Thank you, Potter for making me realize.

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No one's pov:-
The trio was talking about how Harry's scar gave him pain when Snape saw him. The boys decided that he was a bad guy. Hermione doesn't like blaming someone without proofs especially a professor.
The boys were currently convincing Hermione about their claim in their empty common room when they heard the front portrait slammed open.
They quickly stopped talking. Gayathry was matching over to them frantically. Even though the boys don't talk to her but they can't even deny the fact she was beautiful.
(G-Gayathry, Hp- harry, Hg- Hermione, R- Ron.)
G- Th-there you guys. Listen to me carefully please. Beware of Professor Quirrel. He is out there to harm you Harry.
R- woah, woah. Hold up. Are we talking about the same Quirrel because he can't even form a word without shuttering. How can he hurt someone?
G- It is obviously fake, Ron. I took this issue to Professor Dumbledore as soon as possible but he didn't believe me. He is putting your lives in line while ignoring my warning.
R- I think we know who is fake. Harry it is his and her plan.
G- What the hell are you talking about?
R- We know someone is trying to hurt Harry and that someone is your house head.
G- Rubbish, he could never hurt you, Harry. He couldn't do that to her. He never would. I am not saying this because he is my house head. He is blinded by some childish reason to bully you but that stops there. He won't harm you.
R- Harry, Snape must have realised you knew he is going to hurt you that's why he sent her to divert your attention from him. And even Dumbledore doesn't believe her so you must know her trust worthiness. There is a reason the hat put a muggle born in a Slytherin house. She has that much poison inside her. Remember when you told me that she knew about your parents but not about you. Even Hermione only knew about you not your parents till she came here. Can't you see, she is spinning a beautiful spider web of lies only for you. She must be serving who must not be named.
( Gayathry eyes rivaled that of Bucky's cold stare. She was not letting anyone know how much the words wounded her. She replied back her voice void of any emotion.)
G- Ronald, remember words once spilled cannot be erased or changed. And also know that tongue is sharper than a knife. And thank you Potter for making me realize that you were thinking like this only about me. Even though you didn't utter a word against me, your silence gave away your thoughts about me. I, Gayathry, had always remained true to my words. I promised to be your partner in this new journey. But when you don't even believe me, I can't help it. You broke your promise. I put myself in danger just to warn you. Just know that when the truth comes out about Quirrel, don't say sorry to me. Because some words can cut deeper then a knife and your silence just showed that you agreed to him. And Hermione, you are a bright student you can manage on your own. I need a break.
R- And Gayathry, please keep distance from my brothers.
G- If they want they can stay away from me but I am not pushing away anyone from me just because you said so.
Hg- Gayathry.....
Gayathry pov:-
Why does it hurts too much...?
What I said was true, I need a fucking break.
I stormed out of the common room. I started to walk towards black lake. And half way through I changed the route to forbidden forest. After reaching the middle of the forest, I looked around. There was no one. So I quickly made a portal to a waterfall.
What best way to drown your thoughts than surrounding yourself with nature. I stepped in the shallow side of the water fall. It was relaxing.
The words and the unspoken agreement hurted me but the beauty of nature is, it already started healing me with its beautiful sights, smells, and sounds.
The water was cold. Not a numbing cold but it is was cool to the touch. The force in which the water cascaded was like a gentle massage.
The small fish that are nipping at my toes where like there are telling me that I am not alone. The way the sun shone warm rays. There was a faint earthy smell which we smell during the rainy season along with the herbs.The sound of birds chirping.
When I got out of the water fall after a long bath it was already evening. With a simple wave of my hand I dried my hair and dresses. I laid down on the soft grass. The air caressed me like a mother could her upset child. It cooed to me to let it out. Who am I to defy the mother nature. So I let my tears drift along my cheeks. Who said tears are weakness. It helps in healing process. And once I let it all out I will be healed to my original strength maybe even more. The air really felt like it was gently caressing me when I let it all out. I didn't know when I drifted to sleep.
I woke up to see the moon along with many stars in the beautiful night sky dancing.
I gasped when I noticed there was this Sirius star above me. It was ironic in a way.
I felt a lot better but was getting hungry and a little cold. I wanted to enjoy the nature for some more time so I performed wandless non verbal spells to start a fire and some noodles using mystics arts.
There was many insects, animals and birds sounds which was like a song to me. After finishing my dinner, I opened the portal on the forbidden forest just a lot deeper as far away from any living thing. I quickly came to forbidden forest and shut the portal behind me. I turned around just to check one more time that no one was around. If someone was around and saw this, they need to be oblivated or sworn to silence.  
And to my luck there was no one. Thank Gods. I started my walk towards the castle. But it proved to be a challenge in nighttime. So I decided to give a try to one of my idea, I was planning on testing it a long time since I arrived at hogwarts. Mixing mystic arts with wizardry magic. Mystic arts say anything is possible and it also draws energy from the multiple universe. So I imagined a spell which creates a light which guides one who was lost to the right path. With my wand at one hand, I imagined power which I drew from universe to flow through my wand, my body being the conductor and create a 'way guiding floating light'.  I imagined how bright it would be and how it could guide me back to hogwarts in a normal pace which is neither fast nor slow. Slowly it seems my brain is telling me to tell "lux navigandio". So I did. I opened my eyes to see what I envisioned in my mind. A bright orb of light but to my surprise, it acted like some kind of pet circling me and nuzzling me. I kindly told it to lead me to hogwarts castle. It circled me one more time before leading me back. After some time of walking, I can make out some people searching something with a lantern on their arms. I can't see their faces yet.

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