How to plan a prank discreetly.

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After I finished talking with Hermione, I grabbed the twins exclaiming that I want a tour of the castle. On reality I don't want witnesses for our future crime tonight so I want to throw off the golden trio of our trail. If my plan executed correctly, there will be no evidence that we were the one who did the prank.
Yeah you heard me correctly, I already have a plan. Just I have to inform them how to do it. While going, we spotted Lee, and the twins literally dragged him by his back of the shirt.
I took them to the corridor which was currently abandoned only having a Hufflepuff who is not my age. I may guess he must be a fourth or fifth year.
I decided to tell them the plan discreetly while playing with the twins making a alibi that we were only playing and not planning. We had more than 6 hours for dinner so there is no rush.
The twins were eying me curiously.
Gayathry- " Okay guys let us play a game I used to play when I was young."
I said loud enough for the Hufflepuff to hear.
My eyes must be sparkling with mischief that the twins know I am upto something.
Lee groaned, and exclaimed that he thought we had much more important things to do than playing. The twins just hit him on his ribcage with their elbows on either side.
Gayathry- " It is called 7 steps. Let me explain the rules, there must be a catcher. The catcher must give a topic in which the remaining members will discuss a name for each discretly. Then they tell the chosen names to the catcher without telling them who chose which name.
And the remaining members will form a single line. When the catcher say start we run, and when the catcher say stop we stop quickly. Then the catcher will call a name from the names we chosen and everyone except the said name is safe. Then the catcher must stomp his feet on the person within 7 steps. If he did so then, the person whose leg was stomped becomes the catcher. If not, the catcher as to be the catcher till he succeed. Do we all understand the rules?"
The twins nodded and we turned towards Lee who was grumbling. The twins lifted their elbows threatening him, and he quickly nodded that he understood.
The Hufflepuff boy was watching us discreetly now, perfect.
Gayathry- " Since Lee is grumbling too much he can be the catcher. Give us a topic. "
Lee-" Uggh.... Fine...Hmmm.... How about zonkos products? "
Gayathry- " Okay give us 3 minutes we will discuss our names and come. "
We made it to the farthest corner leaving Lee beside the Hufflepuff.
Fred-" By the twinkle in your eyes, We aren't only playing are we, shortie? "
Gayathry-" Oh, Freddie... How you know me this much! Yes you are correct. I have a plan to discuss yet I want no one to know we were behind this. Of course they will guess it is you as you are the only pranksters the school has. But I am making sure they can't prove it. The Hufflepuff over there is our alibi. The game is only a cover. We don't want a whole 3 minutes to chose a name, do we? "
The twins and me shared a mischievous smile then I started telling them the plan before the completion of time we decided the names and I told them half of my plan another half as to wait till we complete this round. My chosen name for the game was nose bitting teacup, Fred was hiccup candies and George was sugar quills.
After telling the chosen names, we formed a line.
We run with all we had when Lee called start. He gave a solid 1 minute before he called stop. Fool I say. I would have only gave like 10 seconds.
We were far from Lee.  Me being the slightly nearest to Lee.
I think he expected me to be sugar quill. When he knew George was sugar quill who was the farthest, you must have seen his face. Lol.
Me and Fred moved besides each other as we are not needed and we are safe.
Lee-" How can I reach him within 7 steps? "
He shouted and I shrugged, a smile threatening to appear on my face. He tried and let me tell you it was hilarious as he was wearing a robe. The Hufflepuff attention was no longer in his book, he had closed his book and kept it far away from him. He was also biting his laughter.
After Lee's failure to reach George he seems like he got a fire to win this round. He gave us another topic and now I have finished telling my plan and the twins looked so much satisfied with my plan.
And after that we started to genuinely play the game. The Hufflepuff senior too joined us along with passerby with free time. What once was a boring according to Lee as now became a sudden interest on many.  The only 4 who was playing now became 20. I was the only Slytherin. After 2 to three hours I noticed the trio gaping at us and the trio too joined us.
Once during the game, it came to me and harry. Me being the catcher and him being the name I chose among the names they told me, just my luck. Awkward was a understatement with him avoiding me.
Sun started to set and my plan is going to be in motion tonight. But before that me and hermione started our study session.

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