Chapter 12

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Anne's POV

I woke up and turned to Marcy she was stilll sleeping but she started to wake up "Morning Anna-Banana" she said "Morning Marbles" I said she laughed I smiled at her laugh then we both of us got up and walked to the spaceship together while holding hands I blushed the whole way there once there we both kneeled down together and started working on the spaceship I was kida having feeling for her I was blushing a lot and feeling a little nervous when I spoke with her after awhile The Plantars came out "Hey guys this is the second day you've worked on the spaceship before us" Hop Pop said I turned around "Yeah we just wanted time to oursleves for awhile and you guys aren't really morning people so" I said "Ok that's fair I like to see some worksmenship from you Anne getting up early so you can go to work" he said "Ok" I said "Now let's try to finish that spaceship" he said "Yeah aren't we doing that right now" I asked "Yeah we are, we are" he said then he came down near us we worked on the spaceship for awhile I went over to Hop Pop and kneeled down and wispered in his ear "Hey I want some time alone with Marcy do you think you could give us sometime alone" I asked he turned to me "Sure...ok you two Sprig and Polly let's go inside for a bit I'm getting a little hot" he said standing up "Hop Pop why do we have to go inside with you we aren't hot at all" Sprig asked "Because I need you two to look after me you know make sure I don't die" Hop Pop said "But why you've been on your own before" Sprig asked "Just get your sister and come with me" Hop Pop said Sprig strugged and picked up Polly then followed Hop Pop after they went into the house Hop Pop gave me a winkk and shut the door me and Marcy were alone now I turned back around I had to try to tell her I had some feeling for her "Hey I need to tell you something" I said "M-Me too" she said nervously "Ok why don't you go first" I said "No you go first" she said "Ok when I meet you, you touched a secert place in my heart and I just want to tell you that-" I said but then I was cut off "Aww you touched a secert place in my heart as well I-" she said but then I cut her off "I, I really like you and-" I said but then I was cut off "I really like you too Anne" she said "Yeah well I, I...ah you know what forget it" I said "Ok well nevermind" she said "Ok I enjoy your company you know that right" I said "Yeah I know and I enjoy your company" she said "That's what I thought you'd say" I said she laughed I smiled at it then we went back to work on the spaceship.

Sasha's POV

"Yes that is it Percy you're a genuis" I said "Thanks I only came up with the fire thing since I have a flamethrower" he said "Ok we need a plan to get that human...and I think I have it you give your flamethrower to me and I'll set fire to the ground around Anne then I'll grab the human and we'll bouce it Anne will be distracted by the fire too much that she won't be able to save her and it will be too late and Grime will have her" I said "Great idea" he said "Isn't it the best" I asked "Yes co-captain" he said "Ok now let's go and get that human" I said "Yeah" he said then we went over it took awhile she sensed us and came to us with Marcy.

Anne's POV

"Argh Sasha you should give up you know you'll never get Marcy and if you do I'll save her before you can say Grime is going to fire me if I don't come back with her" I said "Still teasing me Boonchuy" she asked "Still starting fights Waybright" I asked "Hand over Marcy now and no one gets hurt" she said "Yeah sure like I will just hand over Marcy to you" I said "You left me no choice" she said The Toad Guard pulled out a flamethrower and gave it to Sasha she started it up "You wouldn't dare" I said "Oh well I would" she said she turned it on and fire went everywhere I pushed Marcy out of the way so she wouldn't get burned I got a little burned then I realzied I was surrounded by fire I grabbed something from my pocket that will be able to put out the fire I was putting out after a few seconds I heard Marcy run up behind me some of the fire that was put out I pushed her back a bit I guess Hop Pop sensed I was in danger because he came out with Sprig and Polly "Man what happened here" he aksed "No time to explain I think Sasha is trying to distract me to grab Marcy get her and get her out of here" I said "Ok" he said they managed to get Marcy out of there with no troble once I put out all the fire Sasha came up to me "You nit wit" she said "Still calling people are we" I asked "That's none of yourr business thanks to you I was distracted" she said "Yeah maybe you shouldn't have set fire to the ground" I said "Well whatever" she said she pulled out her sword and then I pulled out mine "Destory that flamethrower and no one gets hurt" I said "Yeah and what if we don't" she asked "Well then if you won't then I will" I said I threw my sword Sasha dodged it and it flew right into the flamthrower it exploded and I dodged an attack and grabbed my sword we clashed together then I kicked her and she fell I pointed my sword at her "Go and never return on the edge of my territory" I said "Ok I will" she said then she looked at The Toad Guard she was with he ran up a bit I pointed my sword at him "Leave" I said "Ok" he said than ran off I pointed my sword back at Sasha "Did he just, you know what whatever, you're a coward Percy" she yelled the got up and ran away after him I put my sword back into my pocket and headed to the house once I got there Marcy hugged me "Whoa easy there" I said "I'm sorry I was afraid of losing you" she said "It's okay I aint going no where" I said the Hop Pop came up to me "Good job getting her out but I was thinking farther like deeper into my territory" I said "Sorry she wanted to wait for you at the house" he said "It's okay" I said I walked up to Marcy "What were you thinking you could've gotten hurt or worse, don't follow me into fire" I said "You don't want me to follow you into fire then don't run into fire" she said "Ok I guess I can't argue with you, you're are just so stinking cute" I said "Really" she asked "Yeah" I said "No one has ever said I was cute they thought I was annoying" she said "Why would anyone think that" I asked "I don't know" she said "Well in my opinion you aren't annoying you're cute and my friend so" I said "Thanks" she said hugging me I hugged back "Oh no Anne did you get hurt at all" she asked me stopping hugging me I looked at my arm "Yeah" I said looking up "Where and when" she asked "Here on my arm and when I pushed you out of the way of the fire burning you" I said letting her see my arm Hop Pop saw it "Man we need to treat that asap" he said "Yeah I agree" she said then we went inside the house and Hop Pop cured me after he was done he exited my room and Marcy had fallen asleep I smiled at her and blushed I couldn't keep it in anymore I loved her I laid down and went to sleep.

Sasha's POV

"Mmm I need a new plan to get that human that one backfired" I said "Yeah you think" Percy said "Shut up" I said he did I thought for a minute "Oh how about you apply another tracker onto the human" he asked "I can't it will probaly getting damaged again or Anne might see it and it will deactivate" I said "Ok well what about trapping Anne in another way so then when she is distracted you grab the human and we take her to Grime" he said "Great idea Percy" I said "Thanks" he said "I don't mean it" I said "Ok" he said after that we discussed what we'll trap Anne, we will trap her into a cage barred with Toad Bars only Toad Guards can open the cage because they have sepcial tech that allows them to do it we both laughed then I told Percy not to laugh he listened and stopped I laughed a bit then we went to sleep on our makeshift beds and I couldn't sleep for hours because Percy wa snoring too loud I did somehow after hours of trying.

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