Agnes Wahba????? What???

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(A/n:- I already told that there will be slight push on the timeline. So it won't be happening in 90's. It happened in 2000.)
I entered the library. Unsurprisingly the library was empty. Madam pince gave me a look of disapproval which I honestly don't care about. I asked her for old newspapers.
And she pointed to a corner where many yellowish newspaper were tied in a bundle, she still maintained the disapproval look. I quickly move towards the rack. They have tied bundles according to years. I quickly took the 10 year old newspaper. I know the month but not the date. So I separated only 31 paper out of the 365  paper and started going through the 31 paper. I didn't search long as I saw my mother's photo on front of a newspaper. I quickly took that paper alone arranging the rest and sat on a table.

                                           17 August, 2005

Agnes Wahba tortured to madness by death eaters.

At 178A Bleecker Street, London, lived Ms. Agnes Wahba,a 20 year old amongst the muggles apparently for her personal reasons. Surprisingly there is nothing much known about this lady.
Mr. Crouch explains that they saw the signal of dark mark being casted. And as soon as they found the place, Mr.Crouch, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Scrimgeour had apparated there. There they only found Ms. Wahba, apparently the death eaters didn't killed her but tortured her to unconsciousness. After admitting Ms. Wahba in St. Mungus, they found out that her brain cells have been damaged due to the attack and she cannot be recovered.
Mr. Fudge gives statement that they had to oblivate nearly 20 muggles as the muggles have seen the dark mark before it was removed.
The reason behind her attack still remains a mystery.

What kinda nonsense is this? First her   mother's name is Agnes Wyllt. Not Wahba and secondly there is no mention of 1 year and 2 month old baby who they thought was dead. From this she knows there is more mystery to it. She wanted to know what happened but it put lot of question in her mind.
She quickly placed the newspaper on its respective place in the bundle and left the library. The question were literally eating her mind and she as only one way to find out:- time stone. So she went to her dorm bathroom and locked it and went to mirror dimension and started to see all paths that are to occur in future.
She confronted Mr. Weasley. From that future she learnt that his memory was oblivated.
She confronted Mr. Crouch and from that she found what really happened.
Apparently after Mr. Weasley confirmed the 1 year baby's death, Mr. Crouch ordered Mr. Weasley to leave the body of the child for now till admitting her mother in St. Mungus because there was no record about her mom having a baby. And he didn't have any information for the press. With reluctance, Mr. Weasley left the child's body with the promise of Mr. Crouch to come back to retrieve the body.
After admitting, they came back as promised but there was no body. Mr. Weasley told they have to tell it to Dumbledore but before he could do anything more Mr. Crouch oblivated him and for extra measures Mr. Scrimgeour too. He didn't want people to criticize his leadership.
That explains why Dumbledore doesn't know or connected that she is the daughter of Agnes.
She confronted Dumbledore about her mother's last name. He explains that is for her mother's safety that he gave her a different surname with the consent of my mother herself . He apparently explained why she needs to change instead of just telling her to go with the surname he gave. Merlin was a great wizard. So Voldemort will surely be after her if he knows her identity, or better yet whose descendant she was.
She only saw two paths of how this first year goes among 14 billion something path. From this she knows that Voldemort is sticking from the back of  professor Quirrel. And they are planning to resurrect Voldemort using philosopher stone and harry and his friends are in fucking danger. She didn't saw the remaining paths she just want to inform Dumbledore about it.
Even though harry doesn't treat her nice the prospect that someone might hurt him didn't settle down with her . She felt her eyes burning with water and yet she is too stubborn to let it down.
She quickly left the mirror world and unlocked her door and sprinted towards Dumbledore's office.
She told the gargoyle sherbet lemon and it swung open.
She knocked on the door and  professor Dumbledore voice came giving her the permission to come in. She only entered to stop death in track when she saw Quirrel was also with Dumbledore and by the looks of it he is telling him about her.
She have to play her cards correctly. Already she made a stupid decision of calling him off on his stupid fake shuttering which many professors believe his true and from the look of Dumbledore he too trust this man.
Even if she can prove he has Voldemort sticking in the back of his head, she will become a threat to Voldemort. But she does not want to let harry in danger too.
She stand there silent contemplating everything. Dumbledore realizes that whatever she came to say she won't until professor Quirrel goes, so he asked him to meet him in a few minutes and assures he will talk about her actions to her.
Quirrel left and she kept glancing between the door through which he walked out and Dumbledore. Dumbledore had this twinkle in his eyes demonstrating his curiosity.
Dumbledore-" Ms. Strange, what do you want to talk about. "
She didn't want to talk aloud just in case he was spying so she created a temporary telepathy between Dumbledore and herself.
She know this will make Dumbledore interest in solving her mystery will increase but harry and his friends life is also important.
(Italics for telepathical communication. D is for Dumbledore and G is for gayathry)
G- Hello, professor Dumbledore. Can you hear me. If you want to say something think of it to display in my mind.
Dumbledore looked so surprised by it. His twinkle just increasing dramatically.
D- I can hear you. What is this? How can you do this?
G- Professor I can talk telepathically just like how I have a mind barrier. But I have important matter to discuss. Please listen to me, professor. Harry's life is in danger. Quirrel is not who you think he is. He is hosting a part of Voldemort soul in his body. He wants to resurrect Voldemort using the philosopher stone.
D-Ms. Strange, are you a seer?
G-No, professor but-
D- Do you think I will let danger come to my school. I have legicimency and I have checked Quirrel's mind before appointing him as defense against the dark arts teacher. And I trust my staffs. I heard your behaviour with Professor Quirrel in the class. I must say I am disappointed.
G- Professor, I can prove my claim. Just ask Mr. Quirrel to remove his turban. You will-
D- Please Ms. Strange. I trust professor Quirrel. His mind is open for anyone to enter and he hasn't gave me a reason to not believe him. Drop this issue and I don't want you to spread rumours about this.
Dumbledore indirectly told that he didn't trust me. My eyes became cold as I put on my emotionless face on.

G- okay, fine professor. But I won't attend any of his class I can manage dada on my own and another important thing, remember if harry gets hurt because you didn't believe me it is not my fault.

With that I broke of the connection and stormed off without a word or let him say another word.

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