Uncle Reg

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Gayathry pov:-
I looked around to see I was in a place which looked like it was out of fantasy novel. Purplish sky with light tint of pinkish hue. It was mesmerizing. As I was looking I didn't noticed someone.
"Hi, Gayathry , happy to see you at last. I am called by many names but you can call me Mara." A handsome looking man said. He looked to be in his late twenties. He had black hair and black eyes.
"Where am I?"
"In afterlife. No you are not dead. I assume, you used your healing powers?" Mara asked.
"I wouldn't recommend using any unknown power without knowing it's side effects. There is no such thing as free food. In this case your life source is the payment for healing someone. You see when you use this ability of yours more and more before letting your life source replenish, it will be a hellish torture. More torturous than a crucio curse. And you can't heal a person who is already dead. But if you really want someone back from the land of dead, you can come and ask me. By the way, Coming here saps out all the energy and when you wake up you will feel worst hangover. If you asked me to resurrect someone understand that I am not the person in incharge here. There is a boss lady over me. Fate. But don't worry I will try my best to persuade her. If the person is not dangerous for the safety of earth then there is a high possibility I can grant you your wish. Between you and me, fate is a real bitch. If you resurrect someone then her focus would shift to torture your life. Mind it and before asking me to resurrect someone decide whether it is worth or not." Mara explained.
"Why me?"
"What do you mean?" Mara asked genuinely confused.
"Why do I have the power to heal and why do I get a chance to resurrect someone? Why me?"
"Because, in a way you are my and my love Jeevana's child." Mara said with some fondness in his eyes.
"Generally soul is created by Jeevana alone, but one day Jeevana got adament that she wants me to create half of a soul and the rest she will do so that soul will represent our love. You can say like a soul child. And who am I to deny? We created a beautiful soul together and Jeevana planned on giving you a happiest life and she really tried by ensuring you are gifted to a caring mother but as I said earlier fate is a bitch and she takes every opportunity to torment you. Because she knows that is what hurts as both. To see our only child in pain. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by saying this, as I know you prefer your adoptive dad to biological dad and I don't want to add any stress by saying in a way I am your pa too. Leave it for another day, my sweet child. When ever you are comfortable and want to talk about it we can talk. Okay?" Mara- no pa said. I hugged him tightly and said,
"Thank you for thinking about me pa. Don't worry about fate. In some ways my life isn't a complete tragedy. My dad is so sweet and I don't know you that much but I trust my instincts. And I have a good feeling about this. But why is ma not here?"
" Oh my sweety, you are in afterlife how can you expect her here? She creates and I collect them when fate is done playing with them. She comes once in three months and stay for a day. Together we decide whether re carnation for the soul is needed or not."Pa explained.
"Is someone that I know is still here?"
"Gayathry you must understand most spirits don't need re carnation. Everyone from your family or your biological father friends are here. "Pa explained with barely hidden distaste in the last part. Seeing the confused look in my eyes he explained further,
" Your father friends James and Marlene are pain in my- They are literal trouble. They drive me mad with their pranks. " The way pa stopped swearing realising that I was there had me giggling like crazy.
"Can I visit them pa?"
" What my princess wants that is what she gets. But you can't stay long the Avengers are panicking there."
"Okay I will say a quick hello to uncle Reggie, uncle James and aunty lily, aunty Marlene, aunty dorcas, grandma Mia and grandpa Monty. Then I will visit them with you soon."
"Okay princess let's go. "
"Pa, how do I come here again?"
" It will be natural for my sweets don't worry. All you have to do is find a dark place and picture the city you will see now. You will be able to come here easily. After practicing a few years you won't even need it to be dark. But beware your body will be in a vulnerable position. So take note that you are in a safe place before you come here. Do you understand princess?"
"Yes pa"
With that he took me inside a city, and gone to a beautiful appartment next to a beach. Near the beach I see most of them, I can't resist saying,
"Careful uncle Reggie. Before going near water you must take your swimming classes." Which had Uncle James and aunty Marlene laugh out loud. Aunty lily, aunty dorcas were giggling. And even pa snickered.
"Every funny" uncle Reggie said and suddenly freezed
"Uncle?" Hearing this except pa all froze.
"Let me introduce myself, Gayathry Cassiopeia Strange, daughter of Agnes Wyllt who you know as Agnes Wahba, my mom and Sirius Black, my sperm donor adopted by Dr. Stephen Strange, my dad and soul daughter of Mara, my pa and Jeevana. I know who you all are as mom used to tell me all about you before she went mad. Aunt Lily, Aunt Marlene, Aunt Dorcas, Uncle James and Uncle Reg- why are you crying?"
" Today only I know I had a niece, why must you be dead this young? I don't want you dead. Why are you dead?"
"Uncle Reg I am not dead. You must have missed to notice me calling Mara my pa. As his soul daughter I got the ability to come to afterlife that's all. Okay listen family I got only a short time so I have to see the legendary Grandma Mia and Grandpa Monty, where are they?"
After the gang leading me to Mia and Monty and they asking about their friends and family and pa saying it has been 15 minutes I left afterlife. I opened my eyes and I wished I stayed in afterlife itself because I felt a very worst headache along with sensitive eye and ears which the Avengers don't seem to understand. What did pa call it hangover. If this is what how it feels after booze I don't think I am ever touching that shit ....oops pardon my language.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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