Chapter 5

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Sasha's POV

I woke up and got my clothes on I grabbed a tracker that was sittinng on my desk just in case and walked out of the base I turned around and looked up Grime was looking down on me he gave me a look and I looked at him with the same look then turned around and walked away I walked to the same area Anne was it took awhile I mean last time took awhile as well I didn't want Grime to be disapointed in me and fireing me I had to make it to where Anne was quick and get that human before she finishes and gets that human off this planet.

Anne's POV

"So there we go just apply this on to this and go to go" I said "You're smart" Marcy said "Yeah I know but I think you're smarter" I said "Really how" she asked "You just taught me how to connect the engine to the ship" I said "Oh yeah" she said I laughed and she mimiced my laugh I went back to mending the pieces together and after a few hours I felt something strange I knew it was probably Sasha coming back for another rematch "Quickly hide I think Sasha is coming back she might want to catch you so she can take you to her boss Grime and you don't want to meet him" I said "Ok where should I hid" she asked "In the house here I walk you and hid you myself" I said "Ok that's okay" she said "Come on let's go before it's too late" I said "Ok" she said then we walked back to the house I had a strange reason to hold Marcy's hand all the way so I did I kinda blushed and when we got there I opened the door and motioned her in and shuted the door "Ok there is a trunk in my room but when you close the hach it locks and you're stuck in there unless someone opens the hach from the outside so" I said "Ok" she said "I guess the closet in my room is the best option" I said "Ok lead me there" she said "Ok got ya" I said I lead her to my room "There is my closet it's spaceash by the way the doors show light but you can't see anyone in them and you can lock it and unlock it from the inside I'll stay here until your ready" I said "Ok" she said she walked over to my closet and shut the door and locked it "I'll come back after the fight with Sasha" I said "Ok see you then" she said "Ok" I said then I walked out of my room and out of the house I locked the door before I went back over to the spot the destoryed spaceship was Sasha wasn't there but when I made it soon after she walked up "Hello Sasha you here for the human" I asked "Yeah where is she" she asked "She left awhile ago she won't be coming back" I said "Yeah" she said then pulled out a recorder of some sort "I need some back up Grime I think I tracked the human and I need some back up" she said then put the recorder away "You're calling for back up that is an unfair fight" I said "No it's to search around here so wherever you're hiding her she will be found" she said "Yeah right" I said pulling out my sword "Oh you want to play it like that" she asked pulling out her sword "Down, fighting dirty...yes" I said "Then we'll play it like that" she said she slashed her sword down and I blocked it and then pushed down and slashed down she backed up a bit I slashed down she blocked it then she pushed up and I backed up a bit but slashed at her she blocked it and we clashed swords we kept fight for awhile.

Back up Sasha called for's POV

I walked up to a house "Maybe the human is in here" I said "Yeah then we take her to captain Grime" my partner asked "No we take the human to Sasha first then we follow Sasha back to the base but right now let's focus on finding that human" I said "Ok, ok buddy" my partner said I went to open the door it was locked "Argh locked" I said "Here our lock cutter" my partner said holding up his lock cutter"Thanks" I said grabbing my lock cutter from my belt and cutting the lock I opened the door and walked in I put my lock cutter back into my belt and pulling my gun back out and searching the house after awhile we couldn't find anything "You got any luck" I asked my partner "No you" he asked "No, nothing" I said "Ok maybe there is somewhere we didn't check" I said "I saw a closet in one of the rooms maybe we will check in there" he said "Good idea" I said then followed my partner into the room the closet was in.

Marcy's POV

I sat in the closet for awhile then I heard Anne's room's door open I stayed quite I thought it was Sasha and she won the fight and was coming to look for me it sounded like there was two of them they came to the closet and tried to open it it was locked they pulled out something and put it near the door and opened the door they couldn't at first then they tried again and were able to open the door they saw me and pointed there gun at me "We found her let's take her to Sasha" one of the said "Yeah" the other one said then someoen came up behind them and knocked them out it was Anne "Anne" I said getting up and hugging her "Hey you ok" she asked "Yeah I am thanks to you" I said "Good" she said "Did you beat Sasha" I asked "Yeah I kicked her butt she gaved up and I kicked her out of this terriory because it's mine" she said "You kicked her out who are these two by the way" I asked "Sasha called for back up in searching for you thankfully I was here to stop them from taking you, bringing you to Sasha, and following Sasha to their boss" she said "Yeah thanks" I said "Yeah anytime now these two are going to wake up sooner or later let's get them out of here" she said "Yeah" I said then both of us moved the two guys somewhere else off the terriory and stuff then made it back to the spaceship and started working on it again.

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