We were worried sick, shortie.

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The next day, I woke up late with only 2 minutes to spare for breakfast. So I stopped time and went to get ready, within few moments I was ready and I resumed the time.
I started walking towards the great hall. I prepared myself at heart for the wound the twins are going to give me by not believing me when I tell them about Quirrel. I will wait till the end of breakfast to tell them.
I started walking towards the twins. When the twins noticed me they came running towards me, and hugged me like I would disappear the next moment.
G- we were worried sick, shortie. Where were you yesterday?
Gy- I will tell you guys something after dinner.
With that said we ate our breakfast.
F- Shortie, we were worried when we knew you were entering the forbidden forest.
Gy- How did you guys found out I went to the forbidden forest?
F- we will tell you privately shortie.
We ate breakfast in silence which was unusual for all of us.
Once the three of us finished eating without a word, we all started walking out. The moment I stepped out of the great hall the twins whisked me to a secret passage they know.
G- Now, tell us, what happened?
Gy- I don't know how you guys will react, but believe me there is no reason for me to lie to you guys. Beware of Quirrel. I know you feel absurd. Dumbledore is playing with every single students life by turning his ears deaf to my warnings.
F- Calm down shortie. We will be beware of him as we trust you but you have to give me atleast some reasons on why we must be beware of him. Did he harm you, Shortie?
Gy- He is fake shuttering to make him look pathetic and weak. He is like a snake waiting to bite when the victim is not aware. He had not harm me yet. But I put myself in his target list by trying to expose him.
G- What do you mean, Gayathry. Do you believe us, if yes tell us what happened?
Gy- I believe you guys. Guess I will tell you. But whatever I tell you guys, you can't tell others and ask how I did it. Yesterday when you guys left me at dada class my instincts were screaming danger and Quirrel was fake shuttering. I am a martial arts tutor. So I have seen my fair share of students putting on acts to escape me. So I saw through his acts. And Then this is where I fucked up. I was so restless and irritated that I made the stupid decision of calling him off of his act and stormed out of the class. I didn't think of it too much and didn't realize how much that would bite me in the ass later. I had some work to do so I went to the library. There I got some questions. For that questions I started to look into the future, I know you want to know, how can I look into it. But it is not time yet boys for the truth but anyways when I saw the future I was shocked to the core. Quirrel is hoisting a part of you know who in his back of his head. That's why he always wears turban. He is planning on resurrecting him. And I didn't care for it really, but I cared for what happened next, the golden trio life was in danger.
So I went to Dumbledore who indirectly told he doesn't believe me as my mind is closed and Quirrel's is not.
Then only I really thought about it, by stupidly calling off his act, I put myself and you guys in danger, as I am only close to you guys. Everyone believes his act blindly, when someone is not as blind as the rest, he will see them as threat.
Since the trio's life was in danger too I went to them and informed them but they said I am a Slytherin and I can't be trusted. Worst is they think me and Professor Snape is working together to kill Harry.
I was hurted by all the untrustworthy feelings on me, so I went to the forbidden forest to heal my soul. I didn't noticed the lapse of time, as mother nature was tending to my soul wounds. Once she healed me, I noticed it was night, so I came to see professors searching for me. That's what happened. "
F- wow, you had a long day yesterday. Don't worry we believe you. We will be beware of Quirrel. But we have to give credit for his acting. Okay it is now our turn to spill a secret.
George took a parchment from his pocket. It is not a parchment, it is Marauders Map I know from mom's story.
G- This is..
Gy- Marauders map? How did you got it?
F- what? How do you know about this map?
Gy- It belonged to moony, prongs, padfoot and wormtail. Whose life was my bedtime story for years, till my mother left me.
G- So you know who are this Marauders?
Gy- Yes, I know. I heard about this map too much but never seen it. How do you guys have it?
F- Got it from Filtch office in our first year. From that day, we had been able to do a prank without getting caught.
Gy- Can I have a look?
F- Sure shortie.
He gave me the map.
Gy- I solely swear I am upto no good.

The parchment became to map before my own eyes. It was extraordinary. A thought stuck in my mind. If I wanted to go to sanctuary, the twins can know I am not in Hogwarts. I have to write to dad about this or I can create a portal. Ask dad to stand on the opposite side itself and talk to him face to face.
After seeing everything I closed the map with mischief managed.
G- Whenever you want shortie, take this map, the only condition is be careful don't let anyone take this map.
I smiled at them. They believe me. They trust me. I will not let them down. I will protect them with my life. I promised to myself.
Gy- Thank you guys. You don't know how much it means to me. And don't worry when I use this map I would make sure to use it carefully and return it to you. And on brighter note, I made a friendship with peeves. So he will be an ally in our pranks therefore.
F- You are making impossible things possible, sweetness. How did you made a friendship with peeves. He respects us but never extended is partnership or friendship.
Gy- That my dear Gred and Forge, is a part of my charm. I, Gayathry, from my birth as always done impossible things possible. So don't be surprised when anything impossible occurs around me. Yikes, look it is time for my potion class. See you guys later.

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