Chapter 4

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Anne's POV

Walking towards the debris was a little long since I ran there last time and it took less time to get over there once we did we started on gathing the piece of the spaceship and mending them together we were doing a good job until I heard something behind me it sounded like footsteps I turned around nothing I continuted to help rebuild the spaceship I heard the footsteps again and turned around nothing I was a little pissed because whoever it was was annoying me and needed to stop "Hey whoever is annoying me stop it I'm busying" I shouted then went back to helping with rebuilding after a few minutes I heard the footsteps again I sighed then stood up and turned around and saw a person coming closer to me "Who are you and how did you find me" I asked "Oh Anne you don't know who I am how disapointting and after our last interaction" they said then tilted their head up it was Sasha "Sasha I should've known you'll come back after I kicked your butt" I said "Yeah well let's make this quick I need to get back to my post before you know who finds out I'm gone" she said then she pulled out her sword The Plantars and Marcy were watching me and her I pulled out my sword "Ok let's get this over with" I said then Sasha ran at me and slashed at me I blocked it she pushed down and her sword was getting closer to my face then I pushed her off just as her sword hit my face she walked back a bit I ran at her and slashed she blocked it then we broke our clashing and she slashed I blocked it and then I kicked her and she fell on the ground I pointed my sword at her "Listen here Sasha you can't beat me and you said we needed to make this quick so we did now leave and never come back" I said "Ok, ok I'll go" she said then Marcy came up to see what was happening with me and Sasha "Who is this" she asked I looked at her "This is Sasha she works for a dangerous Toad Ruler he is just like me and my adotopted family pointy ears, horns, tail she fought with me a few days ago before you crashed landed here" I said "Oh ok" she said I looked at Sasha she looked at Marcy surpirised "I think my time here is done already I was planning on kicking your butt but I think Grime would like to here about a human crash landing here don't you think" she said "Don't you even you know how he's with humans" I said "Too late" she said then she kicked my sword out of my hand and jumped up and ran away I walked over to my sword and picked it up "What was that about" Marcy asked "Oh Sasha's boss the Toad Ruler he is really focused on getting his hands on a human he thinks they can lead him to greater power but I know if she tells her boss that you're here he might send his toad guards to get you or send Sasha back here to get you but don't worry if any person or Sasha comes for you I will protect you I promise" I said "Thanks" she said "Yeah let's get back to working on the spaceship to get you home before Sasha or anyone gets you" I said "Yeah I would really like that" she said "Ok" I said then we went back to rebuilding the spaceship.

Sasha's POV

I walked back to my base after awhile I made it Grime was standing in front of it and was facing the front of the base "Where have you been Sasha" he asked "I'm sorry captain" I said "You left your post when I told you not to" he said "Captain I-" I said but I was cut off "I asked you where you've been so answer me" he said "I went to have a rematch with Anne" I said "Really why didn't you tell me believe me I would have given you permission" he asked "Yeah I mean I thought you would've not given me permission sorry" I said "It's fine did you beat Anne" he asked "No I didn't but you should know something" I said "Yeah and that's" he asked "There is someone with Anne" I said "What who" he asked turning around "I don't know her name but she is a human" I said "A human you say" he asked "Yeah she has shiny black hair, brown eyes, a damaged right eye, olive skin, and a space suit on" I said "We'll I was going to disown you, you know fire you but I guess I'll give you another chance track down this human before it's too late and bring her back here or I'll fire you and no second chance and I mean it" he said "Yes captain" I said "Now go inside go back to your post and stay there until futher notice" he said "Yes captain" I said "Your dissmissed" he said "Thanks captain" I said then I walked passed him and went into the base I went back to my post and stayed there until futher notice like Grime said I need to get the human I need to track her down next thing tomorrow morning I'll go, track her down, get her, and brig her back here for Grime to do what he does best she will probably still be with Anne working on what looked like a spaceship there that was it is Anne trying to do get the human home before I catch up and get her and bring her back here I finished my shift and went to bed I laid down and fell asleep rather quickly geez I never.

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