Chapter 15

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Anne's POV

The drive was very long I forgot what time it was until we stopped I guess they had to take a break since it was night and they were all tired I waited until they all were asleep and I worked on trying to find a way to get these chains off me it took a long time almost all night but I figured it out one of the Toad Guards left a key in the back of the van by accident I grabbed it and unlocked the chains and went to the door and opened it all the Toad Guards were sleeping I had to find which van Marcy was in I looked for awhile most of the vans were filled with weapons and other gadgets I came on one which was different than the others it had a lot more guarded pates on I went to open the door it was locked "Argh dang it locked maybe there is a key in the front" I said I looked in the front seat and found one I think a Toad Guard left it in there I grabbed them and went to the back I unlocked the lock and tried to open the door I realized there was more "Oh are you kidding me" I said I unlocked the rest of the locks and opened the door something hit me in the head "Ow" I said rubbing it "Take me to Anne this insant" Marcy said I looked at her "Oh Anne it's you I'm sorry for throwing that at you" she said "It's okay I aint bleeding" I said "Umm I think you are" she said "Hm" I said touching it and then looking at my hand "Oh man" I said "It doesn't look good I can help heal it you just need to get these chains off me" she said "Ok I think I have the keys" I said stepping into the van and came up and tried to unlock the chains "Ah dang it I guess this isn't the right key stay right here I'll be back" I said "Ok" she said then I stepped out of the van and closed the door I searched around some vans to find the right key I didn't find a key then I searched the Toad Guards none of them had it but then I searched Sasha and she had them I woke her up from getting them she looked at me "Anne how did you escape" she asked "Well let's just say I'm escaping and there is nothing you can do about it" I said "I won't let you" she said getting up "Yeah sure" I said she ran at me I knocked her out cold I had to hurry the Toad Guards must've heard me and they will try to get me and Marcy again I opened the van door and stepped in "Anne you were gone for so awhile I was getting worried also I heard a thud is everything ok" Marcy asked "Well I woke up Sasha by accident and knocked her out and now I think the Toad Guards heard me and might wake up soon we need to get out of here" I said "Ok" she said I unlocked the chains as quickly as I could and we opened the door the Toad Guards were waiting for us Sasha walked up to me "Whoa Anne leaving so soon but Grime has plans for you, both of you" she said "Beat it Sasha you'll never get Marcy it doesn't matter how hard you try" I said "Yeah but I have the upper hand I have Toad Guards you obay me since I'm the co-captain of the Toad Guards and you are just a farmer's adotpted granddaughter" she said "Yeah maybe but being a farmer's adotpted granddaughter isn't so bad it taught me something" I said "Yeah and what did it teach you" she asked "Well it taught me how to stand up to people like you" I said I grabbed a smoke bomb from my pocket and threw it down I grabbed Marcy's hand and ran away we made it to safety back in my territory we hugged each other "Oh man I thought this was it and I would lose you" I said "Yeah me too I don't want to become a mindless human helping someone who wants nothing better to have than power" she said "Yeah now let's get home Sasha will be looking for us and she will have her Elite Toad Guards with her these Toad Guards are much more skilled than normal ones are we need to sleep and a plan" I said "I agree" she said then we walked home we held hands the whole way back The Plantars were shocked once we walked in "Anne, Marcy you're back" Hop Pop said "Sorry Anne the Toad Guards came and took me and Polly down" Sprig said "It's okay Sprig also Sasha has Elite Toad Guards now they're stronger and more skilled than a normal Toad Guard" I said "That's why we couldn't beat them" Sprig said "Yeah I think it's time we had a plan to take out Sasha and her Toad Guards" I said "Yeah but what happened the Elite Toad Guards beat Sprig and Polly then took Marcy away" Hop Pop asked "I went to the edge of my territory and ran into Sasha she surrounded me with Toad Guards then order the Elite Toad Guards to get Marcy they shoved both of us in a van and started to drive to Toad Tower Base once noght came they stopped for a sleep break and we escaped but Sasha will come back" I said "Ok we'll do planning you two get sleep" he said "But you'll be missing out on sleep" I said "Ok, ok who wnats to be on look out for Toad Guards" he asked "Me I'll do it" Polly said "Ok be careful if you run into a Elite Toad Guard you might lose and me and Marcy will be taken to Toad Tower Base" I said "Will be and wait didn't Grime only want Marcy" she asked "Yeah he did but I guess he changed his mind he wants me too for some reason" I said "Ok" she said "Now we better get to sleep" I said "I agree" Marcy said we all went into our rooms Marcy walked into my room with me and slept in the extra bed I went to sleep on my bed Polly kept a look out and will try to stop the Toad Guard if she ever ran into one.

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