Chapter 16

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Anne's POV

I woke up to a bang on the side of the house I turned to Marcy she woke up to "I guess Polly ran into a Toad Guard" I said "Yeah we should help her" she said "Not you, you stay here I'm going to help her" I said getting out of my bed and grabbing my sword and exiting my room I woke up Sprig and we headed outside I was right Polly was fighting a Toad Guard it was an Elite Toad Guard me and Sprig ran at him and helped out Polly we knocked him into some rocks "I was was handling the Toad Guard pretty well" she said "Well he is a Elite Toad Guard you know what happen last time you dealt with one" I said "Yeah I do but I didn't need your help" she said "Really I heard a bang on the house when I woke up" I said "Ok that was me the Toad Guard threw me into the wall not my fault now I would really like your help" she said "Ok" I said then the Elite Toad Guard stood up we ran at him he pushed us back with his sword and we fell I stood up and ran at him and knocked his sword out of his hand then grabbed his neck he dropped his sword and held him sgainst the rock wall we knocked him into "What is Sasha planning" I asked "I can't tell you" he said "Tell me or things will get messing" I said holding my sword up to his throut "Ok, ok Sasha is planning to get you and the human back to Grime so he can make the human lead him to greater power and I don't know what he wants with you" he said "You aint telling me ok then we'll make this messing" I said "Ok, ok he wants you to work in a slavery camp that he is fixing up after someone blew it up last month" he said "That was me you know that right" I asked "Yeah I did" he said "Well I have no regrets and go tell Sasha she aint getting the human and not me either" I said "Yeah I will" he said "Good I'm going to let you go now and you're going to tell Sasha what I told you right" I asked "Yeah I will, I will" he said "Good now get out of here and don't come back" I said dropping him he stood up and ran away me and Sprig went to back inside the house Polly stayed outside keeping a look out I enter my room to Marcy waiting for me "Did you kick the Toad Guard's butt" she asked "Yeah also I heard that Grime wants me to work in a slavery camp that I blew up last month" I said "Ok why did you blow up that slavery camp" she asked "Sprig and Polly were put there I made a epic resure mission and I blew it up after so Grime wouldn't be trapping innocent people there just for his own biding" I said "Cool but we can't get captured" she said "Yeah I know don't worry I won't let that happen" I said "Ok" she said then I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.

Sasha's POV

I was waiting for a Elite Toad Guard to get back after a few minutes I heard footsteps run up "I'm sorry co-captain I'm late" he said I turned around "Where is Anne and the human" I asked "Sorry Anne and her adotpted brother and sister attacked me and beat me" he said "I told you to do one simple thing and you couldn't do it go back in there and get me Anne and the human" I said "But co-captain Anne is stronger than she was before" he said "I don't care if she is go back in there and get me the human and Anne" I shouted "Yes co-captain" he said "You're an Elite Toad Guard how could you let that happen" I said "Sorry" he said I don't want your apology I want Anne and the human" I shouted "Yes co-captain" he said then turned around and walked back into Anne's territory I waited for him to come back which was a long tiime "So" I asked "Sorry co-captain Anne's adotpted sister stopped me" he said "You're a Elite Toad Guard I expect you to act like one" I said "Sorry" he said "I don't want your apology" I said "Ok" he said "You're fired" I said "What no you can't do that" he said "Yes I can I'm co-captain and also Grime gave me permission" I said "Ok fine I didn't want this job anymore anyway" he shouted then walked away I scoff then turned around "You" I said pointing to another Elite Toad Guard "Me" he asked "Yeah you, you're duty now is to get me Anne and the human" I said "Yes co-captain" he said "Ok then go in the morning I need rest waiting for that Elite Toad Guard to come back with nothing" I said "Ok" he said I laid down on my makeshift bed and fell asleep.

Anne's POV

I woke up to Polly nudging me "What is it Polly" I asked sitting up "There is the Elite Toad Guard at the front he wants to speak with you" she said "Ok" I said confused I got out of bed, grabbed my sword, left my room, and exited the house he was standing right there I pulled out my sword "What do you want you come here two times already" I asked "Actually he came three times you were sleeping" Polly said "Ok whatever what do you want" I asked "Look I don't want to fight you" he said "Really" I said "Really" he said "Then why are you here" I asked "Sasha fired me and I want to help you aviod her" he said "Why should I believe you maybe this is a ruse, a trick to make me think you want to help us but then when you have the chance you'll take me and the human to her" I asked "I aint with the Toad Guards anymore there see I'm not with them" he said taking off his badge and smashing it with his foot "Ok since you smashed your badge but we'll keep our eyes on you and you don't get to sleep inside" I said putting my sword away "Thanks" he said coming up to me to shake my hand "No I don't touch Toad Guards and Toad Guards don't touch me clear" I said "Yeah but what if the Toad Guard grabs you" he asked "Then I try to get out if their grasp" I said "And also I am not a Toad Guard not anymore" he said "Ok" I said "Yeah" he said "So what is your name" I asked "My name is Bradly" he said "Well Bradly I'm Anne and don't try anything" I said "I knew your name and I promise this aint a trick" he said "Good" I said I turned around and started walking to the house then I heard something buzz I turned around Bradly took a recorder out of his belt and turned around I overheard everything "BRADLY where are you, you have to head back to Toad Tower Base to give back your armor" I think Sasha shouted "Sorry co-captain I'll head back and give back my armor" he said I walked up to him then he put his recorder back in his belt and turned around to me "What was that" I asked "It was Sasha she wants me to head back to Toad Tower Base to give back my armor" he said "Are you going" I asked "Me no I don't want to give this armor back" he said "Ok that's smart but I would need you to smash this so I know you aint lying to me" I said grabbing his recorder out of his belt and giving it to him "Yeah totally" he said he threw it on the ground and smashed it with his foot "Good now stay out here in the morning we'll be working on a spacehip to get the human off this planet you welcome to help" I asked "Yeah totally" he said "Good" I said I walked back to the house "Keep ann eye on him Polly" I said "Yes" she said "Good" I said I walked into the house and went to my room and went to sleep.

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