Chapter 8

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Anne's POV

After yesterday me and The Plantars worked on the spaceship then headed to bed I woke up in the morning and looked over to Marcy she still sleeping I smiled then waited for her to wake up she did after a few minutes and she looked over at me "Morning Anna-Banana" she said "Morning to you too Mar-Mar" I said she laughed a bit I smiled bigger her laugh was nice "Well we should get going and work on the spaceship" I said "Yeah I don't want to be here on this planet with Sasha and Grime no longer but I still want to be on this planet with you" she said "Yeah me too" I said "Hey maybe you can come back with me to earth" she said "That's a good idea maybe I can come but I don't know I was born on this planet and I will always live here" I said "Can we at least try to get you off this planet" she asked "Yeah we can try" I said then we exited the house and went over to the spaceship we worked for a few hours after that time I sensed someone at the edge of my terriory "You stay here I sense someone at the edge of my terriory I'll be back" I said standing up, turning around, and going to walk away but Marcy grabbed my arm "Wait it might be Sasha be careful" she said "I will don't worry" I said she let go and I walked over to the edge of my territory Marcy was right it was Sasha "Sasha I should've known it was you I was sensing" I said "I came here for a deal" she said "Really hit me with it" I said "You'll give Marcy to me and I'll get out of your hair, you don't give me Marcy and we have a showdown right here, right now" she said "Can it be noon" I asked "Fine noon it is so what will it be then" she asked "I won't give up Marcy I'll take the second choice" I said "You rather have me in your hair than having me out" she asked "Yes we will meet back here at noon I'll see you then" I said "Ok I look forward to kicking your butt and taking Marcy to Grime" she said "Yeah we'll see about go get out of here" I said "As you wish leader of The Plantar Basklands" she said then backed up and walked away I watched her as she did and started walking back then I heard her turn around and run at me I turned around just as she was close to me and pulled out my sword and pointed it at her troat "Now did I kick you out of my territory or what" I asked "Yes you did" she said I grabbed her armor "Yes and stay out" I said throwing her on the ground "Yes I will" she said and I watched as she got up and ran away I watched until she was gone out of sight I walked back and saw the plantars working on the spaceship I kneeled down to Marcy and tapped her on the shoulder she turned her head around "Anne" she said then hugged me "Yeah I'm ok, I'm ok" I said "I'm so gald that you are" she said "Yeah me too now Sasha gave me a choice between giving you to her and she'll get out of my hair or I'll not give you to her and she'd fight me at noon" I said "You took the don't give me to her and she'd fight you at noon choice right" she asked "No" I said and picked her up and started walking away I laughed "I'm just messing with you" I said putting her down "Oh thank goodness" she said "Yeah also why would I give you to Sasha anyway" I asked "I don't know" she said "Me niether well we will work on the spaceship until noon" I said "Ok" she said we walked back to the spaceship holding hands I blushed a little we made it made it back and worked on the spaceship untilI needed to go "Oh look at that it's noon" I said standing up "Be careful and come back safe and sound I don't want to see you hurt" Marcy said "Don't worry Sasha is a walk in the park when it comes to fights" I said then I walked away to the edge of my terriory "Hey Sash" I said walking up "There you are I thought you were scared for a minute there" she said "Yeah no I''m not scared of you" I said "Well then let's get this fight started" she said drawing out her sword "I'm there with you" I said drawing out my sword we looked at one another then we ran at each other we clashed swords and stayed there for a bit then I slashed down and made her fall on the ground I pointed my sword at her "That was too easy" I said "Oh I'll show you too easy" she said she kicked my sword out of my hand and it fell on the groung a little far away she got up and slashed her sword at me I grabbed her hand then she went to punch me with her other hand I grabbed it then I kicked her she fell on the ground again I ran over to my sword and picked it up I ran back to her she already made it up I jumped and slashed she blocked it I slashed again she blocked I turned around and slashed at her she ducked and ran at me we clashed swords again "Give it up Sasha you can't win" I said "I never give up" she said she kicked me down I fell and my sword got knocked out of my hand she came over and raised her sword "It was nice knowing you Boonchuy" she said I rolled out and she slashed down and hit the ground I grabbed my sword and ran over to her and slashed she fell I pointed my sword at her "It was nice knowing you two Waybright" I said I raised my sword but just when I was going to stab Sasha I felt her sword go into my stomach and I looked down and noticed she stabbed me I lowered my arm and dropped my sword she pulled out her sword, she rolled out from where I fell, I fell she came over to me and rasied her sword to stab me again I turned around and grabbed her sword just as it was going down I tossed it away and pointed at her "Now you listen here this is my territory I don't care if I won or didn't you need to get out of here I kicked you out" I said "Ok fine but this isn't over Boonchuy" she said grabbing her sword and walking away I stood up with the strength I had and grabbed my sword and walked back to The Plantars and Marcy once I got there I didn't feel good they turned around "Oh Anne there you are the sun is going down and we were getting worried" Hop Pop said Marcy ran up "Anne I'm glad you made it back alive" she said "Me too" I said but then I fell backwards and my vison went burrly and all I could hear was "Anne" from everyone but if was muffled I blacked out after that.

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