Chapter 3

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Anne's POV

I was just helping my adotpted grandfather Hop Pop with some vagables and stuff while I was walking I noticed my adopted brother Sprig he was always there for me and such "Hey this crate is kinda heavy don't you think" I asked him "Yeah normally Hop Pop doesn't give us heavy crates to unload from the cart but hey we'll do this together and we'll handle it together just like Hop Pop asked us to" he said "Yeah ok got it" I said then we continuted walking after awhile we made it to the house with no problems I set down the crate "Nice now one of you has to go back and get the last crate" Hop Pop said "I'll go I'm stronger" I said "Ok" he said then I turned around and started walking I looked up at the sky I saw something it looked like a spaceship I haven't seen one since I was a little girl but I can't remember all the details it looked like it was heading down to the planet I thought it was just landing but it didn't look like a landing it looked like a crash I had to head for it whoever is on that spaceship I need to help them they'll probably die I ran over I guess Hop Pop saw me and asked where I was going "Hey Anne where are you going the cart it that way" he asked I didn't repose "Anne, Anne, ANNE" he shouted I didn't repose I just kept running to the spaceship I had to be there when it crashed but it was going down fast before I knew it it crashed down and made a big expulsion their was fire everywhere it knocked me back and I fell on the ground then I got up and ran over to the debris the spaceship was in pieces I moved some out of the way to find the person I search for awhile then I moved a piece away I saw a girl with black shiny hair I kneeled down and saw that her right eye was damaged I touched it she twiched I picked her up and carried her back to the house it took awhile but I made it "Anne where did you go" Hop Pop asked concerned "I saw a spaceship crash landing down I went to help but then I was too late and the spaceship crashed down and I ran over to help whoever is hurt I found this girl she her right eye looks badly hurt we have to help her" I said "So that's what the big expulsion was we thought it was someone carzy somewhere anyway your right she looks like she needs medical attention we should take her inside and heal her" Sprig said "Yeah I agree with Sprig" Polly said "Ok, ok she looks like a human I've only seen like one in my lifetime" Hop Pop said "You have so you know what she needs" I asked "I think I do I did have some trainning with a doctor so I think I do know what she needs just leave it to me" he said "Ok" I said we took her inside and laid her down on a extra bed Hop Pop got to work right away I watched him work I was worried what if she isn't breathing "Hey is she breathing" I asked "Yeah you asked that a hundred times already" Hop Pop said "Sorry I'm just worried" I said "I know you are and I am too I'm not sure my trainning will pay off but I'm trying" he said I just tried to stay clam and not freak out after Hop Pop was done he left the room I stayed there for the rest of the night I didn't even want to eat and I always want to eat I slept in the room for the night then I woke up the next morning and the human was still unconscious I went over and shoke her a bit nothing I heard a low grunt but that's all I heard I sat back down then Hop Pop came in to check on her "How is she doing" he asked barging in "I think she is doing ok" I said "That's good" he said "Yeah" I said "Ok she should wake up today if not today then tomorrow I'll be back to check on her later" he said "Ok got it" I said then Hop Pop exited the room and left me I waited for the whole day to pass and close to dinner time Hop Pop came back in "She doing ok did she wake up yet" he asked me "I checked she is doing ok and she didn't wake up not yet" I said "Ok that's good she wake up tomorrow hopefully" he said "Yeah" I said "You want dinner you hadn't had a bite today you must be hungry" he asked "No I don't" I said "But you haven't eaten all day you know what I'll bring you dinner if that's ok" he said "Yeah" I said "Ok I'll be back" he said then exited the room I waited a few seconds he came back up and came threw "Here eat if you want but you should probably eat you didn't have anything to eat today so" he said setting down a plate next to me then leaving the room I didn't touch my food after awhile Hop Pop came back up to see if I had eaten "Hey Anne are you done eating or-" he said but he was cut off from looking at my plate and realizing I didn't touch my food "Anne come on eat something if you don't you'll starve" he said "I won't starve she will wake up tomorrow like you said" I said "But what if I was wrong you could starve you know that right" he said "Yeah I know ok I'll eat just leave I need to eat alone" I said "Ok" he said then he exited the room I looked at my plate and grabbed some food that was on it I ate some it was cold but I didn't care after eating a bit I waited for Hop Pop to take it away but when he got there I was sleeping he took it away and exited the room I woke up the next morning and waited for awhile pretty much the whole day then I heard the human waking up I perked my head up and she woke up "Hmm where am I" she asked waking and sitting up "Don't worry you're safe" I said she looked at me then gasped "Who are you and why do you have horns and pointy ears" she asked "I live on this planet I'm a creature that is born on this planet" I said "Ok this is the unknown planet my helper was talking about" she said "Your what" I asked "My helper he told me that this planet was an unknown planet they haven't studied this planet yet also what happened why does my right eye feel sore and hard to see threw" she asked "You crashed landed your right eye must've gotten damaged when your spaceship hit the ground" I said "My spaceship it's broken isn't it" she asked "Yeah it broke in pieces don't worry I'll help you rebuild it and get you home" I said "You will oh thanks" she said then she hugged me I hugged back she noticed my tail "Oh I didn't realized you had a tail" she said "Yeah some people don't notice right away it's ok" I said "Thanks for everything I probably would be dead thank you" she said "I didn't exactly heal you my adopted grandfather did but I save you from the deris and carried you back here" I said "Thanks" she said "Your welcome also what's your name I would really like to know before I start helping you" I asked "My name is Marcy and I would like to know your name" she asked "My name is Anne I would really love to help you" I said "Me too" she said "My adopted grandfather might come in don't be alarmed he has horns, pointy ear, and a tail too just like me" I said "Yeah ok" she said we talked for a bit Hop Pop came in "Hey is she-" he said but was cut off by looking at Marcy "Hey" she said "Your awake" he said 'Yeah thanks to you and Anne" she said "Well we were happy to help" he said "I would like to tell you I wasn't originally coming here I was selected by radom they wanted a replacemen to be sent to the moon I took the job thinking my mentor would be happy but I messed everything up when I got caught in a force close to this planet now then I crashed landed on this planet and I'm now stuck my spaceship is in pieces" she said "It's ok we'll help you where is it" he asked "It's where you found me Anne" she said "Yeah I know where that is" I said "Then you two take us to it" he said "Ok" I said then Sprig and Polly came up "Can we help" Sprig asked "I guess so Sprig, Polly this is Marcy, Marcy this is Sprig, Polly" I said introducting them "Hey" Marcy said "Hi" Sprig said "Sup" Polly said "Ok now let's go and help Marcy repair her spaceship so she can get home safely" I said "Yeah lead the way you two" Hop Pop said "Ok got it" I said then we exited the house and started walking towards the deris of the spaceship.

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