T h e S m i l e s F a m i l y

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How you meet.


He met you at a party. It wasn't a wild party where people got drunk, it was a high school gathering. He seemed lonely and it had been a while since you spoke to your Lab partner, you now left to speak with him. Your boyfriend wouldn't even notice you was gone...he was too busy talking to your ex best friend. " Robert, so nice to see you again...you look great. " He chuckled now, saying a quick hello. " it's nice to see you too...didn't think you would turn up...how's the life of being a model? "

The two of you chatted all night, he said something about coming over on the weekend and having dinner...he also said something about three children. So he did settle down...you and your new best friend always guessed on who would and wouldn't have kids...Robert was one of them and he fell in love with Nancy. Sad to know that she was killed in a fire...she was close with you but you didn't class her as a best friend...Robert was strange now...rather strange.


Seth was part of the football team, you simply sat at the games. It got you away from your abusive mother and sorry excuse of a father...people were shocked to see someone like you watch the games but...it was nice seeing Seth play.

You had always liked Seth, there was no doubt about that but...he was too popular for you...but the moment he started talking to you at lunch, it shocked you. All his friends now waved at you on a morning and his sister was closer then ever with you. What the hell?


Just like his brother, he was cool. Part of the football team and hot...well in your eyes he was. He always had his blond hair in the style you loved and that yellow jacket...if only he noticed you...he always hung around with that stupid blond girl...You forgot her name but she wasn't even that fun...how could he be with someone like her...?


She was into you...VERY into you. She had tried to ask you out around 4 times but something would hold her back and the moment she screamed it out in English class, it was very wired and then you had her brothers death staring anyone.

You walked towards the table, now standing and looking down at Clair. She never got an answer and the moment she saw you, she moved her bag and asked you to sit down. Seth and Matthew just stared, now raising a brow as you handed Clair the letter and a box of chocolates. " Sorry for not giving you an answer...it's written in the letter. " she nodded, now opening the letter and reading it.

They kidnap you:

They planned this for weeks on end...Robert would be doing most of the work while his children got everything ready at home for you. You would have to stay in Clair's room for a while and once Robert ordered in another bed, you would stay in his room. You sighed, now taking a sip of tea and watching the sea. You didn't notice that Robert now stood behind you and had a syringe in his hands. You spun around to be greeted by the man, and a syringe in your neck.

You wake up:

Waking up, you sat and listened. The music downstairs and the chatter made you worried. Where the hell were you? You now climbed out of the bed, taking in the smell of bacon and eggs and stepped down the stairs slowly. Robert and Clair in the kitchen while Seth and Matthew watched TV. Once they heard the bang, they turned around and saw you leaning down to grab the photo what fell...shoot.

You get used to them:


He took you to visit Nancy...rather upsetting as you now listened to the man talk to her and Leo. " Nancy...this is...that girl from high school...I'm going to marry her...once she's comfortable in our home...I'll make sure nothing happens to her...I won't let you down again.. " Marry Robert? You frowned, now looking at Nancy's grave. No fucking way..

Seth, Matthew and Clair:

They ended up taking you to Dan's Diner...it was strange and it felt wired one Matthew claimed it was a date. You looked so wired now, having three people asking you questions and not seeing that was embarrassed. You ended up going to the bathroom 4 times because of this.

First Kiss and First Date:


After you and him visited Nancy, he took you into town and to the movies...it was a movie he wanted to see and you was fine with going and watching it. The two of you sat there, Robert now holding onto your hand and placing a kiss against your knuckles. When did he turn all sweet.


The boy now only hung out with you, Matthew, Clair or the guys in his football team...he took you to practice and it was boring. You now watched the boy sit beside you and hand you the popcorn. Once you took a piece, you watched the boy place a kiss on the side of your forehead and you watched the sunset together.


He took you to some fancy place. You wasn't too happy when the other football players sat around you. You believed it would be only you two but...he let you down.

The moment he asked you about bowling, you agreed and once again...had to do it with the football players. The night ended up with you getting mad at Matthew and the two of you kissing and making up.


She wasn't really into dates and kissing...being the youngest had it's disadvantages. Matthew, Seth and Robert watching over you when you came over. It bothered you a lot and when you took Clair out it was the only chance you got. She blushed as she watched you now place a kiss against her cheek and hand her the plush you won. She would have to give you something back, for sure.

They show that they love you:

They adored you. After staying with them for a week or so...Robert hosted a party and you was the guest of honour...you hated every minute of it...but was thankful for the family taking so much of their time to invite so many people for a few hours...

You get hurt:

You burnt yourself...you didn't even realize the stove was on and burnt your hand. Robert now searched for the medkit while the three children pressed three ice packs against your hand. They didn't let you near the oven for a while.

They get hurt:


He hit his head, you rushed to his side the moment it happened and he laughed out loud. You always made him laugh in these types of situations but he really did hurt his head...maybe a little too much...

Seth and Matthew:

They both got into a fight, Seth ended up with a bloody nose and Matthew a black eye. Turns out...they were talking about you and who you liked more. When you had to explain to them that you liked them both, they didn't believe you and more fights started happening until Robert snapped the kids back into place.


She ended up getting slapped by some girl for well...liking you. It broke your heart, now having a crying girl explain what happened. You now walked towards the girl, the three siblings behind you and the moment you started to hit the girl things didn't go to plan. You ended up being excluded for...a week while the girl was excluded for...3 days. You covered for your girlfriend and that's all what mattered.

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