Dr Mach.

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How you meet:

He was your therapist, after seeing your father take his own life you didn't know who to trust. Your brothers and mother worried to the point where they contacted Dr Mach. You didn't seem to interested in the talk you had with your older brother and mother but once you was face to face with the man, he interested you. You were both a mystery, his way of words calmed you but it would just be like everyone else. Try to believe in you but lose hope after a while. They all did that. 

He kidnaps you:

You learned that Dr Mach liked to watch over his patients, he stalked you in a way. Knew everything about you, your favorite color and what route you took to Collage. He had everything planned out, a few friends helped him get everything ready and before he knew it he sat in the white van, watching you. Your headphones shoved into your ears and the loud screaming from your music playlist made you sigh, your appointment with Dr Mach was cancelled and your mother wanted to keep you out of the house. Every time you stepped into that bathroom, the memories of your once cheerful father filled your head. Your mother wanted to divorce him and he couldn't put up with the thought of his high school sweetheart leaving him and he ended it all right in front of you. 

You frowned, now turning around and noticing the doctor following you. He must have been on a walk, no deal. You sighed, now looking at your playlist and unaware of the sudden bag over your head. You screamed, kicked, punched. Nothing worked, your body now shoved into the white van and Dr Mach sighing. " Your a screamer aren't you.. " He smirked, now pushing the syringe into your arm and sighing. Your cries soon quieter and he found you knocked out. Plan A, done. Now Plan B.

When you wake up:

Waking up in a bright pink room was ugly. You didn't really like pink, your hands now handcuffed to the bed polls. The photos and the teddy bears made you cringe. Dr Mach's face in every photo and your picture taped onto it. What was wrong with this man? The door swinging open made you scream in fear, the doctor now stood with a plate of food and some medicine. " Did I scare you? " You didn't reply, the man now placing the plate down and holding the meds towards your mouth. " Will you take these? They'll help with the headache..." You froze, now nodding and watching the man place the meds into your mouth. " Here...I made your favorite...Waffles." You looked down, the memory of your father's waffles filling your head and you watched the man now cut them up and hold a small piece to your mouth.

You didn't eat, he tried to persuade you and soon began to force the waffle into your mouth. You ended up biting him, your cheek now being cradled by the man and his thumb wiping your tears away. He slapped you, again and again until he realized what he did and calmed you down. You frowned, now staring at the waffles before chewing on a small piece. Eating was better then being in his arms. He sighed, now walking over and picking out the outfit for you to wear. You was not going to wear that. No way.

You try and get used to him:

It had been two weeks since Adam took you. He acted so sweet around you but if you did one thing wrong he would get mad. The outfit he picked out, you wore it after having a hand around your throat. He didn't care, he was just like everyone else. Right now you had to listen to him tell you rules about how you won't harm yourself in any way. You agreed to everything, your throat sore from the sudden events and you found yourself now watching TV. Dr Mach had so many photos around the house and it made you fell sick.

You had soup for dinner, the man happy that you ate before being told to and that you got used to the house. " How about we go out? Watch a movie? " You looked up, now shrugging. " Do I have too? " The man raised a brow, now listening to the phone ring and he quickly apologized before answering. You hated your therapist.

First Kiss:

4th Month here, you got used to the man. You began to bite back when he got mad at you,everyday you had a argument. Whether it was simple or something major. You had less bruises and your attitude changed towards the man. " Just shut up! " You screamed, the man now staring at you in shock. You held onto your head, now listening to the man yell. " Don't tell me what I can or can't do! " He screamed, now towering over you. " But you get to boss me around?! " He listened to your rant, your hands pulling at your hair and you stopped.

The man cradled your head, his lips pressed against yours and he found himself being hugged. Now you two would apologize to each other, your eyes filled with tears as the man now mumbled a small apology and placed a kiss against your grazed cheek. You was weak, he was strong but the weak never give up without a fight.

First Date:

The two of you didn't go out, he wanted to trust you first so the two of you played Uno and watched movies. He made dinner and popcorn for after. That is how you spent every Friday night.

He shows that he loves you:

The man offered to take you to the park, that was a thing you wanted to do for a while and once you got there it was calming. You looked around, kids laughing and parents talking. Adam always said his daughter loved it here. You sighed, now watching the man grip onto your hand. You looked like a new married couple, taking a small walk around the park before getting home and making dinner. You looked over, the ice cream place catching your eyes and you asked the man. You got ice cream, three scoops of your favorite flavor. You went home and didn't have dinner until 7:30 PM due to your stomach rejecting the ice cream. He held your hair back and made sure you felt better 

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