Chapter 9

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Marcy's POV

Anne fell backwards "Anne" I shouted with The Plantars I kneeled down she closed her eyes I noticed a stab wound I gasped, I reached for something in my pocket to stop the bleeding for now I took out a towel I questioned why I had it then I put it on Anne's wound and picked her up I turned to The Plantars "Come on she needs mechical attention asap" I said "Ok I'm coming" Hop Pop said he also told Sprig and Polly to come inside "Put her on her bed it's ok I'll wash the covers laters" he said I laid her on her bed and Hop Pop started helping her I sat on the extra bed I was using and just watched after a few hours he was done "There that shoud do it" he said he turned around and saw that I was still awake "Ahh man I didn't know you were still awake sorry" he said "No problem I don't mind" I said "Ok you should get some sleep" he said "Alright got it" I said "Ok I'm going to bed" he said the exited the room I got ready for bed and laid down in the extra bed I looked at Anne she wasn't looking good I stayed up all night when Hop Pop came in, in the morning he noticed I didn't get any sleep "Whoa honly moley" he said "Yeah I never got a wink of sleep last night" I said "You know what you sleep and me, Sprig, an Polly will work on the spaceship today for you" he said "Really" I asked "Yeah you are our guest after all" he said "Thanks I'll try to go to sleep'" I said I yawned and tried to fall asleep but for the most part I just laid there and didn't sleep I did mange to go to sleep but it was only for a two hours and I was still tired I looked over at Anne she was not moving I got out of bed and walked over to her and felt her pluse she was alive thanfully but her heart beat was kinda slow also her breathing was kinda slow I was pissed at Sasha now I laid back down and watched Anne I manged to get to sleep after awhile and sleep for a few hours I woke when it was night I felt better but not really good I couldn't see that fact that Anne was there in next to me completely still not moving only breathing I couldn't take it I thought of turning myself into Sasha and just let it happen but that would be stupid right after more than two weeks of not getting sleep I had to excute my plan I snuck out a window that was in Anne's room and ran to the base "Hey" I shouted some Toad Guards looked down "It's the human" one said "I'm talking to you" I shouted up "Yes were listening we'll send Sasha your way" one shouted down "Good" I said then after a few minutes Sasha came up "So you here on the behaft of me and Anne's deal" she asked "No she beat you, you stabbed her I haven't slept in more than two weeks" I said "Well that's bad for you" she said "You don't know what I'm going through do you" I asked "No and I don't care" she said "Yeah well at least you don't have a crush on Anne" I said then I noticed I said that I loved Anne and I covered my mouth "You love Anne" Sasha asked "Yeah ok I do, I do ever since she saved me from my spaceship debris and you I've had a huge crush on her ok" I said "You took my spotlight" she said "What you're spotlight but yor always picking a fight with Anne" I questioned "I am and that's how us Toad Guards try to show affection" she said "Well I have news for you Anne isn't going to love you because she swore to protect me and she will always" I said "But Anne isn't here and we have you in our grasped" she said I made a run for it and passed Sasha and ran as fast as I could I didn't look back I think Sasha set up a search party for me because I saw some Toad Guards looking around I had to keep on running no matter how much I wanted to return to the house I thought if I make it into The Plantar Basklands Sasha and her search party wouldn't be able to get me but I notcied her Toad Guards aren't kicked out of Anne's territory I just ran until sunlight then night time came again and I stayed out running for days it had to be abot five weeks now or more I began to lose hope that I'll ever get home after not having sleep and trying to avoid Sasha's Toad Guards I never made it back for a few weeks because I couldn't I was stuck like a rock in a hard place and I couldn't escape at all I thought Anne must've woken up and wondered where I was and went out looking for me but I completely lost her I came up to a village and someone came up to me "Hey there little girl" they said "Umm hi" I said "I noticed you were a human" they said "Yeah I am" I said "Then I got the perfect thing to show you, you like this planet right" they asked "Yeah, well kinda I wasn't supossed to come here it was an accident" I said "We all made accidents well anyway you're probably wondering where you are" they said "Yeah I am" I said "Well welcome to The Razor Outlands" they said "Cool" I said "Yeah follow me" they said "Ok" I said following them close behind they lead me to a tent and let me walk in first "Whoa this is a lot of cool stuff" I said "I'm glad you like it, it's from the other outlands The Toad Guard Outlands those Toad Guards are the ones who use some of these materials for their armor and then again they do pay a lot for humans" they said I turned around they had a bat at their hand and I knew they were going to knock me out I quickly moved away and ran around the tent I made a break for it but they were too fast and knocked me out after awhile I woke up in a cage it was big enough for me to stand and sit "Hey just wait unitl my friend Anne hears about this" I said "Anne the one Sasha stabbed yeah she aint waking up anytime soon and when she does you'll you know" they said "You really think that" I asked "I know it" they said I sat back down and thought maybe they're right maybe it'll be too late when Anne wakes up and I'll be gone and never get home oh Anne please wake up soon the person started moving to the base they lived a long way from it.

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