Mountain troll

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Potion class went with, well..... you guessed correct, the trio getting scolded by snape and many Slytherin boys smiling at them. If you asked what I was doing, I was helping Neville. Snape considered my suggestion and left me to help him grasp.

After finishing our respective potion, I began to write the summary of it in a parchment knowing snape would give it has h.w.  I wrote the date only to realise it was Halloween. Have you ever forgot what day or date is today or I am the only one.

Next class is charms with griffindor. Professor Flitwick was a nice professor. Okay instead of daydreaming, I will finish the summary now.


I am currently pacifying a crying Hermione. If you are wondering how the fudge did it went from charms class to Hermione crying well....

In charms class professor told us to practice the levitation charm. She helped Ronald but we all know Ronald has big ego. Thus he said some hurtful words. And here we are.

I am just hugging her making shushing sounds, not speaking any words. Because some times action is only needed. Words hurts more as they make us remember what happened.

I know how she is feeling, but I don't want her to feel like no one is there for her. The twins helped me feel that someone is there for me. Likewise I want her to feel I am there for her till she doesn't need me and leaves me.
I know for a fact she will distance herself from me once the trio once again makes up.

The sewage smell coming make me realize that today was Halloween and a troll is coming our way. Holy fudge.
With that in mind, I quickly made Hermione stand.

Gy- Do you smell that Mione? It is a troll. Listen to me carefully. Stay here itself. I won't let the troll harm you. It is my promise.
Hermione- I want to be near you. Please. Let's hide here itself.
Gy- No use in hiding Hermione. Hey.. Hey.. Hey... Look at me, I won't let any harm to come to you.

With that I went out of the cubicle and I locked it.

She is a bright witch. I have maximum 3 minutes before she opens the door by magic. I can't use mystic magic here because there is a possibility I will be exposed. So I summoned my ball of light buddy. It didn't have to be told what to do as this light of ball went near the troll's one eye and began to shine bright.

The troll started to swing it's club around wildly. Training at kamar taj as made me light on my feets. My plan was to make it tired. I heard the word Alohomora . Guess I underestimated Hermione. She barely given me a whole minute. I turned to tell her to stay far away. But I heard another yelp from a voice from the entrance and followed by two voices screaming Ron from both of my sides. One is Hermione and second voice belongs to Harry potter. And just like that all hell broke loose.

Hermione started rushing towards Ron not at all concerned that she might get hurt. The troll mindless swinging gone to another notch as it heard screams.

She is going to get hurt. My brain telling me to leave her have that as her punishment for not following my words. It may serve as a warning in the future before she blindly goes in a dangerous area but my heart decided it was not the time and remainded me of my promise so I pushed her out of the way and took the hit to my rib.

And of course the force made me fly towards the wall and my back made a painful contact with the wall.

Fudge that hurts. I got up with one of my hands on my side where the club made contact. My rib is broken, I am sure of it.

Being the foolishly brave boy he is, Harry thrown himself on the Troll. The pain made my thinking ability to go down a notch because in front of the trio I performed a third year spell body binding spell on the troll. It is not the main problem here.

This spell to work on a troll is impossible because trolls and dragons need more energy than a single human body can contain. Basically three to four witches and wizards cast this spell at a single troll to make it work.

But I pulled energy from universe like how I do for mystic arts. Letting myself be a vessel for the energy. The troll was squirming but can't do anything. Hermione was gaping at me.

The two others were just being idiots.  "Potter, can you get off it now. And Mione stop gaping at me and use Wingardium leviosa on it's club to knock it out, I can't be holding it for too long. My side and back pain is killing me. "

Soon they started to do as I told. At the same moment Hermione knocked out the troll with levitation spell, the professors arrived. Then I released the body binding spell but the damage is done. Snape, Quirrel and Minnie saw the spell I used.

I slumped on the floor holding my side. No I am not getting black dots on my vision. No it is not that much of pain for my water works to start or for me to pass out. I started taking deep breaths.

It was pin drop silent for a minute except for Ron grumbling  of pain and some occasional sniff from him.
Once I calmed down, I tried to walk away from the situation, key word tried.

Quirrel burning gaze was fixed at me and my instincts are going off badly. The other professors are gaping at the now unconscious troll.

Once I stood up from my slump position, the professors snapped out of their gaping session at the unconscious troll.

McGonagall: Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, all of you!
Ron and Harry: Well, what it is...
Hermione: It's my fault, Professor McGonagall.
McGonagall: Miss Granger?
Hermione: "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. Gayathry told me how much of a bad idea it was. But I didn't listen to her. She just tried to save me. They all came looking for me. If they weren't here I would be dead. "

I don't like telling lies. Hypocrites. Ron told I am a Slytherin so I will tell lies. But aren't they lieing now.

McGonagall: Be that as it may was an extremely foolish thing to do. [Harry notices Snape's leg, which has the trousers' leg torn and a large cut on it. Snape notices and covers it up, glaring at Harry.] I would have expected more rational behavior on your part, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. [she turns to Harry and Ron] As for you two gentlemen and miss Strange I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points...will be awarded to each of you. [Harry and Ron grin at each other] For sheer dumb luck.
And miss Strange, I need to talk to you about this incident.
Snape:- Hope who don't mind but I also want to be there because I too have some questions for you miss Strange.
Gayathry:- Sorry professors, but there is nothing I wish to say about this. And professor McGonagall, I admire Hermione willingness to cover for me and her friends, but it was not like Hermione told. We didn't search for the trolls. We came for rest room and by the looks of it Potter and Weasley both realized their friend Hermione was not there while the news came.
Snape:- But I want to know how did you single handedly put a body binding spell on a fully grown mountain troll, miss Strange.
Gayathry- Professors, I am pretty sure I have a broken rib and a big angry bruise on my back. So you can imagine the pain I am in. If you let me go now, I have to visit madam Poppy.  Sorry professors, good night professors. I am going to visit  Madam Poppy now.
McGonagall- oh my God! Miss Granger, please accompany Miss Strange to the hospital wing quickly.
(With that me, Hermione walked out of the bathroom with minnie and Snape following us.)

No ones pov:-

Quirrell: Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh. [Harry and Ron exit the bathroom. Quirrell looks at the unconscious troll. The troll growls, seemingly going to wake up.] Ahh! Hehe....

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