Chapter 10

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Anne's POV

I woke up in a panic and I was panting I noticed something on my head covering my mouth I insanly tried to take it off then Hop Pop came in he said I turned to him "Anne you're ok, you're awake" he said coming to hug me I was still panting "How long was I out" I asked "Five or more weeks" he said I was panting like crazy "Who, whoa clam down I undersatnd you're in a panic" he said I breathed in and out then looked over to see if Marcy was awake I didn't see her I looked back at Hop Pop "Where is Marcy" I asked "Well me, Sprig, and Polly think she ran away" he said then he took the thing off me "Ran away" I questioned "Yeah we don't know exactly where she went but we would have to guess Toad Tower Base" he said "Toad Tower Base" I said "Yeah" he said "I have to go and save her" I said getting out of bed, losing my balamce, and fell on the floor "Whoa, whoa don't stand so fast you're still healing" he said helping me up "Ok, ok I got it" I said I took a few steps and after a few minutes I was ready I got everything ready and headed to Toad Tower Base by myself I ran all the way over there a Toad Guard saw me run up "Hey isn't that Anne" he asked "Yeah I think it is" the other one said " Unhand the human right now I command you" I shouted up at them "We don't take orders from you" one said "Then tell Grime I ofer a deal" I said "Yes what" he asked "He can have me work for him until I die but he has to give the human back to my adotpted family The Plantars" I said "Hold on" he said then he talked with his partner "Ok we'll tell Grime you just stay there" he said "Ok" I said then one of them went to go tell Grime he came back "Well what did he say" I asked "He said we he doesn't have the human and if he did he wouldn't take the deal" one said "Ok now where is Sasha" I asked "She went to find the human after she ran off" he said "The human ran off" I asked "Yeah she was willing to give herself up but she ran away after" he said "Well then which way did Sasha go" I asked "The same way as the human west" he said "Ok" I said then I turned west and ran and tried to find Marcy I couldn't for awhile and it was getting dark after a few minutes I ran into Sasha I literally did "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I said but realized the person was Sasha "That's okay I know you didn't mean to-" she said but she looked up and relized it was me "Boonchuy" she said "Waybright I should've known I'd run into you" I said "You knew I was here what are you trying to do and how did you survive what I did to you" he asked "I knew because Marcy ran away and your Toads Guards told me you went after her and Hop Pop helped me after I passed out" I said "You should've never helped you because your ruinning my life and I'm going to get fired if I don't bring Marcy to Grime" she said "I honestly don't care if you get fired or not" I said "Well then let's do this" she said drawing her sword "Oh so you're playing that way" I said drawing my sword "Yeah I am and I know I'll win this time since you're weak" she said "We'll see about that" I said then we started fighting we clashed our swords together and stayed there for a few seconds then she slashed down and broke our connection I backed up a bit and she kicked me down and I fell on the ground "Looks like I was right too easy" she said "Think twice" I said "What" she questioned I kicked her in the jaw she backed up and did a flip out and onto my feet she looked at me with anger "You nothing good little brat" she said "Yeah I sure felt that" I said "Really" she asked "Yep now let's get back on track" I said "Agreed" she said she slashed down I blocked I punched her in the stomach and she walked back then I swinged kicked her and she fell "Weak, too easy, how is that for weak and too easy" I said "Fine I'll let you go because both of us know that your too strong to be defeated no matter how hard I try you'll always beat me but beware I will capture Marcy someday and bring her to Grime to help him and you'll be too late to save her and then I'll blackmail you" she said "Yes I know I am aware now go get out of here unless you want me to kill you" I said "Yes I'll go" she said getting up "Good" I said she turned around and ran away back to Toad Tower Base I kept looking and made it to a village this territory was The Razor Outlands this territory is filled with dirty pick pockets and greedy gold diggers I walked around for awhile also it was dark so the streets were mostly empty I noticed one tent had lights on inside I walked in and nobody was there I looked around and saw some blood on the ground near the enterance I kneeled down to inpect it I got some on my finger and smelled it, it smelled like human blood you can always tell because their blood has more iron in it then ours does so it always smelled differnet I thought Marcy must've been here and something happened she couldn't have fighted someone by herself she isn't violent and has very little fight experince she wouldn't have picked a fight then maybe someone hurt her I had to find her until whoever had her hurt her even more I ran out of the tent and I followed a blood trail I believed it was Marcy's it came to a stop after awhile "Dang it" I said to myself then I saw some vehicle tracks I kneeled down to see witch way they were going they were going towards Toad Tower Base I had to follow the tracks and stop whoever was taking Marcy to Toad Tower Base I followed the tracks until morning I saw a vehicle with a cage connected on the back I saw someone in the cage it looked like Marcy I quickly ran up and they saw me "Anne" she asked "Marcy don't worry I'm going to get you out of here" I said starting to pick the lock "Anne oh I'm so glad you're awake how did you find me" she asked "I found a village with a tent witch lights were still on and saw some of your blood on the ground I followed the blood trail then it stopped but I found vehicle tracks and I followed them" I said "This guy is bringing me to Toad Tower Base for a reward" she said "Yeah I figured some people hear about the rewards that the Toad Guards are giving if them if they bring you to them" I said "How do you know" she asked "There is wanted poster almost everywhere of you" I said "Ok" she said "Maybe after we return to the house you stay low until further notice and keep working on the spaceship" I said "Yeah I'll feel safer" she said "Ok there" I said unlocking the lock and opening the door I ran in and went to unlock the cuffs then someone come up behind me "Stop right there" they said I stood up and turned around they had a gun pointing at me "No" I said "Then I'll have to bring you both in" they said "We'll see about that" I said drawing my sword then running out of the cage and slashing down the person fell and dropped their gun "Ok, ok I'll leave you two be" they said "Good now unconnect this cage and drive away" I said "Yes" they said they unconnected the cage and drove away I put my sword away and hopped back into the cage "Now let's get you out of here" I said "Yeah I would like that" Marcy said I unlocked the cuffs and the both of us made it back to the house after awhile when we did I noticed under her eyes it looked like really bad bags "Have you been sleeping" I asked "Not really" she said "Then you should go and get some rest" I said "Ok only because you told me too" she said "Yeah now go" I said "Alright" she said then she went to my room and slept on the extra bed The Plantars sensed me "Anne you're back" Sprig said jumping into my arms "Yeah I am" I said "We thought you wouldn't come home after you didn't return last night" Hop Pop said coming up "Well it wasn't too hard" I said "Really how so" he asked "Well first I hit Toad Tower Base but they didn't have Marcy then I went west and I ran into Sasha me and Sasha fighted but I beat her and then I found a villiage and a tent with the lights still on I went into it and saw some of Marcy's blood on the ground then I followed the blood trail and it stopped but I found vehicle tracks I followed them and found a vehicle with a cage connected on the back I found Marcy in it and then showed the guy who was taking her to Toad Tower Base a lesson and then both of us made it back here so" I said "You did all that in less than two days" Polly asked "Yeah pretty much" I said "Girl you need to be a ledgend of this point" she said "Yeah I know maybe in a couple days Toad Tower Base might put up wanted posters of me" I said "Ok well are we going to get back to working on the spacehip so Marcy can go home" Hop Pop asked "Yeah let's go" I said "Ok" he said then we exited the house and went to go work on the spaceship until it was night and we all went to sleep.

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