Chapter 19

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Marcy's POV

I landed the spaceship I knew Anne was in danger and I had to save her like she always save me I ran to the edge of Anne's teritory and saw Sasha "Sasha am I here" I said she turned around "Well, well, well look who came to be a savior" she said "Let go of Anne and you can have me" I said "No Grime wants both of you" she said "Grime can take me I'll show him stuff he's never seen before but leave Anne out of this" I said "Nope I don't think so" she said I got pissed and went to punch her she dodged it and ordered a Elite Toad Guard to cuff me they listen "Ha you really think you can beat me" she asked "Actually yes" I said "I'm done here put all three of them in the back of the vans and we'll go straight to Toad Tower Base we don't want them to escape again" she said then the Elite Toad Guards shoved me, Anne, and Bradly into the back of three vans and we went straight to Toad Tower Base someone had to do something we stopped at Toad Tower Base but before we could get the chains off and escorted into the base I heard some fighting outside and then someone unlocked my van door I closed my eyes "Hey it's just me" someone said the voice was fimilar I opened my eyes it was Anne and Bradly "How did you guys" I asked "We kicked the doors" Bradly said "Yeah now let's get you out" Anne said stepping in and coming to unlock the chains "Anne stop right there" Sasha said Anne turned around Sasha was pointing a gun at her "I can't let you escape with Marcy" she said "So what are you going to do shoot me" Anne asked "No, no I am goinng to shoot Marcy" she said pointing the gun at me Anne stood in front of me "No you aint shooting her you can shoot me" Anne said "Really" Sasha said pointing the gun at Anne "Yeah I won't let you shoot Marcy" she said I smiled "Hm I think I want to shoot both of you but I won't" she said putting the gun into her belt I thought about grabbing it but I had to get out of these chains first Anne and Sasha we're distracted by talking I looked around for something that could help me I noticed Anne left the keys next to me I grabbed them and unlocked my chains Anne and Sasha distracted I ran at Sasha and grabbed the gun she saw me do it she turned to me I pointed the gun at her "Give me that back" Sasha said "No, never" I said "Marcy be careful it's loaded" Anne said "Give me the gun back" Sasha said "No" I said "Then let's do this the hard way" she said then grabbed Anne and pulled out a dagger and put it up to Anne's throut "Give me back the gun or Anne gets it" she said "Ok, ok" I said I put it down and kicked over to her "Good" she said she let go of Anne then picked up the gun she turned to Anne and slashed the dagger down and gave Anne a scar on her cheek Anne fell in pain "Anne" I shouted running to her I kneeled down she looked at me "Marcy you did that so I'll wouldn't get hurt" she said "Yeah" I said "You were so brave" she said "Thanks but your bleeding" I said "It's okay it's just a little scar" she said I started crying "Hey, don't cry I'll be okay" she said whipping my tears "Yeah you're right" I said then we both stood up "Sasha" I said "What can I say I do what I must" she said "I will make you pay" Anne said "Yeah come and get me" she said Anne growled then pulled out her sword Sasha pulled her sword and they started fighting they fougt for a soild minite Anne beat Sasha "Call this off" Anne shouted "Never Grime wants you both and he is going to get you both" Sasha said Sasha shoved Anne into the van then pushed me into it and closed it and locked it "Stay here I'll be back" she said she left for a minute "Do you have any keys" I asked Anne "No I guess Sasha took them from me without me looking" Anne said "Oh dang it" I said "Hey I'm here don't worry I have a plan" she said grabbing my arm and pulled me clsoer "What" I said blushing "Sasha will be back with Grime once he opens the door we make a run for it and make it to the spaceship and get out of here" she said "Ok" I said I cuddled close up to her and blushed hard I don't think I blushed this hard before it was werid after awhile Sasha came with Grime "Ready" Anne asked "Yeah" I said "Ok on three one...two...three" she said Grime opened the door and me and Anne made a run for it we snuck pass Grime and Sasha and ran until we were a little safe we hugged "We did it now let's make it to the spaceship" Anne said "I agree" I said then we made it back to the spaceshipa and lifted off but we didn't have enough fuel "Oh crud" Anne said "What" I asked "We don't enough fuel we have to land the ship insantly" she said "Ok" I said we landed the spaceship "Now what" I asked "I don't know we could hide here but who's knows how long that will take do you have any spare fuel" Anne asked "No the fuel me and my mentor thought the amount of fuel we put in would be enough to get to the moon and get back" I said "Maybe the fuel ran out after you crashed" she said "Yeah that's what I think too" I said after awhile we heard Sasha walked in "Hey Anne, Marcy why don't you two come with me and I can keep my job I'm getting tired of this game" she said walking around "You think this is a game" Anne said kinda loud I covered her mouth she grabbed my hand like she put her hands on her mouth Sasha turned around and looked around for a bit but didn't find us "Come on, come out, I won't hurt you, I just want to keep my job" she said walking around I oncovered my hand form Anne's mouth "We run out of the spaceship on three" I said quitely "Ok" Anne said quitely "One...two...three" I said quitely we got up and ran out of the spaceship but we didn't know Grime was out there "Hey Anne, Marcy" he said I kicked him and he fell "Ow" he said we ran to try to find fuel we ran around for a minute and couldn't find any but we did after a long time.

Sasha's POV

"Get up you big bozo" I said "You calling me a bozo you're the one who couldn't find them on the spaceship" Grime said "Yeah, yeah we'll find them somewhere" I said "Yeah where" he asked "I think the spaceship ran out of fuel so they went to find fuel we need to follow them don't you want the human Marcy" I asked "Yeah I do" he said "Then let's go" I said then helped him get up and we ran to try to fnd them.

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