart on screen.

About one and a half hours into the stream, Changbin got a call. He stepped out of the stream to answer.


"Hey Changbin hyung, so you know  how I'm on a date with Hyunjin right?"


"Well what if I told you, and hear me out now-"

"Jeongin get to it please, are you guys in trouble?"

"No! Of course not. We're at a restaurant. He brought me to some fancy place. I feel like a rich man."

"You are."

"That's besides the point. Hyung, I think I'm in love."

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