Chapter 13

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Sasha's POV

I woke up and sat up I notcied Percy was still sleeping I sighed then kicked him "Ah what I'm awake" he said waking up "Argh Percy you need to be awake on time" I said "Sorry co-captain" he said "Sorry doesn't do it" I said "Ok" he said "Also we need to go I got a human to catch" I said "Yeah ok also I heard the human's name from Anne wasn't it Marcy" he asked "Yeah it was now don't go telling people everyone will be on look out" I said "Maybe if you didn't want everyone to be on look out you shouldn't have put up a bounty" he said "Hey it wasn't my idea to put up a bounty it was Grime's idea after the whole accindent when me and him tried to sneak up on Anne and force her to watch Marcy know" I said "Ok wasn't your idea" he said "Yeah and it probably will attract bounty hunter to give Grime money for her" I said "Ok" he said "Yeah now let's do this" I said "Yeah" he said I pulled out my recorder "Grime me and Percy are going to need a chopper with a Toad Bar Cage and take to to Anne's territory The Plantar Basklands" I said Grime said "Sure" and ordered a chopper to come to us they went down to me a Toad Guard opened the door "Hey co-captain Grime told us to meet you here" The Toad Guard said "Yeah pretty much you're going to need to follow us to the edge of Anne's territory and then when she comes drop the cage on her I'll grab the human and then fly away" I said "Ok got it" he said then he closed the door and the driver flew higher they followed me and Percy to tthe edge of Anne's territory it took a bit for her to come and she came with Marcy again.

Anne's POV

"Sasha Waybright again yesterday I thought you gave up since that flamethrower plan of your backfired" I said "No" she said "I'm getting tired of this" I said "Me too hand over Marcy" she said "No how many times do I have to tell you" I said "Ok we'll do this the hard way" she said she whisted to something up in the air me and Marcy looked up a cage dropped I pushed Marcy out of the way so she won't get trapped the cage landed and got me "Ha I knew it would work" Sasha said "This is really your big plan ok so we're you planning on trapping me or Marcy" I asked "Actually I hoped I got you both" she said "Yeah whatever now get me out of here so I can kick your butt in person" I said "Umm no I'll be taking Marcy now" she said "No" I shouted she grabbed Marcy and cuffed her then escorted her out the edge of my territory "You corward Sasha" I shouted she heard I knew she did I tried to break the bars but nothing worked later The Plantars came to check on us "Anne what happened where is Marcy" Hop Pop asked "Sasha took her they dropped this cage on me you need to go after her" I said "No your the only one who knows how to take down Sasha and Toad Guards" he said "Yeah, yeah ok can you get me out" I said "Hmm I think this is a Toad Bar cage we can't open the cage unless we have Toad Guard euipment" he said "Then just take one out or go on without me" I said "Hmm maybe we could lift the cage" he said "Ok if we all lift maybe" I said then we all lifted it was heavy and we we're able to do it I got out and run out "Ok now we need to hurry" I said I ran out of my territory and towards to Toad Tower Base suprisly Sasha wasn't there I ran back close to Toad Tower Base but not too close I saw her I ran at her she sensed me and looked at me "What" she said suprised I tackled her "That is the last time you trick me" I said on her "How did you get out of the cage" she asked "I had help" I said "From The Plantars argh I'll get them next" she said "I just want one thing from you" I said "What is that" she asked "I want you to release Marcy and leave us alone" I said "I'll release Marcy but I won't leave you alone Grime ordered me to get Marcy and that's what I'm going to do" she said she crulled her legs then kicked up she kicked me in the chest and I backed up "Anne" Marcy shouted "Shut up" The Toad Guard with Sasha said he put a knife up to Marcy's chin Sasha stood up I saw what The Toad Guard did I ran at Sasha she swag her sword but I dodged it and ran over to The Toad Guard and grabbed him and grabbed his kinife and put it up to his chin but when I looked at Sasha she had a kinfe up to Marcy neck "You wouldn't dare" I said "Yes I would Grime will have Marcy hurt or not hurt" she said "You left me no choice" I said I stabbed The Toad Guard and kicked him on the floor then I grabbed the knife from Sasha's hand "Now let Marcy go or things are going to turn out worst for you" I said "Ok" she said then let go of Marcy I throw the two knifes on the ground and grabbed Marcy and walked her aside and unlocked the cuffs she hugged me "Omg Anne you saved me again" she said she stopped hugging me "Yeah I know I'm just trying not to let you get caught by Grime" I said "Yeah I met the guy he is not a nice person" she said "Yep and Sasha will be back so we better keep on our toes I don't want you to get your mind all" I said then made some noises "Yeah me neither I was scared you wouldn't save me" she said "Me too" I said "Let's go and work on the spaceship before night fall" I said "Yeah I agree" she said then we walked back and worked on the spaceship again "Hey sorry we didn't follow you, you were a little too fast for us to even catch up" Hop Pop said "It's okay I found Sasha and got Marcy back on my own" I said "Okay good to know" he said we kneeled down and started working on the spaceship after dark we went inside and slept.

Sasha's POV

I kneeled down to Percy and turned him around he was bleeding "Oh no this doesn't look good Percy you need to stay storng I'll find a way to stop this bleeding" I said "O-ok" he said "Don't speak you'll lose your strength" I said he nodded I took a cloth out from my belt and put it around his stab wound I ran off to find anything to help Percy I ran into a village and noticed that I was in The Razor Basklands it's full of kind people and people that will give away free things to Toad Guards I walked up to one stand "Hey" I said "Hello" the person running the stand said it was a guy "Do you have anything for stab wounds" I asked "Yeah I have this treatment subtance and these bandages you put the subtance on first then the badnages" he said "Yeah I know" I said "Ok so that will be 10 copper" he said "Oh sorry I don't have anything on me at the momment I'm kinda looking for someone but I'm a Toad Guard" I said he gasped "Really" he asked "Yep my armor says it all" I said "I didn't notice your armor take those things for free you must be helping someone who got stabbed" he said "Yeah" I said nervously we both waved bye and I walked back to Percy he was still alive I took out the treatment subtance and put it on the stab wound then I rapped it in bandages "There you'll feel better tomorrow now we need to get back to our spot and rest the sun is going down" I said "Yeah" he said I helped him up and we walked back to our spot and dicussed a plan to get the human then went to sleep.

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