H e / s h e k i d n a p s y o u

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✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌ I'm Sorry. ✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌

Circus Group


The Show was wonderful, you and your friend enjoying every moment and your hatred towards Clowns vanished. Children being given balloon animals and once his eyes fell on you everything stopped. The smirk wiped away from his face as he watched you before the crowd cheered distracting him from you as his two friends joined him in the center of the stage. Your friend giggled, looking at you. " He was watching you. " You frowned, looking down before continuing to watch the show.

 " Man... That was amazing! "Your friend squealed, yanking you down the path. " Cmon let's go to that bar place your cousin works at! The hot one. " You frowned, yanking your wrist out of her hand. " You go, I have something to do here. " You wanted to see that Clown again, tell him you was sorry for staring and that the show was amazing. Your friend nodded, rushing down the steps towards her car. Time to find that clown, you set off walking through the crowd of children and their mothers who wanted to buy another drink for the next show. Sighing, you made it towards the tent which was empty and pitch black.

.Something was wrong, the cold ugly feeling you got from this place was horrible. You walked towards the center, grabbing hold of the flower and placing it against your nose. You frowned, looking around before the sudden smell of chloroform filled your nose. Your screams blocked by a gloved hand and a smiling clown watching you. "Shh. "

Caroline and Clinten:

You sighed, locking up the pet store for the night. The streets quiet as you shoved the keys into your pocket before setting off home. The streets normally full of light but tonight was different. Deciding to get home rather quicker than normal, you took a shortcut in the woods. Te rabbits hiding away as you frowned, the tick mug clinging to your shoes as you walked towards the bridge. The river crashing against the rocks as you sighed, closing your eyes and taking in the damp smell. The two figures now walking by you stopped and watched you carry on with your journey.

You sighed, stepping towards your door before stopping. You turned around to be greeted by a rock smashing against your forehead. " Clinten! " The woman called out, now holding onto your head. " Sorry... She is fine right? " She nodded, now watching him pick her up. " Cmon. G0Z is waiting for us. " She smirked, now running down the path with her brother. 


The new kid was wired, your summer only just started and you wanted it to be over. Having to spend your summer with him was horrible. You both had different ways of entertaining yourself, you enjoyed Gold with your father and staying out late but he would rather watch birds and go to sleep at 8 PM. Maybe it was his thing but he acted wired around you, watching every little action and following you when your father wasn't home. " Stop Following me! " You screamed, the boy looking at you in a confused way. " Go watch your stupid birds or something! Play with your pet mouse! Just stop following me. " You scoffed, spinning on your heel before carrying on with your run. Maybe you was a little rude towards him but he was creepy, from the moment you met him.    

You stopped for a moment, holding onto your side. You pushed yourself today and would regret it later when your legs ached. You continued to run down towards the river, sighing as you stopped. Looking up from the ground, your vision became fuzzy from the sudden impact. Z00ZY stood above you, the branch resting in his hands as he smirked. Picking up your now limp figure and walking towards the white van.


. You agreed to giving a ride home for YUCK0, saying goodbye to your co workers you set off towards the car with your new drink buddy. He was drunk, his sudden change of attitude showed you and he was rude once he drank enough. Climbing into your car, you sighed. The 40 messages from your roommate worried you. YUCK0 sat in the back, humming along to a song in his head. You started the engine before driving down the road. Your eyes on the road as YUCK0 chuckled softly. The sudden ringing from your phone scared you, now placing the device by your ear.

 " Where are you?! " The screams filled your ear, YUCK0 now closing his eyes. " I'm on my way back.. What's up? " The sudden door slamming open worried you. " Are you with anyone? " You looked back at YUCK0, fast asleep. " Yeah, a friend. " She sighed, grabbing hold of the house phone. " That killer clown got out of prison...I want you home right now. " You froze, the sudden click of the gun reloading scared you. " Hang up and keep driving... " How could your drinking buddy be a serial killer?

Days Union.

Leaving the restaurant early meant you still had time to spare. Your mother taking you shopping for a few new things, now stepping out of the bathroom stall you finished washing your hands. Stepping outside to your mother standing up with the bags. " Go back to the car, I have a few thing to grab before we can go home. " Nodding, you started to walk towards the car park with your bags. The mall always looked nice at dinner time but you would rather be at home during this time. The cold air hitting your body as you stepped towards your mother's pure white car.

 " Jesus! " You screamed out, placing a hand over your heat. The masked man soon coming from behind his car. " Oh I'm sorry! Didn't see you there. " He chuckled, looking down. " Would you like some help? " Looking down at your bags you nodded, walking to the back of your mother's car. You sighed thanking the man for helping you with your bags before you walked over to the car door. The arms around your waist scared you and the bag being shoved over your head make you scream. Your hands now handcuffed behind your back and your body thrown into the back of the man's car.

End of Part 1 

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