Chapter 21

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Sasha's POV

I was pointing my sword at Grime and had to make a hard choice I either kill Grime or spare him it awhile for me to make my choice but I did I put away my sword "You're spared now get out of here" I said "Thanks" he said "Don't mention it" I said I turned around and Annd stood up "Sasha maybe I should give you back permission to enter my territory anytime also where is Bradly" she asked "Thanks and he ran away he told me that he wants to be free I gave it to him because I was done trying to get my revenge he hopes he will see you again" I said "Ok" she said "Yeah" I said then Grime ran up to me I sensed him and pulled out my sword and pointed at him "Also Marcy I owe you apology as well I was so focus on my job I didn't get to know more about you" I said "It's ok" she said then Grime grabbed my arm and throw me into a wall he ran at me and I moved he fell out the door I didn't know I was that close "You two get out of here I'll hold Grime off so you can" I said "Ok be careful" Anne said "I will" I said then I jumped out of the door and grabbed onto Grime's feet and pulled him down we fell and I smashed him into ground and we fought I watched the spaceship take off safely and continuted to fight Grime.

Anne's POV

I ran back and sat back down in my seat and continuted to help Marcy stirr the spacship out of the planet we got to safety after awhile "Do you think Sasha is okay fighing Grime by her own" I asked "Yeah she is" Marcy said "Ok" I said "Yeah" she said "So your mission to go to the moon" I asked "Yeah" she asked "Well your heading back are we going to hit the moon first then go back to earth" I asked "No I've been stuck on your planet way too long and need to get home" she said "Ok I'm a bit scared to meet your mentor" I said "Don't be she is not that grumpy and I'm sure she will like you after I tell her you saved me" she said "Yeah hey your eye looks way better you know that right" I said "Yeah that's what I was scared of when I got back I wouldn't look the same and they wouldn't recognize me" she said "Sure they would have recognized you" I said "Thanks" she said "Anytime" I said then we spend one day making it back to earth "Hey Anne" Marcy said "Yeah" I asked "There is earth you ready" she asked "Yeah am I" I said "Ok" she said then we made it down from an earpiece Marcy was wearing turned on I overheard someone "Subject: 11 is that you" someone asked 'Yes this is subject: 113 coming back" she said "Oh thank goodness we've been trying to contact you for a month" the person said "Yeah I figured" she said "Ok we set up a landed port near our facility you would see it from the air try to land there everyone will be there" the person said "Ok got ya" she said "What was that" I asked "Oh I forgot to tell you the place that I work for they got a guy to keep in touch with me on my way to the moon and they gave me the name subject: 113 because they don't want to use my real name but I don't think I told them" she said "Ok" I said "Yeah" she said we landed a few hours later and she got out of her seat and opened the door and walked out I followed and saw her hug I think was her mentor I walked up behind her "I thought I lost you" her mentor said "Yeah I thought I would never see you again" she said her mentor looked at me and stopped hugging Marcy "Marcy who is this" her mentor asked "Oh this is my friend Anne" she said "She doesn't look human" her mentor said "She aint she is a ceature that lives on that unknow planet she saved me" she said "Really" her mentor asked "Yeah I crash landing on the unknow planet and she saw me crash land and saved me from the debris then helped me rebuild the spaceship and helped me make it back here" she said "Well thanks for everything Anne you've brought me back my adopted daughter that I thought I would never see again" her mentor said "No problem I was adopted too so I know how she felt about you" I said "Well thanks again" her mentor said "Anytime" I said "Also Olivia I need to tell you something" Marcy said "What" her mentor asked "Me and Anne are girlfriends" she said "Really" her mentor asked "Yeah we love each other" I said "That's great you know I had a wife when I adopted you Marcy but she passed away before you coud grow up" her mentor said "Ok" she said after that Marcy showed me around and some food that never was on my planet until her mentor thought it was time for me to go and make it back to my planet me and Marcy promised each other that we would vist each other from time to time she gave me a ride back to my planet and we said goodbye and she left I knew it would come to this I watched her fly away and then I walked to the house Sasha was there waiting for me to get back "Hey Anne" she said waving "Sasha your okay" I said running up "Yeah am I" she said "So how did you beat Grime" I asked "It wasn't hard I thaught him a lesson and made the whole Toad Guards betray him and we actually blew up the whole entire Toad Tower Base" she said "Whoa" I said "Yeah and what about you how did your earth visit go with Marcy" she asked "Good actually but we need to see each other again very soon" I said "So you two seperated" she asked "Yeah we did but only for now we'll see each other again soon" I said "Ok" she said "Yeah so are you crashing at our place" I asked "Yeah I've been crashing here after we blew up Toad Tower Base" she said "Ok that's great I would have missing someone else sleeping in the house" I said "Yeah well" she said "I'm going to head in" I said "Ok" she said I opened the door The Plantars sensed me "Anne" Sprig said jumping into my arms "Sprig" I said "Hey Anne your trip go well" Hop Pop asked walking up "Yeah me and Marcy will see each other again soon" I said 'That's good" he said "Yeah I'm kinda tired I'm going to lay down" I said "Ok" Hop Pop said I enter my room and missed seeing Marcy sitting on the extra bed I laid down on my bed and took a nap after a few days I was working outside moving crates for Hop Pop with Sprig, Polly, and Sasha I looked over and up into the sky I saw a spaceship coming down I reconzied it and ran to the landing pad in a flash no one stopped me they followed me but they walked instead of ran because they wanted to give me time with Marcy I made it up to the spaceship just as it landed the door opened and Marcy ran out and hugged me I almost lost my balence we both laughed "It's good to see you again Anne" she said "You too Marbles" I said she laughed we then kissed and we stayed there until the other came up "I'm sorry were we interrupting something here" Sasha asked I looked at her "Nope" I said "Good" she said then we kissed again and after we got done kissing we headed inside the house and hung out for a few days then Marcy went back into the spaceship and took off I wanted to come visit her next so I worked on my own spacehip to visit her I was done with it after a few days which one kinda inpressive I mean I only made room for one passenger me so I visit her and we hung out on earth she brought me to something called fast food and I loved it we kept see each other and as we grew up we had a stronger relationship until one day where she was visiting me and I wanted to proposse to her I lead her to a sercert place "Marcy ever since I meet you I become a better persona and you know I've had feeling for you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I'm going to ask you a question" I said I kneeled down and took out a box and opened it "Marcy Wu will you marry me" I asked she covered her mouth with her hands "Yes, yes, yes I will" she said I stood up and picked her up "Great" I said then I put her down and put the ring on her one year later we had our wedding it was on my planet and we discussed where to live the rest of our life we thought earth was the best place to so we both went back to earth and lived happly together.

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