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I would like it if everyone also checked out my other book too. :o)

Part 2 / 2

The Cult Family (Continued)


Bobby didn't enjoy going out, you had taken a note of that once the family were playing baseball with the Cole Family. He sat out and only joined in when asked too by Martin. You stayed by Jack and Emmett, the two men much faster then you and better at throwing them catching. Bobby watched you the entire time and couldn't hold back a few winks at you.

Over half time, you joined him on a walk and the two of you got closer and closer. " Normally I wouldn't go out but...right now there's one reason why I'm out here. " you raised a brow, now looking at the man and holding his hand. " Is that reason me? " He smirked, now picking you up and spinning in circles. You missed most of the games, you and Bobby snuck back home to bake something.


You two had dinner inside the house together, he didn't enjoy taking you outside and you respected his choices.


You and David were close. Ever since you two went camping and shared the kiss it seemed like you two were a happy couple! You hummed, now looking up at the masked man. You two somehow sneaked into a very formal party. You rest your head now against his chest and watched the sky. The man had been silent ever since you two started dancing and the moment he stopped you looked up at him. " Let's get married. You and me. " You stared in shock, now raising a brow. " I thought you didn't want to rush things? " He chuckled, now swinging you around and placing a kiss against your lips. Let's just say you went on more dates after that.


The two of you stole Wine and sat on the roof together. Hand in Hand and your eyes watching the stars. " What would you say if I proposed to you right now? " You looked up, now gently hitting him. " I'd say your completely mad. " He smirked, now pulling you close and watching the sky. " Well I am mad. " You looked up, shaking your head. " Madly in love with you. " You gave the boy a look, now turning red from the cheesy line and watching the boy take a large drink of wine. " Just shut up and kiss me lover boy. " He smirked, now pulling you onto his lap and kissing you. Emmett found you two on the roof fast asleep the next day.


You and Mors were daredevils. He loved taking you out on adventures and you loved them. The man smirked, now placing the helmet over your head. " You ready? " You nodded, now climbing onto the bike and watching the man soon drive down the streets. The bright lights making you smile and you rest your head into the man's back. His eyes falling back on you and before you knew it, you were speeding through the night. Your laughs filling the streets as the man sped past everyone and towards the bridge. You two spent all night out and stayed in a motel after.



The two of you stayed inside, the winter cold making you sick and you found yourself staying with the man more often. " I'm cold..." The soft mumble made the man now place another blanket over you and cradle your head to his chest. You sighed, now blowing your nose into the white tissue. He sighed, now taking a sip from his coffee and watching the fire. " You should be outside with the others...having fun. " You looked up, now sitting up. " You should too..." He frowned, now resting a gloved hand under your chin and placing a kiss against your lips. You fell asleep beside the man last night.

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