7: I Love You

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Chan was not in the least bit confident in his skills. He just wanted to look as intimidating as possible.

The man dropped Hyunjin's arm and made his way towards Chan.

"Come and take him from me."

"Look sir. We have no idea why you are doing this...please tell me so we can resolve this in a kind manner and no one else can get hurt."

Chan kept looking behind the man to see if Hyunjin would move, as he was laying on the ground.

"You all have Felix. I want him back."

"Are you his father?"

"No, I'm a friend of his father. He convinced his wife that their situation was bad enough that they needed to get rid of the boy and their other children. I don't care much for the girls, so they went to the system back home."

"So why do you want Felix?"

The man put on a sly smile.

"A trade off. You give me the boy, I give you your friend."

The man motioned to Hyunjin, who was slightly stirring around on the ground.

Chan heard noise behind him, he turned to see police officers approaching with the rest of the boys behind them.

The man stood still.

An officer noved forward, weapon in hand.

"Sir, move away from them!"

Jisung motioned for Chan to move closer to them.
He backed up and started to move closer to the boys.

The man sighed.

"Look, all I want is the boy."

"Tough shit if you think we're handing this precious angel to you!", yelled Jeongin, shocking everyone.

The officers moved in closer, telling the boys to stay back.

"Put your hands up! Now!"

The man, feeling as if he were surrounded, put up his hands. The two officers closest moved in and put on handcuffs.

Minho immediately ran up to Hyunjin, followed by the rest of the boys, as the man was led away.

"I'll be back for you...", he said as he made direct eye contact with Felix, who was still in Jeongin's arms.


Changbin's POV

We all made our way towards Hyunjin.

He was slightly starting to open his eyes when Minho stooped down next to him.

"Are you okay Jinnie? Can you see me?"

Hyunjin made a weak smile as he squinted slightly, "You're pretty."

I snickered a bit, gaining a sideways look from Minho.

"Can you stand?", I asked.

He tried to sit up and found himself leaning against Seungmin, who was right next to him.

"Where is that ambulance?", asked Jeongin.

Hyunjin completely opened his eyes at the sound of their maknaes voice.

"You...I love you."

Of course Jeongin had heard him say this before, but this time, it felt different.

Felix got down from Jeongin.

"Jinnie, I sorry."

He grabbed the boys hand.

"I sorry..."

A few minutes went by before the medics came in. They took Hyunjin with them and had to settle a debate between Jisung and Seungmin as to who could ride in the ambulance.

Seungmin won.


Sitting in the waiting room was pure torture. The toddler who was now sitting in Chan's lap, was clearly still upset.

Changbin and Mingo scrolled through their groups social media's to see that the news of what happened was making its way across the internet. Also, stays we're finding out about Felix.

The boy was making little twists in Chan's hair while halfway across his shoulder when Chan spoke.

"Hey Felix, who was that man?"

Felix sat down.

"Daddy friend. Bad man. Bad. He hurt Jinnie."

"He said you had sisters?"

"Mmm." Felix held up two fingers.

"Oh. Well don't worry. You're safe with us, and we promise to never let that evil man get to you or anyone else again."

Felix smiled before hopping down and walking over to Jeongin.


"Yes baby?"

"You love Jinnie?"

Jeongin paused at the question. Of course he did, but it was complicated.
But Felix was far too young to know about that.

Feliz smiled, he could tell, even though he was just a toddler, the face someone makes when they love someone.

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