Hello Poppy.

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I started my walk to my room. As I decided I can fix my injuries myself with the use of mystic magic.

Herm- "Where are you going, Gayathry?"
G-"To my room. I don't know about you guys but I had enough excitement for a day. "
Herm-"Are you mad? You should not leave your wounds untreated. And you told the professors that you are going to see the Infirmary wing. "
G- "I know. "
Herm-" So why are you suddenly going back to your dorm without getting your wounds treated? "
G- "Because I decided to take care of my wounds myself. "
Herm-" Don't be stupid, if you thought walking you to the hospital wing is a burden for us, It is not. You are hurt because of my stupidity. And also Ron  needs to check his wounds with Poppy. "
G-" It's okay. I am fine. Believe me when I say I can heal myself. You don't need to worry and good nigh.... Hey what in the name of odin are you doing? "( Hermione caught Gayathry before she could escape.)
Herm- " Boys, help me! I think she is having concussion and she is hallucinating that she can heal herself. Let's us take her to madam pomprey quickly. Sorry Gayathry but we are doing it for your safety. "
G- "Hey, I am not hallucinating or having concussion. Stay away from me... Ughhh.... Fine. I will come to the hospital wing with you guys. I can heal myself there before she finish treating his wounds. "

After entering the hospital wing, I noticed the hospital wing was empty except for Poppy. I was feeling giddy because I had heard from mom that she and dad were close with Poppy.

She was one of my favorite character from all the stories of my bedtime story aka my parents time in Hogwarts. I was Fangirling inside. Surely my eyes must have shown my starstruck reaction because the trio was giving me a weird look. But who cares because I was before Poppy.

Poppy:- What happened, dears?
Gayathry:- Hi, Madam Poppy! I can't believe I am talking to you. O my god.
Poppy:- Is she alright?
Hermione:- you know there was a troll on the school grounds right madam Pomprey. She was hit by it because of my mistake and  he was hit by the troll because of his carelessness thus why we are here. I think she might have a concussion and hallucinating because she keeps on saying she can heal herself.
Poppy:- oh my god! Come sit down here. What is your name, dears?
Ron:- Ronald Weasley.
Gayathry:- My name is Gayathry Strange. Don't worry, madam Poppy. My rib is broken and my back as ugly bruise. Nothing life threatening. And no concussion. I will heal myself. Sorry if my first reaction was weird. You know I heard a lot of stories from my mother about you and the marauders. And from the stories, you were one of my favorite characters. So thats the reason I am internally Fangirling.

I smiled shyly. The trio seemed amused by my reaction but who cares what they think. Poppy smiled kindly.

Pomprey:- As a healer, I have to check again whether it was all the problem. I don't think you can heal yourself my dear. It will take more than one month for the broken bone to heal if you left it naturally to heal. Also there is a possibility that...
Gayathry:- my bones might heal wrongly. No offense madam Poppy. There was a saying of a wise lady that I follow, " You can control anything by submitting to it. Just like swimming in a river. "
Ron:- Do you think she gone mental, due to the wounds.
Gayathry:- I didn't expect you to understand such wise words, Ron. Because let's face it, you are dumb.
Ron:- You are spewing nonsense and you say I am dumb.
Gayathry:- Look, I can prove. Madam Poppy treat him first. Let me heal myself. If I can't show you any improvisation in my current health you can heal me, and I will apologize to this dumb person here.

Poppy looks like she can't decide what to do. So she just started treating Ron's leg. Meanwhile, I willed part of my energy and the universe energy to heal my ribs in the right way. It is all manipulation of energy by submitting to it. My body is just a vessel for it  to flow.

When she finished treating Ron, my rib was healed and I just need twenty seconds more to heal my bruise which is in my back.

Poppy:- what!!! How is your rib healed this quickly?
Gayathry:- I manipulated my body to heal the ribs Madam Poppy. Twenty seconds, the bruise will be healed too.
Ron, wise words always look dumb because it doesn't make sense to many. Hermione, I told you I can heal myself see and I know you were dying to know how I did the spell on the troll but the answer to that lies on the wise words of that lady.
Poppy:- what spell, dear?
Hermione:- Full body binding spell on the troll. Which is impossible!
Harry:- why is it impossible?
( Harry was ignored........................
............................. )
Poppy:- Miss Strange, if what they were telling is true then I have to give magic energy reducers on you because
Gayathry:- My fragile body doesn't have that much capacity to hold on that much power resulting in lose of control and also my death. Poppy, I know that. But you can check my body. My magic energy is not that much as she claims.

Poppy checked my body.

Poppy:- Miss Strange, your magic core is high but not for concerning level.
Gayathry:- Poppy, even though I can heal myself the only downfall is I will be tired after that, so I thought healing myself in my dorm would be wise but some persons decided I was hallucinating so can I rest here and go to my dorm in the morning?

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