Chapter 14

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Anne's POV

I woke up and looked to my side Marcy was awake "Morning Anna-Banana" she said I laughed "Morning Marbles" I said she laughed I blushed then she got out of bed and walked over to me "Come on sleepy head get out of bed like you always do maybe even before me" she said "Ok but I'm not an sleepy head" I said "Yeah, yeah this morning I waited for two minutes for you to wake up" she said "Ok whatever" I said getting out of bed and walking over to her and held her hands "But I also like the way you get me out of bed in the morning before you I was wasting my time trying to get up and out of bed thank you again Marcy" I said "Oh it's nothing I had troble getting out of bed as well after last year so" she said "Well I'm thankful anway" I said "Thanks" she said "Now let's go and work on that spaceship and get you home" I said "I agree" she said then we exited the house and walked to where the spaceship was and kneeled down and started working on the ship after a few hours I sensed someone was on the edge of my territory a shiver went up my spine and I knew who it was I told Marcy to stay and if I don't come back after a few minutes come to me I walked to the edge of my territory and I was right the person was Sasha "Sasha I knew it was you" I said "Well Anne didn't bring Marcy this thime" she asked "Yeah I didn't because you seem to know how to distract me that could give you time to get Marcy and get out" I said "When then I thought about something before hand I was a little suspicious that you would probably won't be showing up with Marcy" she said "Ok fine but what are you going do trap me into another Toad Bar Cage yeah like that worked so perfectly last time" I said "No I thought about doing another plan" she said "What" I asked "I can't tell, I can only show you" she said "Then show me" I said "Gladly" she said then she whisted and some Toad Guards come from behind her and surrounded me "What is this" I asked "Well from what the Toad Guards rules say you've countlessly attacked a Toad Guard and hurt one so you're under arrest" she said "I am not those rules don't qualify the actually rules of this world" I said "Yeah but Toad Guard rules are Toad Guard rules you're under arrest" she said I pulled out a gun that was in my pocket "Nobody move I got a loaded weapon and I am not afraid to use it" I said pointing it at the Toad Guards "Anne put you're weapon down I'm sure nobody has to get hurt" Sasha said "No am I not you'll have to call off this whole arresting thing" I said "" she said "Then I won't put this down" I said "Now which one should I shot first" I asked "No one because you're going to put that gun down" she said "Umm no" I said then I aimed it at a Toad Guard and shot he fell and whinced in pain Sasha looked at him and then looked at me "I think I just about had enough with you" she said then order a Toad Guard to knock the gun out of my hand and hold my hands behind my back then order some other Toad Guards come up to her "Find me the human I don't care if she is hurt or not just find her" she said the Toad Guards ran into my territory "No you can't do this, you can't I will get you back for this" I shouted "Yeah like we'll see" she said I got out of the Toad Guard's grasp and ran up to her "You corward" I shouted the Toad Guard grabbed me again "You really think I am a corward while here you are leaving the human unprotected and I know your adotpted family can't protect her they can't even fight" she said "They too can fight" I shouted "Really how" she asked "Sprig has his sling shot and Polly has her European Flail so they can protect Marcy just fine" I said "Yeah, yeah it's not like these are Elite Toad Guards and are trained really hard to have missions like this" she said "I told you, you were a corward" I said "Yeah, yeah throw her into the back of the van and chain her up" she said the Toad Guard walked over to the van I elbowed him into the jaw and he let go I pulled out my sword and pointed at Sasha "Order your Toad Guards to leave Marcy alone and we won't have to make this bloody" I said "No" she said she kicked me down and the Toad Guard grabbed me again I dropped my sword "Well that was disapointing I thought you had it really I did getting out of my Toad Guard's grasp that was amazing never a dull momment with you Boonchuy" she said "Shut up Waybright you'll making me mad" I said "Yeah that was my plan" she said "You can have me all you want you aint getting Marcy" I said "Oh Grime doesn't want you does he nope he wants Marcy" she said "Yeah but I can help him find what he is looking for I know where it is" I said "Ok but Grime wants humans not people from this planet" she said "Me and Grime can arrange a deal can't we" I asked "No Grime doesn't arrange deals with no one not even me he just gave me two more chances" she said "When I get out of this I will kick your butt so hard it will make your parents feel it" I shouted "Good I never lnew my parents and Grime told me they abandoned me when I was one years old at the front of Toad Tower Base" she said "My parents abandoned me too when I was one years old at the front of The Plantar's Farm" I said "Whoa I didn't know that but I wouldn't let you go and put her into the back I'm done with this" she said the Toad Guard started shoving me into the back he did and I was chainned up but I saw the Elitle Toad Guards came back with Marcy in cuffs I stood up and ran to the door just about when they closed it "Marcy don't worry I'm going to get you out of here I promise" I shouted she heard me and turned to me "Shut up" a Toad Guard said and shoved me back into the van Marcy turned away and was escorted into another van they closed the door and started driving I was so furoius at Sasha right now I guess this was it, I guess I lost and never got Marcy home because I was so stupid.

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