Chapter 20

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Anne's POV

After a long time me and Marcy found fuel but we were found by Sasha and Grime I got tackled by Sasha "Ow" I said getting tackled "Anne" Marcy shouted "Ha I got you right where I want you" Sasha said "Let me go" I said "No that aint happening" Sasha said "Marcy take the fuel and run to the spaceship I'll meet up with you later" I said "Ok" Marcy said grabbing the fuel from my hand she turned and ran Grime tried to go and tackle her but he missing and fell Sasha got off of me and ran to tackle Marcy but I got up and tackled her "You aint getting her" I said "Oh yes I will after I get you in the slavery camp" she said "Yeah like that's going to happen" I said she got me off of her and pulled out her sword I pulled out mine and we fought for a minute until she sweep my feet and I fell she pointed her sword at me "I think this is the first time I've beat you what do you think" she asked "I think this isn't the first time you've beat me" I said I kicked her sword up and it flew out of her hand I stood up and pointed my sword at her throut "What was that you were saying about this first time you've beat me" I asked "Yeah it is" she said "How" I asked "Well one you're still predictable as alwasy" she said then she kicked my shine I fell and dropped my sword "Knew it" she said she picked up her sword and pointed it at me after a bit Marcy came running back to help me Sasha watched her run up "Well look who it is" Sasha said Marcy ran up "Marcy no get out of here it's too dangerous" I said "I aint leaving you" Marcy said "Ok" I said Sasha pulled out cuffs and walked over to Marcy I stood up and punched her in the back of her head she turned at me "Did you just" Sasha asked "Yeah I did what are you going to do about it" I asked "Maybe I'll do this" Sasha said she whisted and some Elite Toad Guards srrounded us Grime got up and walked up to Sasha "Good job Sasha I knew I could count on you" he said "Yeah sure captain" she said "Cuff these two and take them back to Toad Tower Base Grime has business with them" she said an Elite Toad Guard cuffed me and another one cuffed Marcy and both os us were escorted to Toad Tower Base once we got there Sasha stopped the Elite Toad Guard escorting me "No escort Anne to the slavery camp" she said "Yes co-captain" the Elite Toad Guard said then he escorted me to the slavery camp which wasn't that far it was just around the corner of the base once we got the Elite Toad Guard unlocked my cuffs and guarded me so I wouldn't try anything to escape I took off my armor and strated working after a few minutes some people came over to me I looked at them they were The Plantars "Guys what are you doing here" I asked "We heard you were here and we tried to break you out spoiler it didn't work out" Hop Pop said "Ok here is what is happening I'm trapped here and Marcy is being taken to get brainwashed if we can just find a way to escape then maybe we can stop Sasha and Grime" I said "Ok that's a start we need a plan to get out of here" he said "I know I was thinking tricking the Toad Guards then escaping that way" I said "That's a good idea and it just might work so how are we going to trick them" he said "We could pretend that we are Elite Toad Guards that need to see Sasha" I said "Good idea we jusr need disguises and we're set" he said "Yeah I think I saw some in a closet over there" I said pointing to a closet "Ok let's do this" he said 'Yeah I agree" I said we walked to the closet and got the disguises on this closet wasn't really in the Toad Guard's eyes so it was more sneaky we walked up to an Elite Toad Guard guarding the enterance "Hault what do you four are going" he asked "My friends we've been called to be a escort party for Grime" I said he rasied an eyebrow "Ok you may go" he said moving aside me and The Plantars walked to the base and asked for permission to go in the Toad Guards let us go in we walked up to a door it was the same door that a Toad Guard told me that Marcy was in we waited until Grime and Sasha came out once they did I tackled Sasha "Ah what are you doing" she asked "Oh you don't recozie me" I said "Anne you escaped" she asked "Yeah Hop Pop, Polly distract Grime, Sprig grab Marcy" I said they nodded while I held Sasha down Hop Pop and Polly distracted Grime and Sprig ran into the room and grabbed Marcy and ran out once he did I got off of Sasha and Hop Pop and Polly stopped distracted Grime we ran out of there and to safety "Oh Marcy I thought I would lose you" I said hugging her she pushed me off "What are you doing" she said "What" I asked "I wanted to stay with Sasha and Grime" she said "Marcy, Grime is evil and wants you to lead him to greater power" I said "Yeah I know I wanted to show him" she said I gasped "We were too late they already brainwashed her" I said "Oh no is there a way to reverse it" Hop Pop asked "There is" I said "What" he asked "Someone who she cares for the most needs to tell her what they think of her and kiss her" I said "Well isn't that you" he asked "I think so I'm going to try" I said "Ok' he said I walked over to her "Marcy it's me Anne I know you want to help Grime right now because your brainwashed but I know you can fight this" I said "I-I" she said "Marcy I-I love you" I said then I grabbed her face "What are you-" she asked but I cut her off "This" I said then I kissed her I closed my eyes after a bit I felt her hand grab my hand I stopped kissing her and opened my eyes she opened her eyes "I love you too Anne" she said "Yeah I know" I said "Did Sasha tell you" she asked "Yeah she did" I said she laughed "That was horrible I felt like I wanted to help Grime but also I didn't want to" she said "I thought I lost you right there" I said "Me too" she said "Now do you want to destory that mechanic" I asked "Yes I do" she said then we snuck into Toad Tower Base and destoryed the mechanic we blew it up and the base blew up as well then we escaped and went to the spaceship.

Sasha's POV

I coughed because of some smoke "What was that" I asked "I don't know check the mechanic" Grime said I ran into the room it was in it was blown up "Argh Anne this is the last time you get away with blowing something up" I said to myself I ran out of the base and to Anne's territory I didn't care anymore if I was kicked out or not I ran to the spaceship and grabbed a bar as it flew up and pulled myself up and opened the door and closed it Anne heard it and turned to me then turned back around "Sasha is here I'll take care of her" Anne said she got out of her seat and pulled out her sword I pulled out mine "So you blow up the whole Toad Tower Base and try to get away without me noticing" I asked "Yeah pretty mush I mean I'd knew you would find out we blew up the mechanic and the base but I didn't care" she said we fought for a bit and Marcy was turning the ship so I'd lose my balence and it would give Anne the advantange me and Anne fought more and she knocked me out of the spaceship and I fell on the ground Grime came running up to me "You disapointment" he said "Yeah" I asked standing up "You get me Marcy now and I won't fire you" he said "You know what fire me the mechanic is destoryed Anne blew it up" I said "Fine you're fired" he said "I don't care anymore" I said walking away I tried to start up my life again but realized that Grime would do anything to get Marcy and he will probably kill Anne I had to help them I ran back to the spaceship and jumped and grabbed onto the bar and pulled myself up the door was opened because of Gime Anne was fighting him, she was losing I pulled out my sword and blocked Grime's sword from getting her "Sasha what are you doing" Anne asked "Saving you" I said "Sasha this is how you repay me" Grime asked "Yeah it is" I said "So what are you going to do" he asked "Something I should have done a long time ago stand up to you" I said I pushed off and he fell and I pointed my sword at him "Should I" I asked "I don't know it's your choice your the one pointing your sword at him" Anne said "Ok" I said "Sasha please you wouldn't kill me would you" he asked I waited for a minute I had a hard choice to make and I didn't know what to do right now.

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