The Weasley twins

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The next morning I woke up earlier which was a surprise to me. I got ready for my first day which involved a lot of magic because no one was around.
I decided to wander the castle as I have two hours left for my first class. I took my sling ring with me. On my way I saw a red haired twins. They had a mischievous smirk. They have not noticed me yet.
They were talking about pranking someone. I was bored and I had time to kill so I decided to try and befriend them if they are not evil.
Gayathry- "Hello, Good morning, I am Gayathry, Gayathry Strange. You are?"
Fred:-"Hello, I am Fred Weasley, this is George Weasley. George, I am truly surprised a Slytherin wishing a Griffindor good morning. Weren't you the topic of Hogwarts yesterday? "
Gayathry-"huh???? I don't know what you are talking about. And I don't believe in stereotypes. I don't care about houses, I care about character."
I was thoroughly confused about me being talk of the school. Seeing my confused expression they told the front seated students swore they heared the hat asking opinion to Dumbledore on to which house I must be sorted.
Gayathry- "oh.... What year are you both? "
George-" We are third year. "
Gayathry-"Fred, do you know where the kitchen is? Oh, sorry am I interrupting something? "
Fred:- "No. You are not disturbing us. We were gonna prank Flitch. We want to put this in his room. It will change his and his cat's hair colour to neon green. But he is not coming outside so we were waiting for a good chance. Oh yes, we know the way too kitchen. Shall we go? "
Gayathry-"Is he bad or rude? "
George-"you mean Flitch. He likes when students get in trouble and will be ecstatic when he gave punishment to them. Other times he will always be angry with students. "
Gayathry-" Can I finish your job of leaving it in. "
Fred and George eyebrows where near their hairline in surprise. They turn to each other and it looked like there were talking telepathically to each other.
And Fred turned and said why not.
I ask them to give the box.
They gave a plain box. I tutted and ask them to follow me to Syltherin dorm. They curiously followed me but there seems to be some distrust in their eyes. I asked them to wait a second. And just as I closed my dorm room I snapped my fingers and made a gift wrap on that box. I took a paper and pen from my side bag.
I came out as they were both looking at me curiously. I showed them the box and explained.
Gayathry-"okay, you may have done many pranks with him. So he will be wary to open another plain white box. So I wrapped it in gift box making it look like a gift now I will add a note that I am a secret admirer and I wanted to give a gift to him. I want to execute it perfectly. "
Fred- "That's bloody brilliant, shorty, don't you agree George."
George nodded with a impressed look.
Gayathry-" On what time will he come out? "
George-"If I am correct, within 30 minutes. "
I wrote the note and sticked it to the gift box.
Gayathry- "Fred, George you both wait outside to Flitch room but stay in shadows, I don't want you both to get caught, okay. If I can correctly execute it, within 10 minutes he will storm out of the room. I will join in 5 minutes. "
Fred-" How will you keep the box in his table when he is inside? Shorty? "
Gayathry-"A magic man never reveals his secrets. "
I walked inside my dorm and locked it behind. I went to bathroom and locked it. Then using sling ring, I made a small portal for the box and kept it there.
And quickly I ran towards Fred and George. I came to them, within two minutes.
Fred-" You kept it in?? "
Gayathry-"shush.... Watch. After this I want a dessert. Then only I will help you on your future pranks. "
George nodded. But asked in a whisper whether I really done it are not.
I stomp on his foot and within two minutes there was a shout from inside Flitch office.
He came out looking mad. We were in shadows so he can't see us. I was controlling my laughter very much because he is red in his face from anger and his hair were neon green. After he turned the opposite corridor of where we were standing we began to laugh out loud.
It was hilarious.
George-"we are deeply impressed. How you planted the box in was a mystery and that to within minutes you completed. Fred, can we keep her in the prankster trio? What do you say? "
Fred- "we must George. She is an asset. We must inform Lee about her.
But first, Ms. Strange would you honor us by joining our prankster trio and make it a prankster quadruplet. "
Gayathry-"I will Fred. But on two conditions, first one no one other than you, George and lee must know I am in pranking because that lets us to prank more they can think I am just hanging out with the pranking trio and after each prank you much treat me with ice creams. Is it a deal. "
They both say deal at the same time.
Gayathry-"Fred, George, how much time will the hair take to change back to it's original color? "
Fred:-"One day, why? "
Gayathry:- "Can you prepare it for nearly 60 people? "
Fred:-"yes, why? Whom do you want to prank? "
Gayathry:-"Fred, how will my black hair look in brown? "
George-"you want to prank the whole Slytherin, don't you. You don't want them to know it is you so you want to change your hair to brown, am I right? "
Fred:- "That's bloody brilliant. "
Gayathry-" Only mine must be brown, others as per your wish. No no wait, I want Draco Malfoy hair to be neon blue, or hot pink. Can you imagine that ferret in neon blue. "
George-"Ferret??? "
They howled with laughter. I joined them. After we made our way to kitchen were I saw for the first time some creatures. I taped into my gift of knowledge and from it I know they are house elves.
A house elf came and introduced herself as rosey.
Rosey- "Miss and masters, what can Rosey do for you? "
I noted she looked tired.
Fred opened his mouth to talk but I bet him to it.
Gayathry-"would you be kind enough to bring us four ice creams, if it is no problem to you. "
Rosey eyes brighten up for what reason I don't know.
Fred raised his eyebrows.
I sat on a table with four chairs.
Soon Rosey came with four ice creams.
I ordered her to sit on the chair. Her eyes began to become teary. Internally I was panicking whether I had upset her.
She was to my left chair now. I asked whether she likes ice cream, but she replied she had never ate one.
I just ordered her to try it and eat if and only if she liked it or to make something she likes and eat it with us.
She tried a bite with still that teary eyes.
And she started to cry. I got up and hugged her she must be even more shocked but soon she hugged me tighter and started to cry.
I didn't thought Hogwarts would treat them worse but why was she crying.
I slowly asked why was she crying and apologized before hand if it was my fault.
She told that no one had ever told her to sit with them to eat. She said she was happy. She asked my name.
Gayathry-" I am Gayathry, Gayathry Strange. Here after Rosey whenever I come and ask something to eat you will also cook something you loved for yourself and ask your friends who are willing to know me to do the same. And I want you guys to sit with me while I eat here, okay? "
She nodded and thanked me. And we continued eating while Rosey started talking and we were listening to her and we told her about our prank today which shocked her yet she smiled and after she composed herself told how it was naughty of us. For that we started howling with laughter.
After completing our dessert we had one hour for my first class and the twins escorted me to dining room to get my schedule and to eat breakfast.
On the way they were acting like I was a princess and they were my knight in shining armor.
Which was too amusing. And lightly embarrassing. Yet I enjoyed my time with them. Then they introduced Lee we got along well. I sat at Griffindor table with the prankster trio. We didn't noticed how everyone was bewildered by it including the staff table. We were in our own bubble howling with laughter not noticing how the great hall was pin drop silent from shock.
They told Lee about all that happened to flitch in the morning. We were joking.
Snape grumbled how he had to come to Griffindor to give me my schedule but McGonagall gave me a motherly smile which made four of us gobsmacked. She quickly schooled her expression.
I kept everything in my bag for a dash for what I am going to do. I quickly ate my cake but left a large portion of cream on the plate. The three were still talking. I quickly took the cream and applied it on George face who was near me and made a run for it. George made a chase for it while Lee and Fred was again howling with laughter.
I successful took refuge in professor Snape's class which was my first class. I saw George mouthing this is not over yet.
I took a first seat. Let's hope my happy mood is not spoiled.

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