Chapter 17

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Marcy's POV

I woke up and Anne was still sleeping I got out bed and walked over to her and nudged her "Anne wake up" I said she turned over and woke up "Morning Marbles" she said with a smile "Morning Anna-Banana" I said with a smile she sat up and looked at me for a minute I was blushing I didn't want to tell her how I felt Sasha knows so she could use that against her I didn't want that to happen "Let's go work on the spaceship" I said "Ok" she said then got out of bed and grabbed my arm and then held my hands "I'm so glad that you were in my life Marcy I would've stay the same without you" she said "Me too" I said I kissed her on the cheek then I realized what I just did but she played it off as something a friend would do we left her room and exited the house I was grabbed by the arm I turned and saw that an Elite Toad Guard grabbed me "Let go of me" I shouted he didn't "We talked about this" Anne said he let go "Sorry Marcy I didn't get to tell you that this Elite Toad Guard git fired by Sasha his name is Bradly" she said "Ok nice to meet you I'm Marcy" I said he went to shake my hand I didn't grab it "No please I don't want to" I said "Ok" he said "So you're on our side now" I asked "Yeah I'll help you two with the spaceship" he said "Why did you grab me" I asked "Sorry I guess working for someone who wants you I kinda had an instinct to grab you I'm sorry" he said "It's okay don't do it again" I said "Won't I promise" he said "Ok" I said then we walked to the spaceship and started to work on it "Hey Anne" I asked "Yeah what is it" she asked "Do you really think you should be trusting a Elite Toad Guard" I asked "No" she said "I think I recoize him too, he is the Elitle Toad Guard that cuffed me" I said "Yeah I figured" she said "You're keeping an eye on him aren't you" I asked "Yeah am I and Polly watched him all night she gave me a thumbs up before we left so I think he didn't nothing last night" she said "Ok" I said we went back to working on the spacehip and then Anne shived and turned around "What is it Anne" I asked "Somone is here" she said standing up "Bradly come with me it might be Sasha or another Toad Guard" she said he nodded then stood up "Marcy stay here we'll be back and The Plantars should be out here in a few seconds" she said "Ok" I said I watched them walked away then went back to working on the spaceship.

Anne's POV

Me and Bradly walked to the edge of my territory nothing then we perdicted that Sasha or a Toad Guard went into my territory we search around and found a Toad Guard "You tackle him and I'll make him talk" I said "Ok" he said we ran at the Toad Guard Bradly tackled him I walked up and heard the Toad Guard "Ahh what Bradly what the heck" he asked "That's right" I said walking up "Anne, Bradly did you join her side, you traitor" he said "Yeah am I a traitor but I don't care" Bradly said "So why are you in my territory hm" I asked "I don't have to tell you anything" he said I pulled out my sword "That's okay we'll just make this bloody" I said holding my sword up to his throut "Ok, ok Sasha wants me to get you and the human" he said "Ok did Sasha tell you to do that Bradly" I asked "Yeah she did" Bradly said "Ok now get out of here or do you want me to make this bloody" I said "No, no" the Toad Guard said "Ok now go" I said "Yes" he said Bradly got off of him and ran away "Good tackle but that Toad Guard is going to tell Sasha that you're on my side" I said 'Yeah he is and that wasn't just any normal Toad Guard he was an Elite Toad Guard" he said "So you're not worried that he is going to tell Sasha your on my side" I asked "No let him tell her, she can use the lesson not to fire a Elite Toad Guard" he said "Ok let's make it back to the spaceship" I said "Yeah I agree" he said then we walked back to the spaceship The Plantars heard us and turned around "Anne you're back and you have a Elite Toad Guard with you don't worry we'll take care of him" Hop Pop said standing up with Sprig and Polly and charging at Bradly "No" I said "No but Anne he is a Elite Toad Guard" Hop Pop said "Yeah he was one but Sasha fired him and now he wants to help us with her" I said "Ok that's good to know but are you sure you want ti trust an Elite Toad Guard" he asked "Not really but we don't have a chance he is strong and we don't have enough strong people on our side" I said "Ok you're right" he said "Now let's work on that spaceship" I said "Yeah agreed" Bradly said then we worked on the spaceship until something happened.

Sasha's POV

I waited for awhile for the Eilte Toad Guard to get back I heard footsteps run up I turned around "Where is Anne and the human" I asked "Sorry I couldn't get them but there is something else I need to tell you" he said "What" I askeed "The Elite Toad Guard Bradly you fired" he said "Yeah what about him" I asked "He didn't go to Toad Tower Base to give back his armor like he said he would" he said "And" I asked "He joined Anne's side" he said I got angry "Oh that little brat he doesn't do what I order him to do then he betrays me" I said then I walked into Anne's territory I know I wasn'tr supposed to but I had to I walked up to Anne, Marcy, The Plantars, and Bradly, Anne sensed me and stood up and turned around "Anne" I said angry "Sasha" she said "You have someone I need to have a word with" I said "Yeah take him" she said "Good" I said I turned to look at Bradly "Bradly" I shouted "Co-captain you're here good I need to talk to you" he said walking up "Me first" I said "Ok" he said "This is how you treat me after I fire you" I asked "Yeah why" he asked "This is disrepectful" I shouted "I know I did it because I'm tired of you bossing me around what did you expect you fired me deal with it" he shouted "What" I asked "Yeah that's right deal with it" he said "You don't tell your co-captain to deal with it" I said "Well techically you aint my co-captain anymore" he said "I think it's time you go" I said "Yeah you too" he said I pulled out my sword and he pulled out his sword we fought for a bit then I had him and I striked my sword down "Bradly look out" Anne said jumping in front of him "No" he said throwing Anne to safety my sword came down and stabbed him he shouted in pain I pulled it out "And that's why you don't betray your co-captain" I said then I walked away and put away my sword "Co-captain" the Elite Toad Guard said bowing down "Yeah hi" I said then went to my makeshift I lost my greatest Elite Toad Guard he betrayed me he will pay for this if he gets back up knowing Anne he porbably will.

Anne's POV

"Omg Bradly" I said rushing over to him "It's okay Anne I'm fine" he said "No you not Hop Pop come over Bradly is hurt" I shouted "Coming" Hop Pop said he kneeled down to him and patched up the wound pretty well "There you go, good as new" Hop Pop said "Thanks" Bradly said "No problem" Hop Pop said Bradly stood up "Thanks for saving me I guess I was wrong about you" I said "Hey it's okay you can't always trust someone who caused you a lot of troble but I think Sasha is planning her last attack to get you and Marcy" he said "Ok we'll do something we need a plan anyway now we have a Elite Toad Guard to help us" I said "Yeah" he said then we went back and worked on the spaceship unitl night fall I told Bradly he had to sleep outside again he didn't mind I entered my room and Marcy was sitting on the extra bed "You can stay in my room until for the rest of your stay" I said "Thank you I was getting kinda worried you'd send me back to the guest room" she said "It got clean but you got so used to my room you desided to stay in it" I said "Yeah I did" she said "That's nice I like your company" I said "Me too" she said I blushed then laid down and went to sleep.

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