H e / S h e k i d n a p s y o u.

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Part 2 everyone

(ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)

The Cult Family

You began seeing the Cults a few weeks after meeting them. You would be on a simple walk and one of them would watch your every move. They began to creep you out and it got to the point where you refused to go outside. Your uncle sighed, hearing the bathroom light turn on and the shower being turned on. " I'm gonna go get our food, do you want anything in particular? " You poked your head out, soon shaking your head before stepping into the warm bathroom. The door slamming shut signalized that your uncle left and you was now home alone. Peach managed to sneak her way into the bathroom, you wondered where Kristen was. You knew she was talking about going out with friends but she never confirmed that. Maybe she did leave to go out with friends? You didn't realize the door opening and slamming shut. That was fast. " Albert? " You called out, soon looking downstairs and frowning. The door was broken. Someone had broken in.

Grabbing hold of the baseball bat, you walked downstairs towards the now well lit living room. The soft mumbles filling her ear as she poked her head into the living room. There laid her uncle, with a bag over his head. " What do we do with him...? " Jack mumbled, looking up at the adults before stopping. Your eyes wide as Jack soon watched you. " What did you do to Albert? " You mumbled, gripping the baseball bat tight as he stepped towards you. " Drop the bat. " He mumbled now watching you back away towards the side door. " We're not gonna lay a finger on you. Just let us explain... " You frowned reaching for the door handle and before you knew it, The group of men were chasing you down the street. You shoved yourself into an alley and watched the group run by. You fooled them, now it was time to call someone. You sighed, standing up and pulling out your phone. " Mom...I need you to come pick me up..." You mumbled, stepping out of the alley. The sudden hand crashing over your mouth caused you to scream, your phone smashing against the ground and being stood on by the masked man. You had no one to help you now.


The loud banging on your dorm door scared your roommate, her eyes falling on your figure. " Who is it? " She called out, soon opening the door to be greeted by her boyfriend. " You want to what? " She looked in shock, now looking over at you. " Fine. We'll have to be quick. " The boy smirked, now nodding and leaving the block with his girlfriend. You sighed, looking up from your fluffy pillow. Alone once again, you sat up now grabbing hold of your shoes and jacket. May as well get some fresh air. You sighed, now stepping outside and taking in the strong smell of pancakes. The cafe was just down the road, maybe you could treat yourself to a hot cocoa. 

You sighed, walking down the alley towards the entrance of the cafe. The back faced your school while the front was by the busy streets. You frowned, now leaning down to tie your shoelace. You stood straight before turning on your heel. The masked man looked down, how holding onto a bag. " Chuck? What are you doing here... " The man looked down, trying to ignore the other figures around them. " I'm sorry for this. " He mumbled, now looking at your confused look before shoving the bag over your head and pulling you close. Your screams blocked off by the rough mask being shoved over your face. " Cmon. We need to leave. " ( I think this one is the worse out of them all  ̄ー ̄)

I mean...You've been kidnapped by Alone and Selozar so I'll just skip these beans.  ̄ v  ̄

Napoleon and Butch.

You sighed, walking the two men round around. They wanted you to stay for dinner and they had a guest coming over. You sat, picking at your dirty nails and your garden tools now in the basement. The silence was worrying, when was the guest coming? You tapped your foot gently, now humming along to a song. You hadn't seen Napoleon or Butch in a while, the bright sky now being swallowed whole by the darkness. You jumped slightly, Butch now placing the dinner on the table and Napoleon welcoming the guest. You thanked Butch, now taking a sip of water and watching the guest sit down. " Excuse us for a moment. " Napoleon called out, Butch now following him outside. " Albert. " The guest held his hand out, now smiling at you. " Oh...Pleasure to meet you. " You smiled, shaking hands with him 

You sat and waited. Albert already treating himself to dinner and soon the two of you finished your dinner. Yawning, Albert laid back into his chair before closing his eyes. You stepped into the kitchen, reaching for a glass before stopping. Sleeping pills were open on the side. Some crushed slightly and the others still in the bottle. Did Butch give you and Albert sleeping pills. The man's snores filling the room. Albert was either having a food nap or he passed out from the drugs. You sighed, now setting yourself in your chair. Butch and Napoleon weren't back yet. Did something happen? You struggled to keep your eyes open, your gaze now on the wide open door and the two men returning.

You woke up to rope. The rough material holding you down on the soft bed. You frowned, tugging gently before looking around. Where was Albert? You continued to struggle, the blindfold you wore now sliding away your face and you met Butch face to face. " Easy there. Wouldn't want to ruin it.." He mumbled, placing his hand over your pale arm. " Albert. Where is he? " Butch froze, now watching Napoleon walk inside. " Albert is safe at home. Nothing to worry about now how about some breakfast? I'm starving. " The two men nodded, now leaving you tied to the bed. 

Thanks for reading  ̄ W  ̄

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