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3. Bonding



You weren't entirely shocked to see a group of men now standing in your room, your 'sleeping' state being watched, had they fallen for your little game of pretending to sleep? " We know you're awake. " Well your plan had failed, but ultimately more when they seemed to snatch you from the warm comfort of the bed. Your sitting frame now hitting the floor before your eyes trailed up to the masked faces. " They were supposed to wake up hours ago, how hard do you hit them on the head Merle? " Merle. One of the members and a new name discovered, the man 'Merle' didn't seem to have the efforts to provide a true reaction as he let out a small hum that sounded more as a grunt as response. Their eyes fixated on you, almost as if they waited for you to do something...anything but you didn't. You remained seated on the floor like a confused child, well until the arms that grasped your shoulders, lifted you into the air and onto your feet seemed to wake you up a little more than you expected. " Emmett and Nick are going to be mad if we keep them waiting. " 

By waiting they meant dinner, you believed it was you to be murdered but, here you sat, squashed between the familiar frame of Nick and then a new frame of a person you lacked the name of. The others you knew, David and Merle seemed seated far from you, David seated at the head of the long, clearly overused dinner table with Emmett and another member by his side while Merle was seated towards the end with another group of masked figures. " You'll learn names in time. " The sudden voice distracted you, your eyes lifted to soon stare at the boy in front of you. Jack. His mask off, revealing the boy's slim, pale face that lacked almost any blood within it but he somehow still walked around. " Right now eating would be your only change of being friends with Nick, Emmett and David. Everyone else, including me...you'll have to prove yourself. " You sat, silent yet confused to why Jack had offered his advice but before you opened your mouth, Jack simply went back to ignoring you. Your eyes trailing to the plate of mystery meat, you knew exactly what it was. Human Meat. The smell of it sweet, however the taste reminded you of Pork. Your mind simply played tricks on you, saying to you it was Pork and you had no reason to want to vomit, however you knew your stomach by the end of the night would bring back up your co-workers leg.

" That wasn't so bad was it? "




Bonding wasn't common. You simply spent days locked in a room, one of them checking on your legs and making sure you were still breathing but nothing really ever happened day to day. Your recovery was taking a lengthy time, with days spent staring out a window to ignore the chatter outside your room or spent picking at the meals Chuck gave you. You rarely touched them but, they made it clear you would eat. You expected everyday to be the same but today was clearly different after waking to the change of face. Chuck' worried yelling outside the door while you slapped away the bright light away from your eyes. The new appearance of a purple masked male caused you to raise a brow in confusion almost, who was he exactly? You never even knew he existed until now. The person nearest to you, Terroah could almost sense your confusion. 

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