4: Bath Time

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Jeongin had to temporarily loan a shirt to little Felix, that Chan would sew into a jumper that he could wear.

But before wearing his new shirt turned jumper, Felix needed a bath. Who was going to give him that bath? Hyunjin of course.

"Okay, we have bath bubbles, a towel, a baby, and clothes. We got this."

Hyunjin put the boy in the tub with one of Chan's rubber duckies and watched as he played in the bubbles.

"Why are you so cute!"

As he was washing him off, he noticed something on his back.

"Sweetheart, did you hurt yourself outside?"

Felix shook his head no.

Hyunjin decided to leave it alone, as he didn't want to pressure the boy into talking about what happened before he got there.

After 20 minutes of scrubbing mud off and getting splashed with water, Hyunjin took the boy out of the tub and dried him off.

"You know Felix, when I was your age, my parents would always put my hair in funny styles when it was wet."

Felix laughed as his hair was put into a mowhawk.

Hyunjin finished drying him off and put the jumper on him.

"Very stylish kid. Very stylish."


"You want me to pick you up?"


He lifted the boy up and spun him like an airplane. He carried him into the living room where Jisung and Changbin were deciding the price at which Jisung would have to pay for damaging Changbin's car.


Changbin laughed at Felix calling Jisung a squirrel.

Jisung, with a mouth full of pie, made an unfriendly motion at Changbin.

"Hey Felix, had a good bath?"

"Mmm. *yawns* I play with duckie and put bubbles in Jinnie hair."

"How cute." Jisung grabbed the boy from Hyunjin and sat on the couch with him. "You must be tired after the long day you had."

Felix laid back into Jisung's chest, "I tired."

Jisung looked down at the boy before asking, "How far did you walk to end up here? Do you know?"

"I came from park. *yawns* Park with pretty flowers."

Jisung looked at Hyunjin and Changbin with concern. The nearest park was a little less than two miles away. Why would he walk that far just to end up here? And why the Stray Kids house, out of all houses?

He slowly started to fall asleep in Jisung's lap. Right after he did, the rest of the group came home from their shopping trip.

"So the cashier was like, blue or yellow?", Chan said as he put down some bags, "and I said, yellow. Because I like yellow, and I think it complements his eyes."

Jisung shushed him when Felix slightly shuffled in his sleep.

The boys went upstairs to put the stuff in Chan and Hyunjin's room, where they agreed Felix would sleep the first night.

In Chan and Hyunjin's room, Changbin was helping him put the clothes for Felix in a little drawer set picked out by Jeongin.

"So, we're parent now huh?"

"Yep.", replied Chan, "Still seems so surreal though. Like, one moment I'm getting an AD on my computer for baby clothes, next minute I'm buying them."

"Fate has a funny way of presenting itself."

"So poetic."

The two laughed at Chan's sarcasm.

"Hey, I was thinking..."

Changbin turned to see a nervous looking Chan staring at him.

"Um...would you like to..."


"Wait, I didn't ask the question yet."

"Were you going to ask if I would like to help you in being the primary caregiver?"

"How did you-"

"I can read minds Chris...I can read minds."

Chan smiled to him. They finished putting the items away while talking about different things.

Outside of the room, Hyunjin was walking by the door when he saw the open door of Jeongin's room.

He stopped to look at the boy, who was putting together a gift basket, he guessed for Felix. He sighed as he kept walking, no matter what, he couldn't tell anyone the truth. He couldn't tell anyone how much he loved him.

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