Chapter 1

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Marcy's POV

"Ok if I'm correct this should power the whole spaceship" I said to my mentor that was helping me "Yeah that seems about right" she said I locked the power source into the spaceship then my mentor ran over to the lever and pulled it down the spaceship started up it lit up from bottom to top "I guess you were right my pupil it did power the spaceship" my mentor said "Yes" I said to myself "Well done and for that the people that run this place have talked to me and it looks like the person who was oringal going to go to the moon got a broken leg so they asked me to find a replacement so what do you say you up for going to the moon alone" she asked me "I don't know" I said "Think of it as me giving you a promotion" she said I thought about it for a minute "Ok I guess it wouldn't hurt" I said "There you go now get some sleep tomorrow you'll be going" she said "Ok" I said I walked back to my room I opened the door and walked in then shut the door I took off my jacket and put in on a chair near a deck then I laid on my bed and tried to get some sleep but I was excited very excited I was going to the moon not what I planned for what to do in my life but I was excited after awhile of tossing and turning being very excited I finally fell asleep then woke up the next morning and ran out my room without my jacket on and ran to the control room "Oh there you are Olivia's Pupill right" a guy asked "Yeah that's me" I said "Well you are lucky you know that some people don't even get to see the moon in person none the less walk on it" he said "Yeah I know" I said "I can tell your excited" he said "I am very excited" I said "Don't worry it's ok to be excited" he said "Ok anyway how long will it take to get to the moon" I asked "About three days we'll keep in tounch" he said "Ok" I said "You should go to the docking sation some people there will help you with your suit and take this" he said grabbing something from his pocket and reaching out his hand to give me something "What is this" I asked "It's a earpiece it's connect with everyone's earpiece in here we'll use these to cummucation to each other" he said "Ok" I said then I put the earpiece in then walked out of the room to the docking station they helped me with my suit then I walked out when it was time I grabbed my helmet I exited the room and walked up to the spaceship my mentor was there "You know I'm pround of you, you know that right" she said "Even though I'm not your daughter" I said "Even though your not my daughter" she said my parents abannoned me at the rocket science lab when I was just a baby Olivia found me and took me in under her wing called me her daughter, showed me rocket sicence, taught me how to work with it, and gave me time when I needed her to I hugged her and she hugged me "I'll be back in a few days" I said "I'm counting on it" she said then I walked up to the door to the spaceship and a person opened the door I put on my helmet while walking into the spaceship I stopped walking then turned around to see Olivia give me a smile I smiled back then the door closed I got into the seat only one person is supposed to go to the moon right now it would be too risky to send another "Ok I'm in" I said threw the earpiece "Ok now listen closes to take off you'll need to-" the guy said said but I already knew how to take off and cut him off "Yes I know I got this" I said switching some stuff on then grabbing the joy sticks "I'm ready" I said "Wow did you just figure out how to work a spaceship how" he asked "Olivia taught me some tricks when I was growing up" I said "Ok now you know how to take off don't you right" he asked "Umm yeah about that I didn't learn how to take off Olivia skipped that part in my trainning" I said "Ok listen to me" he said "Ok" I said "To take off you switch that red buttom on" he said I switched it on "Ok now switch the black bottom near the red bottom on" he said I switched it on "Now switch every other buttom next to the black bottom on just switch all of them on" he said I switched everyone last one on "Ok now just pulled that lever next to you down and it should get the engine starting" he said I pulled the lever and the engine started "Ok now hit the buttom next to the lever you pulled" he said I hit the buttom and it started counting down "Ok it should be counting donw now" he said "Yes it is" I said "Now speak to everyone in the earprice and cout down "" I said then the spaceship started to lift off "Lift off" I said the spaceship went into the air and it finally made it into space "I'm up now" I said threw the earpiece then I heard everyone cheer I laughed a bit "Now that your in space we'll keep in touch but until then keep on track" the guy said "Ok got it" I said then I turned off my earpiece I got out of my seat to look around I looked around I saw everything me and Olivia built for this extac mission I felt kinda sad that I had to leave her but I brushed it off as nerves I didn't know what moon would hold I mean I read and studied up a lot on books but I still didn't know what the moon would hold after awhile I sat back down in my seat and continuted to stirr and keep the spaceship on track until futher notice.

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