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Your slumber having a rude awakening wasn't a shocker to your surroundings. The rather gothic setting bringing your mind from it's muffled state to a state of confusion. The lack of light being your main worry, besides the change of not only atmosphere but change to you entirely. The change in tone, the feeling on your skin different as you took a moment to sit up in the bed. Memories fuzzy from the ache in your brain, the lights dim for a reason clearly to prevent your eyes from hurting. Wow, your capturers had common decency for your eyesight, which wasn't common. Especially among Cannibals. Taking a moment to be aware of your surroundings, getting out of bed was easy but now taking a walk to the door seemed hard for your shaky mind still blurs then and there as you eventually reached for the handle, soon pulling the door open with a gentle pull.

The halls seemed dead silent, although you being stuck within a house full of silent stalkers your safety was rather limited while inside here. Your decisions needed to be thought out carefully, did you leave? Enter the halls and be swallowed by the gothic feeling, or stay and rot within the room. You stood. Thinking. What did you do? Your mind puzzling each scenario that you barely even noticed the soft breathing within your room. ' I would lie back down, If I were you. ' You remained still, the voice...recognizable as the tight grasp of the mysterious figure soon pulled you towards the bed and set you back down. Not giving any care to the reveal of your upper thighs as you climbed into the bed. ' They learn you're out of bed with your condition, we shall both be in bother. ' You sat thinking, the figure remained seated in the unlit corner, yet the tone and the attire made you aware on who you stared at. David. You hadn't heard much of this man, just he was the son of Smith, perhaps his favorite son. Your thoughts drove you insane, avoiding the gaze of one of your many capturers and avoiding almost the sound of footsteps outside. David's stare almost warning you as the door was slammed open and your frame hid beneath the covers, pretending to be trapped within the nightmare.




Bang. Your eyes shot open to the darkness hugging you. Bang. You had no control, your arms held by something while your legs were limp. What happened you didn't question as the banging soon stopped. The feeling of a hospital bed indicated to you where you were, well where you believed you were. The sudden flick of a light caused you to flinch almost to stare upon the masked man. The overpowering color of gold as he simply stared, listening to the banging. Nails, wood and a hammer. The sudden realization of the windows being blocked up caused panic almost to hit you. What in the fuck was happening? The shuffling of feet as your eyes widened to see the face of Chuck. Anger filling you but his sorrowful expression for you seemed to bring confusion.

' Confusion should be the only emotion you feel now. You lack any valuable reason to be angry with Chuck. ' Your gaze snapped over to the golden man, his frame moved away as he stood by the door. Accepting something of some sort, hell you couldn't find the effort to see or even protest. ' You need to accept some new things that, we know that will be difficult to handle. ' You laid confused, blinking in utter fear at the other who now stood by the bed. Soon, he reached for the blanket that covered your legs, and your worst fear was present in front of you. ' I had, Ulifer take away one of your...abilities. It is only temporary, however it gives us plenty of time to decide on your outcome. We could set you free, yet cut off your tongue and break all of your fingers, or take away your legs and leave you to bleed on the pig's doorstep. ' He let out a soft laugh, now trailing his gloved hand along the broken bones. ' So fragile, yet holds dangers to the world. Tell me, what would you achieve from revealing this information about Chuck, a promotion or the validation you crave. ' Your silence caused him to laugh again, placing the pills by your legs as he took a walk towards the door. ' Who knows little rabbit, perhaps us as a group can provide you with that validation. ' and with that, he was gone.

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