F i r s t C h r i s t m a s T o g e t h e r

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make sure to wash your hands. :>

Part 2. :D

Days Union

The Operatives:

Spending Christmas with this group of people was wired. You had Unstable chasing the cat with a nerf gun while Radiant tried to get you under the mistletoe but you just sat and watched the group upwrap their presents. Great_Day didn't attend, he spent Christmas alone in his office again. You did save him some cookies and even got him a new radio since he broke the last one. You then had to deal with a angry cat on your lap, Unstable just annoyed that he didn't get to shoot anyone. He now sat watching the TV while unwrapping another present.

You sat, the now full and pleased cat on your lap and the rest of the operatives now finishing placing the gifts in the car outside. Unstable now hyper and being buckled in the seat while the others soon had to chase after the small fat cat. You spent Christmas in a spare home and ended up trashing it. Sorry Great_Day.


He wasn't the very festive person. You noticed that after he mentioned a meeting to Radiant. You now looked down at the small present in the drawer. Well it wasn't small...maybe a little large. It was hard hiding things from these people. You couldn't even keep a secret from them for long...not even Great. You now stood outside his office, the yelling slightly worrying you as he soon slammed the phone down and groaned. Your hand now gripping onto the handle to the door and you soon stepped inside. His hat now hung up and his back to you. " Merry Christmas! "

The way he stared at you made you feel...unsafe. " Christmas? " He called out, now watching you place the wrapped up box on the table. " Yes...Christmas..." You called out, watching him now grab onto the box and shake it gently. You cringed slightly, now flinching once he placed it down. " I told you to stay in your room. " He called out, now watching you. " Staying in our room at christmas? That's silly...let's go out. " You smiled, now watching him sigh. " Fine. Get changed out of that and put on your new dress I got you. Merry Christmas. "

The Cult Family

Waking up to the sound of chatter was not rare. You groaned, now shoving the cardigan on and stepped towards the door. You didn't even know what day is was until Jack came screaming Merry Christmas at you. You sat watching the boy while everyone else was busy. Aka telling his mystery woman Merry Christmas and Martin talking to the rest of the family all around. A lot of people were coming and you now had to look after Jack who was beyond confused once David walked through the door. It was nice to see them bonding, the year had been chaotic...way too chaotic. Emmett going missing...Bobby, Arthur and Mors dead...It wasn't a good year but now was time to relax. Jack now happy beside Emmett despite the man's bitter attitude. Martin and Aka...somehow getting along and the family...just...happy.

The day ended with a story. Story from Martin actually, Jack sat beside you and ended up falling asleep. You watched Emmett now tuck the boy in bed and he soon made his way to his own room. The halls empty, Albert and Kirsten leaving with Peach and Bedrock while others left hours ago. It was strange having a family all over and you know stared at the picture frame. The entire family, Bobby, Arthur and Mors there too. Must have been an old picture...Aka wasn't there and neither was you...poor old Cult Family...when will their troubles end...


It was safe to say these men did not celebrate Christmas...They celebrated everything but HIM showed up. When he showed up, you was locked in your room and left in there until they believed it was safe. This time they weren't able to find you, your hands gripping onto the axe as you stepped towards the large tree. It took a while for someone to find you and once they saw you chopping the tree down. They thought you was letting your anger out on the old tree. It didn't take long for the tree to fall to the ground and you spun around to be greeted by HIM.

You hummed, now gripping onto the box of Christmas decorations and now had HIM help you decorate the tree while the 5 men rushed around trying to find you. They were shocked to come back and see you place the star on the tree before being placed down by HIM. They stared in shock and you got to watch the group yell at the tall figure for taking you. They didn't know the full story but they forgot about it after a few hours.

The Smiles Family

Christmas with these four was...strange. The kids being silent while Robert tried to keep you busy all the time. You didn't even know it was near Christmas until you realized Robert was prepping things for tomorrow. You hummed, now climbing into bed and you soon fell asleep. Waking up was never fun but having the young girl now shake you awake and tell you it was Christmas shocked you. Already?

You watched the three unwrap their presents and watch the TV while you and Robert finished Dinner. He mentioned something about seeing Nancy and you couldn't agree more. The day ended with you and the family seeing Nancy before visiting Dan.

Grocery Gang

You celebrate Christmas with them all. That's how simple it can get.

Alone and Selozar

You spent Christmas at Uleanra's grave. Alone staying by the entrance while you and Selozar went to see the poor thing. His stone hasn't been cleaned like you asked for...the truth of his death rotting in your brain and Selozar left once he saw your expression change. You stood there for a while longer, not noticing Alone now stood behind you. " Cmon. Let's go. " You nod, now placing the flower down before following the two men towards the entrance. It wasn't fair, this was the 2nd Christmas without him...yet Alone seems to not care and Selozar just stays quiet...

You spent Christmas mainly crying, Alone making Selozar stay in his room while he was gone. You hated Christmas here, it wasn't happy times. It was ugly...yet neither of these two cared. Selozar had been like since since Uleanra died...Alone was cold but colder during this holiday...You hated it. You missed Uleanra but you knew this would all be over once it was Spring...only a few months to go..

Napoleon and Butch

You had already spent Christmas with these two. The first time was amazing and you had to figure out what to get them this time.


You didn't celebrate Christmas. You didn't trust him much and didn't share any interests so you just watched TV and had dinner.


You and Rust didn't do much. Only played dodge ball, watched TV and had dinner. It was simple yet nice and you enjoyed that.One of the best days ever.

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