Chapter 11

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Anne's POV

I woke up and looked to my side to see Marcy sleeping I think she never woke up after yesterday's thing I waited for her to wake up she looks so cute when sleeping even with that damgaged eye she is still cute say it's starting to fade and looking a lot better after awhile she woke up and looked at me "Morning Marbles" I said "Morning Anna-Banana" she said "You know you look cute when you're sleeping right" I said "I do" she questioned "Yes you do even with that damaged eye" I said "Really and how is it looking now it has to be a month right" she asked "Yes and it's fading fast" I said "Really I'm not feeling any hurting anymore and my vison is getting better" she said "That's good to know" I said "Yeah I guess it is" she said "Now how about we go work on that spaceship to get you home it's almost done if you ask me" I said "Yeah it sure is almost done" she said "Then let's go and work on it" I said "Yeah no wasting time" she said then we got ready then exited my room and went to the spaceship we held hands the whole way there even when we got out if bed we kneeled down and worked on the spaceship together we talked and laughed I was a little weak after Sasha stabbed me and I was consantly losing my strength and losing my balance "Ow" I said losing my balance "Anne are you okay" Marcy asked worried "Yeah I'm fine I'm still healing from the stab wound it will go away in a few days" I said "Ok I'll help you up" she said "Thanks" I said grabbing her hand "No problem anytime" she said helping me up "Again thanks you've been the one to help me see that sometimes you need someone to be there to help you before you" I said "Well I'm glad I helped you see something you were missing" she said I got up and started working on the spaceship again.

Sasha's POV

"Argh this stupid tracker won't work I guess the tracker got damaged or something" I said to myself "Yeah sure looks like it" the Toad Guard that was with me said "Shut up Percy" I said he stayed quite "I need another way to get that human also I can't believe you Grime told you to help me because he thought I couldn't do this on my own" I said "Maybe you could talk to him and make me not help you" he said "Yeah sure he won't let me back into Toad Tower Base unless I have the human I need to find her and get her I'm kicked from Anne's territory" I said "Yeah" he said then I had a good idea "Percy I might be kicked out of Anne's territory but you aren't listen up" I said "Ok" he said "You sneak in and tell Anne that you need to look around for a bit see if it's safe you know what cut that she aint going to believe you" I said "Ok so I sneak in" he asked "Yeah you sneak in be quite Anne can hear better than you and can sense you're coming so be quite sneak into the house or just hide somewhere they can't see" I said "Ok can you walk me up to the edge of the territory" he said "Sure also put this on the human I think the tracker I put on before broke I need to track her so I have eyes on her" I said "Sure I do it" he said then I gave him the tracker "Don't forget to put that on her" I said "Ok" he said we walked to the edge of the Anne's territory "Now listen up because last mission you did you almost got fired you sneak in there and then put the tracker on the human then get out there or grab the human after you put the tracker on her so is she gets escapes we can track her" I said "Ok got it get in put the tracker on get out or if I have the chance satch the human up and bring her to you so you can bring her to Grime" he said "Yeah don'y forget" I said "Don't worry I won't forget" he said "Now go you're wasting time" I said "Ok" he said then he turned around and walked off.

Percy's POV

I walked into Anne's territory and hide inside the house without them looking when it came close to night I waited for everyone to go to sleep they did I came out of my hiding spot and put the tracker on the human then ran out of the house to the spot Sasha was "Well did you do it" she asked "Yeah I did" I said "Good now let me check you turned the tracker on did you" she asked "I might have forgotten to" I said "Are you kidding me" she asked agerily she walked into the territory and into the house and turned on the tracker then we rushed out of there fast "There now we can track her" Sasha said "Ok got it turn the tracker on" I said "Yeah and now we can see where she is and follow her wherever she goes" she said "Ok" I said "Shut up Percy" she said "Yes co-captain" I said then we went back to our hidding spot we had eyes on her now and nothing will stop us from taking the human to Grime I mean Sasha will be bringing the human to her.

Anne's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and looked over at Marcy there was a strange red light on her back I got up from my bed and walked over to her I touched her back she flitched but didn't wake up I looked closer "Is that a Toad Guard tracker" I asked myself I touched it and carefully took it off and inpected it "Yeah it is" I said to myself I had to deactivate it I couldn't remember how to I figured it out after a few minutes "There" I said then I walked out if my room and put the tracker somewhere safe then I headed back to bed and fell asleep quite fast.

Sasha's POV

"Argh dang it I lost the signal I guess she found the tracker or Anne found it and turned it off I don't have eyes on her anymore but we'll try again and no one will stop me" I said "Us you mean us" Percy said "No I mean me because I'll be the one turning the human into Grime" I said "Ok, ok you" he said "Yeah now let's find another way to get that human" I said "Yeah ok" he said then we discussed things for a minute then we both fell asleep on a makeshift bed we'll he slept on another one so.

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